How to catch a thief von K-Cee (Reita/Uruha, Aoi/Uruha) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: I ------------ Sweet bean paste, rice, sesame oil, some radish... Slowly, Kouyou packed his shopping bag with all the contents he needed for the next two or three days. He wasn't much of an eater anyway, especially when it came to meat and fish, so he didn't need that much. Besides, the konbini was empty - as far as he could overview it, he was the only customer recently - and he enjoyed the silence in the small store. Well, besides the pop music playing quietly in the background. It was already dark outside. Today, he had left the office very late but he couldn't mind less. Yes, he really didn't mind. He had to think of his still empty apartment where loads of clothes and moving-boxes stood all around the spacious place he now had to call home. He missed the place he used to live at with his best friend but with the success of being finally accepted at a renowned law office he had to say goodbye to his friends in Kanagawa and, also, to their old apartment. Well, Kouyou was a pretty nostalgic type of person. He liked his new apartment, really. It was, as said, spacious and kind of luxurious - he didn't even have to pay for it since it was his office's property anyway and he was offered to live there for free. But by now, that the moving had been four weeks ago and he still hadn't unpacked a single thing besides everyday goods like his toothbrush and his pajamas, he came to recognize how much he really missed home. Home and Akira. He missed the evenings when he'd come home and the other man had made some fried eggs for dinner - which he still failed in doing - and, what was far more important, he missed not being alone in his bed. He guessed Akira had always noticed him snuggling up to his back at nights but, as his best friend, he wouldn't mind and let Kouyou be as long as he himself could get proper sleep and Kou would be happy with the snuggling. There had been hugs and lifts, mocking jokes and slaps on the shoulder, high-fives. But now... The last night they had shared in their apartment, in their bed, had changed some things. Kouyou remembered snuggling up to the warm, muscular back as always, as the athletic corpse suddenly turned around and pulled him into a tight hug while skilled fingers brushed through his light brunette strands of silky hair. He had felt like crying but he couldn't. Everything's going to be okay, don't worry, Kou. But no, Akira was wrong. Everything, really everything besides his job was far from being 'okay'. Walking over to the frozen goods he bowed his slim body over one of the boxes with the glass top. Pizza. Yes, pizza sounded fine right now. A sudden push from behind made his hips bump hurtfully into the box's edge and he gave a hiss, ready to turn around and send the stranger to hell, but suddenly, he felt a body pressed against his backside - and, what was more important, somehing hard and edgy through the fabric of his shirt on his lower back. "We won't make a scene now, pretty, will we?", the stranger asked in a low, dark voice and shoved the piece of warm metal forward; and Kouyou could only guess it was a gun. Great. Four weeks in Tokyo and he was already going to get killed. He wondered what fucked up imagination of 'okay' Akira had... "What do you want..?", he heard himself whisper but made no move of resistance. He didn't receive an answer but felt a big, warm hand caress his sides and down his butt until they obviously found what they were looking for: his wallet. He dared a look to the corners of his eyes but all he recognized was that this part of the shop wasn't visible to the cameras and some tips of jet black hair. "I said don't make a scene.", the stranger hissed into his ear and pressed his body further up Kouyou's backside, "At least if you don't feel like dying today." Nodding slowly, Kouyou felt the other move away, but as he found the strength to turn around and look, the stranger was gone. Fuck. Exhaling a shaky breath and sinking to his weak knees, Kouyou grabbed a fistful of his own hair. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He tapped along the pockets of his suit's pants as he, gladly, found some notes to pay the pizza at least. And he needed pizza now. Pizza and some beer from his fridge and he definitely needed to call Akira. He somehow made it up to his feet again, leaving his bag aside and only grabbing some pizza from the frozen goods to stumble through the shop. With a hard on. He didn't know what exactly was wrong with him for being aroused over almost being killed by that stranger. ...that tall, good-smelling, black haired stranger with the large hands. What the hell was he thinking?! Kapitel 2: II ------------- "..Kou?" "Hey there..." "..what the heck, man, it's..." - some shuffling - "..4am.. why are you calling..?" Kouyou chuckled and took a sip of beer from the cooled bottle in his hand. "I was robbed today." "..what?!" "I was robbed today." "I understood that but... what?!" "What what?" "Did you call the police?" "No." "Why not?!" Again, Kouyou chuckled. "I have no idea." "Dude, you need to call the police.. did that guy hurt you or something?" "Don't worry, I'm all fine~", he drew out and rolled his eyes. Well, he was perfectly fine besides the still aching hard on in his pajama pants. "Was something important in your wallet?" "Money, my ID, my driver's license, credit cards..." "Shit." "Don't worry... all of that is replacable. He had a gun.. at least he let me live." "Oh fuck... Gods, Kou. I'll come over tomorrow..." "Aki.. don't." - suddenly, he whispered. He felt weak. He couldn't see him right now. Not right now that it still hurt not to be at home, and he had the bad feeling it could lead him to something stupid such as heading back again. "I'm worried, Kou..." "Don't..." Kouyou put his bottle of beer aside and hugged his knees, still sitting comfortably on the large couch. Ouch. Not a good idea... "I.. you know, I'm missing home too much to see you right now..." "I don't care." "Aki, please..." "I want to see you." "There's no need to. I told you I'm fine." "I don't believe you." "Good night, Aki." "Woh.. don't you dare hang up on m-" Kouyou cut the connection and turned his cellphone off. Cursing to himself, he threw the device aside and decided to call his friend tomorrow again and apologize, but now.. there was something else to take care of: Sleep. The brunette made his way over to the kitchen to put the used dishes into the sink and the empty bottles of beer onto the kitchen counter, and sighed. He decided for a late cup of tea before heading to bed but as soon as he pushed himself against the kitchen counter to grab a mug from the cupboard above his head, his body started to shake. His hips dug into the edge just like they had with the stranger in the store and suddenly, that smell flew over his nostrils again, alluring, and he could almost feel those large hands roaming over his body, searching for his wallet. He could feel them grabbing his butt and he could feel the hot breath on his ear and neck. His knees turned weak again and he had to put a hand on the counter to not sink to the ground again. Cheeks flushed, he gave up the idea of tea and pushed his free hand into his pants to let his lust take over him as he imagined the stranger pinning him against the box, his jet black hair falling over Kouyou's shoulder and his lips drawing patterns on his neck while he spoke dirty little somethings into the lawyer's ear. Pumping his erection with fast strokes of his fist, Kouyou hissed and threw his head back, imagining it to bump against the stranger's shoulder, imagined to be filled by those long fingers right in the middle of the store, before he came hard into his own hand. Wow. Did he just... Kouyou's thoughts were cut short and were in disorder as he found himself on his knees again before he pulled his sticky hand out of his pajama pants and turned around to let his back fall against the counter, his legs sprawled out on the tiled floor and turning cold. "What the fuck is wrong with me..?", he asked himself and looked at his hand in disbelief. That night, Kouyou fell asleep, finally enjoying a deep, dreamless slumber he hadn't had for weeks. Kapitel 3: III -------------- Digging his way through the busy mob on the sidewalk, Kouyou managed not to spill his takeaway coffee when he finally reached the steps to the justice center in a stumble. Pulling the folders he was carrying closer to his chest he made it up the stairway in no time before he pushed one of the huge glass doors open and headed inside, suddenly stopping mid-track and making another lawyer bump into him. He ignored the curse the businessman threw after him and headed towards another figure with quick steps. "Aki!" The blonde man in used jeans and a tight shirt under the black leather jacket turned around and flashed a smile, putting the motorcycle helmet onto a bench next to him in the foyer, holding his arms open for the taller one to literally jump into his chest and give him a tight hug. "What's up, pretty?" Gods, the soft baritone was music to Kouyou's ears. Snuggling up to an odd looking stranger in the middle of the foyer may looked kind of off, but he really didn't mind. "Let's go up to my office." The fourteenth floor was far more empty than the foyer had been and Akira stood in front of the huge window front that framed the grey skyline of Tokyo just perfectly before he let himself fall into one of the black leather armchairs. "Nice office, man...", he huffed and flashed a grin, "I knew you'd be that alpha kind of guy~" Kouyou took a seat in the office chair behind his desk and leaned back while sipping at his coffee. He loved the raw accent Akira spoke in and suddenly felt a little snobby with his clear Japanese and his attitude. "Anyways.", the blonde interrupted his thoughts, "Did you call the police?" Sighing, Kouyou turned his head to look out of the window while Akira made himself busy with lighting a cigarette. "No." "...why not?" "He brought my wallet back, yesterday night." "What?!" "It laid on my doorsill this morning, only the cash was missing.", he resumed and closed his eyes. He thought of the small note that had been in the inside. See you 'round, pretty. "So he knows where you live." "My ID was in the wallet, so that's not a big deal." "I guess he's stealing all of the stuff in your flat right now." "Then so be it." Seeing the other's mouth gape open, Kouyou chuckled. "Don't worry, the apartment has an alert system." "You damn snob.", Akira snorted and finally seemed to relax a little, seeing his friend being well and healthy, even if robbed. The brunette now lit himself a cigarette, too before walking over to the group of chairs and letting himself fall down onto the one next to his friend to share an ashtray. "How about you? Everything fine?" "I'm moving to Tokyo soon." "Woh.. really?" Smiling at his friend, Akira nodded and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, kind of lucky circumstances. I found a job and.. yeah, I wanted to get out of Kanagawa as you left. You know, the guys are gone too and my family mocked me about being the only one left and... yeah..." "Are you trying to tell me you missed me?", Kouyou mocked and grinned but before he knew it he was pushed deep into his seat as the other leaned over him and stopped right before him, their faces so close that the brunette could feel warm breath against his lips. "More than you could be ever aware of...", the blonde whispered before closing the gap between them in a short, tender kiss. And Kouyou melted. The cigarette from between his fingers fell to the tiled ground and rolled under the low couch table in the middle of the group of chairs as he grabbed a fistful of Akira's hair in the back of his neck and pulled him closer again, snapping for the elder's lips with his own pair. Parting for air, both of them held their eyes closed for a second, before Kouyou spoke up. "How long?" The other's face nestled to his shoulder, still having his knee digging into the seat while his other foot was placed safely to the ground to keep his body up and over Kouyou's fragile form, he whispered back. " long what?" "How long did you want to do this?", the brunette asked and caressed his fingers along the soft skin of Akira's neck. "Ever since we moved together." "Why didn't you..?" "Because I knew you'd have to leave some day. And I promised myself to hold back until you were gone and stood on your own two feet." "What if I don't?" "You do. And you know that." A pair of lips molded their soft bow against the side of his neck and made Kouyou shiver. "I'm sorry I rejected you so long..." Kouyou swallowed and clawed his fingers into the elder's shoulders to get a hold and somehow a little control over the situation. "I missed you...", he whispered, his voice shaky and his eyes filling with tears. "It's alright now, I'm here with you..." Hosted by Animexx e.V. (