Not under control von VideoGameCrack (Mein NaNoWriMo-Projekt für 2010 - mit täglichen Updates!) ================================================================================ Kapitel 23: Day Twenty-Three ---------------------------- It was time for him to leave, as Frank left the cliff again and returned to Gerald's place so he can visit the novel again. Thankfully, the instructions were lying visibly in the kitchen, even though he had no idea why. He then rushed into Gerald's novel to look for Helena. As he appeared on the street, he wondered where Helena was going to wait for him. He walked around for a while, wandering through the empty as ever streets, when he came to the conclusion that she must wait for him in his office, as she seemed to appear there very often. The door flew open, as Frank entered his office, only to see Helena standing beside the window, creepily staring at the door. „So you've found it out“, she guessed. „Or is there another reason why you've returned?“ „I doubt that I would have a different reason to come back if I didn't find it out, Helena.“ He got closer to her, as the innocous smile on her face got a lot darker and more cynical. „So I guess it's time for you to reveal what you know, isn't it?“ „Yes, it is. And you deserve some answers, I admit that.“ She stood up and wandered around his office as he spoke. „You must know that I'm from the layer above Gerald's world, the one who is responsible for some of the things that have happened in his and your world.“ Frank raised an eybrow. „...some?“ „Yes, only some. Because even the world I come from is only fiction, and it's probably not even the last one.“ „And what was the entire deal with those Freedom Seeker guys?“, he asked, crossing his arms. „Well, just like you, I had the wish to escape to reality. But there was no known connection between my world and the layer above me. I then came to the conclusion that, maybe if I create my own way to break out, it would have worked.“ „But it didn't“, Frank concluded. „Exactly. And since I was forced to stay fictional, I got the idea to just mess with the people being even lower than me.“ „Well, it starts to make a lot more sense now...“ „Doesn't it? I had my fun fooling with these people, making them believe that they could all escape this world...“ „But they all would either be forced to exist in one single body or to force other people to visit the novel as an exchange.“ „You seem to understand the rules faster than I can explain them“, said Helena, starting to look through Frank's stuff. „But why was Gerald's mouth disappearing, for example?“ „The author needed a contrived reason to keep him in this world, so he cut off the very way for him to leave.“ „And so it wasn't him who decided that I should become a villain, but-“ „Exactly, the one above me, again. Most of the weird stuff that happened in your and his world were all because of him, even though he made Gerald responsible for some things.“ She kept looking for something, as she continued: „And even though that I wish that it was over, it isn't.“ „What are you talking about again?“ „Like I said, I don't have full power over this world, and even what I have is, in the end just following actions of the one standing over me. And it's the wish of the author to have you and Gerald to compete in a fight. That's what all my actions were leading up to: So that you were ready to face and lose against him.“ „But... couldn't he figure a more... I don't know... better way to do so? I mean, did he have to send somebody to confuse the hell out of me until I come to the weird conclusion that being evil was my destiny?“ „He created me because he was short on ideas“, Helena explained. „He wanted to develop a vendetta against Gerald after the warehouse incident, but he thought he needed somebody to enforce the thought. So he created me to make you evil.“ „And... he just wanted me to be evil?“ „He needed it as a plot twist. It was originally planned that you collect the people together with me and become the leader, before you shoot me in cold blood, but that plan was dismissed quickly, so he had to come up with an alternative.“ She turned around to him.“ „Also, he started to like me as a character, so he loved it to put me in everywhere he could.“ „That's why you appeared so often, didn't you?“ „And because he needed me to foreshadow a lot, because he's isn't that good at it.“ Frank started to wonder what she was looking for, while they continued talking: „But no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't make you the character he wanted you to be. So he made you kidnap Gerald in order to get a better taste of how it feels like to be the antagonist.“ „Is the entire twist actually going to work out in the end, or-“ „I have no idea. The reader should have known from the very beginning that it's all just somebody's attempt to come up with a story, but if they consider it when they start to read it...“ She then seemed to have found what she was looking for and hid it under her clothes. „Just because I'm one of his characters doesn't mean I know everything he's doing. He just sometimes gives me hints that I can work with. When he's good in at least one thing, than it's telling me what I should know. Something that he didn't manage to put in my character, even though that may have been on purpose.“ „And... is there something else I need to know?“, Frank asked. Something told him that he missed something, but he couldn't point his finger at it. „Yes, Frank. This will be the last time I'm going to be of any importance. Or in fact the last time I'm going to show up.“ „Well, you do still keep your character trait of not talking in a normal way.“ „It's time to say goodbye, Frank“, she said, drawing the thing she just put under the clothes and pointed it at her head.. As Frank saw this, he was shocked by it. „No, Helena, you mustn't do this! You only have to return to your own layer, and it will be fine again!“ „You don't understand, Frank“, Helena said. „It isn't my decision whether or not I'm going to pull the trigger. I only act out what he's telling me.“ „But why aren't you at least trying to fight it, Helena? You can't tell me that you want to do that!“ „That is because I really don't want to, but... I can't dismiss his orders. I'm not from the same level as him. I am not allowed to disobey him, I simply can as he's controlling every move of mine.“ „ you even want to fight him?“ Helena tilted her head, as if she wouldn't understand what he's talking about. „That's out of the question, Frank.“ „No, it isn't, and you know that. How can you know that you can't interfere with the rules if you don't even have the desire to ignore them for your own good?“ „So what?“, Helena asked, pressing the gun closer to her head. „It doesn't matter if I have interested in living my own life or not! In fact, ignoring these desires makes it easier for me to finish it off! Why should I make the entire affair even more complicated than it needs to be?“ „Because... it would make a nice plot twist.“ Helena couldn't believe that Frank just said this. „You're just saying that because you live in disbelief that your entire life has only one path that you can follow. Let me tell you again that it has no use fighting it! There is no doubt that everything we do has nothing to do with our will! So why are you still believing that you can change that?“ „I'm not believing it... I know it.“ She wanted to pull the trigger, when Frank slapped the weapon out of her hand. „Dammit, get some sense into your head!“, he yelled at her. „Nothing can stand unchanged forever! Someday, people have to rebel! It's natural! Not I'm denying anything, but you can't fight it because you don't want to!“ „...dammit, don't try to move the plot into a direction we can't need right now!“ Helena slapped him and got hold of the gun again. „I better finish it off right now before you get any more stupid ideas.“ „Would you... would you please do it outside my office then?“, he asked her while still lying on the floor. „...if you want it that way...“ She got outside with the gun, before Frank wanted to try again to knock some sense into her again before it was too late. But it already was. Before he got up his feet, he heard her pulling the trigger and the following noise of the bullet flying out of the gun. He wished he could blame himself for it, but something inside him didn't want to. It was like the writer Helena just told him about didn't want him to feel anything for the person who dragged him into this mess in the first place. But he felt that Helena wasn't doing anything of this because she wanted to, but because she had to. He wished that he could've learned more about the actual Helena, the person playing her rather than the character. But maybe he just did. With bad feeling about what happened, he left his office, to see Helena's corpse lying left to his door, with the gun not in her hand anymore. It just made him pity her even more. But who knows what the author is going to do to him? He didn't wanted to think about it, so he decided to get the police to bring her corpse away. „...why did it have to happen?“, he asked, about to break into tears on his desk. 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