How I fell for Scorpius Malfoy von annalina ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: One Fine Friday -------------------------- A/N: Thanks for reading - and I´m very sorry for any mistakes I´ve made. I think my beta´s quite busy currently. So if you have any tips, reviews... I´d be glad to hear what you think about it :) There are these days on which I´m really asking myself why the heck I even bothered to get up. That Friday in early December was such a day. The whole week was a mess, but on that day just everything seemed to go wrong. And that Friday happened to be the beginning of my story. Okay, that´s not really the truth. I could start with those precious memories of 1st September (what seems to be) a few years ago, when Dad told me not to get too friendly to Scorpius, the spawn of his former enemy Draco Malfoy. Or maybe it would be interesting if I told you how we became partners for a project in Potions in our third year and had our first real conversation with each other (without teasing and sticking your tongue out and all that stuff). Or I could talk about that day in summer two years ago, when I received my Hogwarts letter, which said that Scorpius and I had become Heads. Maybe that´s all important. But I´ve never been a fan of this kind of detailed information. I´m quite sure you know these people who are about to tell you `the story of the millennium`, start to chatter about something and 10 minutes later you´re just thinking…`What are you even talking about? For Merlin´s sake, get to the point!` So I decided to start with that bloody Friday. The first milestone of my story. Our story. (And just to let you know: Scorp`s and my ´getting together` … well…our whole relationship has never been very romantic. It´s quite ridiculous actually. So don´t tell me I haven´t warned you.) I had had to do tons of homework the night before, and after I had been done with my stupid Head Girl duties and after about 4 hours of studying, I just had fallen asleep on my DADA essay. Actually I just had wanted to close my eyes for a few moments, but then I had started to slaver onto my notes. In retrospect I´d say, that I took the whole Head Girl and N.E.W.T. thing – like everything in life – too bloody seriously. And incidents like these happened many times, when I come to think of it. So after falling asleep at 2 o´clock in the morning it was bound to happen: Of course I overslept. But it wasn´t the ´I´ll really have to hurry up if I want to get some breakfast´ - kind of oversleeping. I woke up 5 minutes after my Transfiguration lesson had started. I stared at my watch incredulously for about 10 seconds. Slavering on my notes – yeah, that totally sounded like me. But being unpunctual? Me? Hermione Weasley´s daughter? Never. I think I beat some world record in an attempt to collect my things about 5 times faster than usual. I´m sure even Superman couldn´t hold a handle to me. I didn´t want to waste time, so I just picked up every book I could find, pushed the whole stuff into my bag and nearly stumbled over my own feet when I left my dorm. I regretted my genius idea of taking every book of mine with m a few minutes later. Apparently my bag wasn´t used to such an amount of books, and before I knew was happening, all of them were spread across the floor. Well, it wasn´t the floor actually. I was standing on one of the moving staircases. Great. Just perfect. While I was picking them up, somebody bent down to help me. I raised my head and looked right into the green eyes of David Johnson, a Ravenclaw who was in my year. “Morning Rose. Why in such a hurry?” Why in such a hurry?? Jeez, this guy was pissing me off! Okay. That sounds a bit rude – David´s a great guy. Very nice and polite, smart… But this was just not the right moment for a nice conversation after running over a nice Ravenclaw who happened to have one of his free studying lessons in the morning, while I was rushing through the whole castle. Although I was just annoyed, something in the back of my mind told me to shut my mouth. And I decided that this was the right choice. I mean… He was trying to help me and I was pissed off? What heck was wrong with me? “I overslept. Would you mind….?” “Oh sure” he replied quickly and handed me over my books. I looked at my bag, spoke a quick ´Reparo´, but I didn´t want to take the risk of ruining it again. So I carried my books with my bare hands. “Thanks David.” I said and rushed away. “Shall I help you with the books?” I turned around again. “No, thanks, that´s okay.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah, it´s okay. Really” “Oh… okay… You´re very welcome.” I disappeared around the corner, but still heard his voice. “See you, Rose.” Just one minute later I nearly bumped into a First Year – she was crying, because she got lost. I mean… Seriously, it had been 3 months since her first day in Hogwarts. You´d think after three months a 11-year-old girl would be able to get to her class after 3 months. But no, apparently not… The nicer part of me reminded me that I had been pretty much the same, so I explained the way to the DADA room very patiently. She beamed at me and rushed away happily. So after the moving staircase incident, the little conversation with David and after my good deed for the day, I arrived at the Transfiguration classroom exactly 23 minutes too late. My attempts to get into class inconspicuously completely failed when I dropped my books once again. Everybody turned their head to me, and I felt myself blushing. It was utterly silent until my precious Transfiguration teacher exhaled scoffingly. “Thanks Miss Weasly for joining us today. What a pleasure.” I´d never known what his fucking problem was, but he always had been teasing me. “I´m so sorry, I – “ “Spare us your pathetic apologies. Sit down.” What a prick I quickly walked to my table back in the room and sat down beside Dominique. “Where the hell have you been? I´m dying here out of boredom.” “Well, how awful.” I whispered sarcastically. “I fell asleep over my fucking homework and – “ “Miss Weasley, if I were you, I´d be the last one to disturb the lesson.” It really wasn’t my day. --- My annoyance reached its peak around noon at the Gryffindor table. Terry Bleaker – the guy I´d had some kind of thing for in my fourth year – handed me over a book, which I forgot in the Transfiguration classroom. “Nice choice of literature, Rose” It really wasn’t a good idea to carry take all my books with me. And the book I managed to forget just happened to be “Unshaken love” – some terribly cheesy novel about… well, trust me, you don´t want to know what it is about. It´s just some random book I was given by Nana. Usually I read too much for my own good, as Dad put it once, but this book is a torture. Apparently Terry had read a few pages or something. He was grinning at me. Some years before I would have melted, if he just had looked at me. But that day I shot him an unkind glare and just snapped “Thanks.” “My pleasure.” But Terry was already walking away… My head spun around quickly. Scorpius Malfoy was standing right behind me. I sighed. “Malfoy… What do you want?” He sat down beside me at the Gryffindor table. “I was asking myself if you´d fancy a date tonight.” I quirked an eyebrow and looked at him suspiciously. And then I realized… “Oh no. Malfoy, please tell me you didn´t.” He bit his lip. “I´m sorry. That Hufflepuff Prefect, the one with the crooked nose – “ “Tommy Jones.” “ – yep, him… He asked me if we could change our patrol duty. They have to do some kind of project for Astronomy, and … well, honestly, I didn´t really listen. It had to do something with full moon. And that´s tonight.” I was frustrated. Honestly, I started banging my head on the table. “Well… I can tell him no, if you wanted.”, he said half – amusedly. I lifted my head again. Don´t be such a wimp. You´re Head Girl, for Merlin´s sake! “No, it´s okay.” Malfoy looked at me concernedly. “Are you sure? I could to this alone, if you – “ That´s your duty as Head Girl “No, really. 8 o´clock, in the Entrance Hall?” He nodded and stood up. “See it positive…. we´ll have a weekend off.” I just sighed as respond. Like I ever had a weekend off… “And Rose… Go to your room and lie down. You really look like you´d need some sleep.” I frowned at him. He just grinned and walked away to the Slytherin table. Another sleepless night. And on top of all, I was going to spend it with Scorpius Malfoy. This day was just becoming better and better. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (