How I fell for Scorpius Malfoy von annalina ================================================================================ Kapitel 5: Anything but ´good´ ------------------------------ This chapter took me ages. I´ve started it a while ago, but I had some things on my mind that kind of queered my pitch. For all those who already graduated.... Be thankful! My final exams are driving me crazy right now. I had quite a few problems with that chapter, and I´m not really happy with it. (I´m a bit of a weirdo, I know...). On top of that, I´m still in need of a beta... So once again: I´m very sorry for any mistake! Well, I hope you enjoy it more than I do... Let me know what you think about it! Oh, and speaking of Firewhiskey... If you are looking for a good story: I´ve read that one, just after finishing the chapter - ... Whim of fate ;) Cheers :] Maybe I really needed some distraction. Maybe I was just pissed off by all these things I had on my mind. Maybe it was because of that stupid fight with Hugo. Maybe I was just looking for fun on a bloody Friday night after a week that turned out to become one of the worst in my whole Hogwarts career – apart from the weeks when we took our N.E.W.T. exams about 6 months later. Maybe I only wanted to prove Hugo wrong and convince myself, that I wasn´t being boring, prude and uptight. Probably it was every bloody thing of that nice list of possible things which could have led me to approve to that crazy idea. But as soon as I said, that I was joining him and followed him to his dorm, I started to regret my decision. Why in Merlin´s name did I have to yes? This was the question I was asking myself over and over again while we were walking to the east wing of the castle, where his dorm was located. And it was the question which my inner voice was practically screaming at me. It was the craziest cloak-and-dagger operation I´ve ever done, it was plain lunatic, and yes – I do know that I was a complete hypocrite. I mean, first I condemned Hugo and his irresponsible behaviour, and after that I went on and got drunk myself. Okay, actually I didn´t plan to get drunk. I really didn´t. But I could have guessed that drinking Firewhiskey when you were absolutely not used to alcohol was basically a kamikaze operation. And, believe me: A boy, a girl and a bottle of Firewhiskey are just the recipe for disaster. Well… at least I know that now. But at some point I decided, that I didn´t care. I shut myself and my inner voice up. And seriously… How much harm could be done by having fun? My inner dialogue between my moralizer and me continued until we reached his dorm. Malfoy opened the door and let me in. “So here we are.” I looked around. Apparently the Head Boy´s dorm was built exactly like mine. It looked quite similar, despite the fact that all the curtains and covers were green, and it was messy. Then again, “messy” is a relative conception. Compared to my room, every room looks messy – I was brought up by the most orderly mother you could find. Compared to James´ or Al´s room… Well, let´s not go there… Malfoy tilted his head. “Erm… Are you going to sit down or do you prefer standing around?” I sighed and collapsed onto his bed. I felt kind of helpless. Why did everything have to go so terribly wrong that day? Why was everything just so … chaotic? Malfoy sat beside me and handed over a glass of Firewhiskey. I sat up and took it. “You really shouldn´t think about it that much, you know.”, he said all of a sudden. I sighed again. “Maybe.” I looked at my glass. I hoped that this stuff wasn´t that strong. I still could remember Al´s birthday party the summer before… Dominique had way too much of the Firewhiskey and had to throw up in her own bedroom. I had never seen my Uncle Bill that infuriated. But I wasn´t that naïve and careless as Dominique, was I? Malfoy raised his glass, and so did I. “Cheers, Weasley.” He grinned at me. “Cheers.”, I murmured and downed the whiskey. It was strong, and it burnt down my throat, but he had been absolutely right: This stuff was amazing. It tasted much better than I had expected. “Woah… Easy, girl!” I shot him a glare. “Don´t >Easy, girl< me, Malfoy! I´ve heard that before.” Really, I had enough of everybody soothing me. He grinned. “Okay, I´m sorry.” He poured me another glass. This was definitely going to be interesting. Actually I had expected that the evening would be a bit awkward. I had expected that neither of us would know what to talk about. But we seemed to get along with each other pretty easily. Apparently we had more in common then I had thought. First of all, he didn´t like Quidditch very much. He loved watching games, but he was absolutely untalented. The same goes for me. I´ve been afraid of flying since I´d fallen off a broom when I had been 6. “Even my uncle Percy´s daughters are suckers for Quidditch – and I think Percy hadn´t touched a broom since he had been in Hogwarts. But apart from him every member of my family is playing Quidditch.”, I babbled. Yes, I know… I talk a bit too much when I´m tipsy. But Scorpius didn´t seem to be bothered at all. Au contraire, he actually listened to me. I can´t tell about what exactly we were talking all the time. Alcohol does very strange things to people. I told him many things which I wouldn´t even have considered telling him if I hadn´t been drunk. About six glasses of whiskey later I was complaining about my fight with Hugo. Again. “Just forget it. Believe me, puberty is an awful phase for boys at his age.”, he said, took another sip of his Firewhiskey and looked at me contemplatively. “Maybe he was just that angry because he´s got a crush on one of those chicks who were with him.” “Or maybe it´s just because he´s an asshole.”, I replied. Scorpius raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Oh, you´d never think what a bloke would do to impress a girl, Rosie.” “Enlighten me. And don´t you dare to call me Rosie ever again.” I hated that nickname, although I didn´t tell anyone. Everyone else seemed to adore it. He reminisced. “When I was 14, I was totally into that girl living in the apartment next door.” I frowned. “You´re living in an apartment?”, I asked. “No, but my parents own a flat near Diagon Alley; and … well… our neighbour was absolutely gorgeous. She was my first crush since I had been in Primary School.” I had to grin. Scorpius Malfoy told me about his personal love – life. Yep, that guy was definitely intoxicated. “There´s a park near the building, and she always used to sit there and read. She was a sucker for Muggle literature, and at that time she preferred Paulo Coelho. I didn´t have the guts to talk to her, so I went into a Muggle shop and bought one of his books. But unfortunately that was the first time I bought anything in a Muggle shop. It was totally embarrassing.” My grin became wider. “Two days after I had bought the book I saw her walking through Diagon Alley with a boy… hand in hand.” He sighed dramatically. I laughed. “So, tell me, poor Scorpius, how did you manage to handle it?” “I came over it… eventually. But those Coelho books have become my favourite ones. “ Apparently he didn´t lie.… There was an exemplar of “Eleven minutes” on his bed locker. Very interesting. “Scorpius Malfoy is reading Muggle books. You learn something new everyday.”, I murmured. “Well… What did you expect? Witch Weekly?” “No… You just don´t seem to be… a reading guy.” “What kind of guy do I seem to be?” “The kind of >Let´s-go-and-get-drunk-with-the-bottle-of-Firewhiskey-we´ve-just-confiscated< guy” He grinned. “Yep, that totally sounds like me.” I took another sip of his whiskey. He watched me. “You know, Weasley…. I honestly have to say…. You do surprise me.” “Why is that?” “Don´t get me wrong… I don´t consider you to be boring… or prude…. or uptight….” I frowned at him. “I don´t need you to repeat my brother´s lovely description, thank you very much.” He simply passed over my comment. Why did everybody ignore my comments? “Look, I´ve kind of supposed that you are more than just the nice, little, smart Head Girl. I´ve known your temper too well… But having an outburst like this and going off to have some private time with the Head Boy – that´s something I´d never expected.” “That´s something no one would ever expect, I guess.”, I answered. “Good girls don´t do that, do they?” Malfoy grinned. “Rose, I don´t know you quite well, but I could definitely tell: You´re anything, but a good girl.” “Well, that´s what everyone expecting from me… Being a good example for anybody. Behaving well. Being the nice little flagship daughter of Ronald and Hermione Weasley.”, I just blurred out. Like I said… I wouldn´t have told him any of this if I hadn´t been that tipsy. Well… I guess tipsy is a bit of an understatement here. “Who expects you to be like that? Your parents?” “I don´t know… I guess….” See, the thing is… Being the daughter of such famous parents definitely pressure on you. My entire life I had that feeling that there was just no way that I was allowed to fail. In anything. People just seemed to expect me to get anything right. Believe me, that does put a lot of pressure on you. Actually my family had always told me just to be myself. Especially Uncle Harry has encouraged me not to give a damn what people are thinking. But still… It took me about 17 years to figure that out. “Funny thing…”, Malfoy murmured. I looked at him questioningly. “Everywhere I´m going people are practically waiting for me to screw up. Seriously, everybody is looking at me as if to say…. >Hey Death Eater Spawn… When are you going to take over the world?<” He was right – that was funny. But his scowling stopped me from laughing. I began to feel a little uncomfortable. Like I´ve said… Scorpius was not that much of a talker at that time. But alcohol definitely started loosing his tongue. “You shouldn´t care what people think about you…” He looked at me for a few seconds. Then he smiled weakly. “You shouldn´t either.” This was it… Although the initial situation was completely different, this was the first thing that really bonded us – having an infamous family and trying to live up to some stupid standard to prove others that there was more behind us than our parents´ history. Malfoy refilled our glasses and raised his one. “To our famous families.”, he mumbled bitterly. “Cheers.” And that was the moment I realized that I had drunk a bit too much. A huge bit too much. I dropped my glass and spilled that stupid whiskey onto my Hogwarts uniform. Malfoy seemed to be quite amused. He started chuckling. “Oh, shut up, Malfoy.” I tried to take my pull off my sweater, but apparently my co – ordination was already quite out of hand. “Make yourself useful and help me out of my fucking clothes.” Well… That made him laugh even harder. I guess I can´t blame him. Anyway, he did help me out of my sweater. Yes, just out of the sweater. And yes, I had been wearing something else underneath my wet sweater. My Hogwarts blouse, if you must know. Any more questions? “We seem to be a bit out of control, aren´t we?”, Malfoy said huskily. Suddenly I realized that I´ve never been that close to Scorpius Malfoy. We were just about a dozen inches apart. His hair was falling right into his left eye. “I like your hair.”, I babbled. Malfoy quirked an eyebrow and smirked at me mischievously. Sometimes I really want to kill myself. “Erm… I´m sorry. Actually I didn´t want to say that aloud.”, I quickly added. This was just getting worse and worse. But Malfoy didn´t reply. Not at all. He just pressed his lips on mine. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (