Not under control von VideoGameCrack (Mein NaNoWriMo-Projekt für 2010 - mit täglichen Updates!) ================================================================================ Kapitel 13: Day Thirteen ------------------------ They needed to be very careful about it. Who knows when and where they are going to attack them? They needed a plan, that's for sure. „So, guys, how are we going to get them?“, Gerald asked, while they once again sat in the bar. The three of them needed to took as unsuspicious as possible if they don't want their plans to be found out. „Well, if we want this to succeed, we need you to stand somewhere where one of us can still jump into action when one of them is going to show up“, Anthony replied. „But first, we need to show them that you're walking around by your own.“ „And here we have the risky part“, Vincent continued. „There is no way for him to walk around alone with your guidance so they don't see us.“ „But we got no other choice.“ Gerald got up, ready to leave the bar. „You're starting right now?“, Anthony asked with doubt. „The less forced, the better. Also, I can do some research for my story while I'm at it.“ And so, he left, leaving the informant and the villain-in-role-only behind, looking outside and wondering if he was going to be alright. „How long are they going to take before they try to get him?“, Vincent wondered, while looking outside at the empty street. „Probably not too long. What else could they do with him anyway?“ „Shouldn't one of us at least follow him from a distance? I'm not really sure about this...“ „Neither am I. We can only hope that Gerald is okay on his own.“ Even though it was noon, it felt pretty dark for Gerald, but he hadn't got this weird feeling by now. He couldn't believe what happened with Frank. Why did he just go along with her even though it was clear that Frank didn't want to? Was this even the real Frank they spoke to recently? This entire thing turned more and more into an enigma the more he tried to wrap his brain around it. And there it was. Being pretty close to the Chinese restaurant where he went together with Frank and Anthony long ago, he felt it again. It couldn't take too long until somebody tried to attack. He got slower with every step, waiting for the inevitable. But still, nothing happened. Weren't they sure anymore if they could do what they wanted to do? He wished that they finally made their mind up, until somebody eventually grabbed him with his upper arm. „Who would have guessed that you're so naive to just step out alone without anyway defending yourse-“ The man didn't get any further, as Gerald hit him in the sides with his elbow. He jumped away, trying to get some room between the two. The face of his opponent was hidden with a scarf. They were more cautious than he thought. „No need to get rough so early“, the man said, getting ready to hit him. „It could have been so much less painful for you, but you didn't want so!“ He dashed at him, with his right fist ready to hit Gerald's face. He could let him pass by moving to the side, making the man fall onto the pavement. The man got up again, being angrier than before. „You just can't accept it, can you?“ He again dashed in Gerald's direction, just to be countered again by Gerald moving to the side a bit. „This guy doesn't think too much, does he?“, Gerald thought, looking at the man being about to burst into rage. „Now stay still for a second, or else-“ He pulled out a knife, jumping on Gerald's throat. The writer then grabbed him by his arm and performed a leg sweep to make him lose his balance.. But it just made him angrier. „I've had enough with you!“ Gerald had no choice anymore other than running away from him, before he actually tried to kill him. And he couldn't take Vincent's words for truth at the moment, so he ran back to the bar, with the man following him with ludicrous speed. But not for long, as he ran into something and fell to the ground with it. „...Vincent? What are you doing here?“ „I guess it's not the best time to answer this question, isn't it?“, was Vincent's answer, having seemingly seen the guy chasing him. „Finally, I got you!“ he yelled, trying to grab him, only to see him rolling to the side and getting aimed at with a Gatling right into his face. „Sir, we have to talk... or would you prefer blue beans?“ After they dragged him to the dead end to talk to him without getting interrupted, Vincent asked, with his hand always ready to get out his Gatling: „So, have you got some interesting things we'd like to know?“ „As if I told you anything about our plans!“ the man yelled back. „Your „plans“ aren't that interesting to us“, Anthony replied. „We already know that you want to get Gerald so he can tell you the sentence to leave this world. It's no mystery.“ He pulled a cigar out of his trousers and turned to Vincent. „Got fire?“ Vincent took a matchstick box out of his jacket. „Always.“ After lighting himself a cigar, Anthony continued: „It might be nice to know more about this woman. How was she called again?“ „Helena, I think“, Gerald replied. „Yes, definitely Helena.“ „Hmpf, you mean our leader? Forget it!“, the man replied via yelling. Vincent pulled out his Gatling. „Even now?“ The man shivered. „Well, I might tell you a few things...“ „Go on then“, Vincent said, putting his Gatling back again. The man sighed. „We... don't know much about her as well.“ „Seems like I need to pull my gun back out again...“ „No, wait! I can explain! Just don't accidently pull the trigger!“ Vincent leaned this gun against he wall. „Now tell us what you know.“ „She... she came out of nowhere, asking people about how they can let this happen to them, being controlled for entertanment's sake and stuff like that. Nobody knows her origins and what her role in the story is.“ „And why is she trying to get Frank to join them?“, Gerald asked. „She hasn't told us, either“, replied the man. „She doesn't even think that it would be helpful at the moment.“ „Anything else we should know?“ „It's hard to find her in the wild. She almost always comes to you, not the other way around.“ „...and that's really all you have to say?“, Vincent wondered, reaching out for his Gatling again. „Considering how much trouble you cause to us, you seem to be rather shallow inside. Though maybe that's just me.“ He aimed at the man again. „Now get out of here before my finger slips.“ The man got up and ran away, leaving the three behind standing under the streetlight. „...why is this thing on, anyway?“, Gerald asked himself. „It's not even close to sunset!“ Back in the bar, they tried to comprehend as much as possible from the few pieces of information they got. It wasn't they got out of him, but it was enough for the moment. „Seems like this Helena is all behind it“, Vincent wondered, before drinking his beer. „And she apparently likes to confuse everyone she's involved with.“ „There is no doubt that she's just using those people“, Anthony concluded out of Vincent's statement. „If she doesn't even rely on the very people she's working with, that can only mean that she's working on something herself.“ „The big question now is: For what?“, Gerald asked, while staring into his glass. „What kind of benefit does she have from fooling around with not only Frank, but also the people she gathered to escape this world? It's clear that she could just do it all herself, after she managed to grab Vincent's bullets midair.“ Vincent and Anthony freezed after hearing this. „That... is actually a pretty good point“, Anthony wondered. „Why didn't she just take him right on the spot when we were with Frank? It's clear that they need him for their plan, except-“ „Except if Gerald wasn't the main part of their plan all along“, Vincent finished Anthony's sentence. „Maybe leaving this place isn't her first priority. The question now is: What is her plan, then?“ „I guess she's already succeeding“, Gerald said. „Why?“, Anthony asked him. „Remember what she said? She tries to make as little sense as possible. And from what I can gather, what she's doing recently makes very little sense, if at all.“ Vincent held his head. „I start to see why Frank is freaking out in the presence of this woman...“ „Well, what are we supposed to do now then?“, Gerald asked. After what happened now, there is now way they are going to attack us like that again. Why they haven't started doing so after they attacked me when Frank was with me is beyond me.“ „Probably it's all just part of her plan to confuse us. And damn, are they successful.“ „, all we can do now is sitting around, waiting for them to do something so we can react?“ „Looks like it's our only possibility“, Anthony replied, taking yet another sip out his glass. „But we can't just wait until we have to react!“ Gerald yelled, smashing his flat hand onto the table. „Who knows what they are going to do in the meantime? If she consequently works on her plan to make as little sense as possible, she could do something really dangerous without us noticing it before! And think about Frank! We can't let him be any longer in her presence, or he might become completely insane! We need to find out where they are meeting next so we can finish this once and for all!“ „...something tells me that this is not the end“, Anthony said. „It feels more like it's the beginning of something far bigger.“ Hosted by Animexx e.V. (