Betting Debts von Lollapie (Clint Barton x Natasha Romanoff and more) ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: This Is War ---------------------- Blue-grayish light cut through the trees and the fog. Giving the only light they had at this hour. The helicopters circling the sky, throwing a bomb now and again, when they thought they had the enemy beneath them.  The rotors tuning out the sounds of desperate screams and yells echoing through the forest. They were at a border, in the middle of nowhere. Running. He could hear a bomb explode; it ripped through the trees, made the ground quiver beneath his boots, as his feet brought him forward on the unsteady, bulky ground. For a moment he thought he might trip, but he didn’t; only gaining speed, with every further step. He was running, running toward to opponent. The fiend.   His arms were flung over his head protectively, his shield covering his right side, so the force of the next bomb hitting the ground, might get derived by it. The fog lightened the longer he ran, by now he could see where he was going and not only guess it. The tension in his body grew with every second, with every foot he placed in front of his other. Steve could hear the men that had come with him, dozens of them running behind and also next to him, fighting on the ground, to win the war. Blood stained the dark gloves he was wearing. Splatters ornamented the front of bodysuit. But he had no time to care. Not now, not in the middle of the field – and probably not later, when he returned back to camp. Sweat gleamed on his face; slowly forming driblets which ran down is face, down his throat or is neck and vanished into the material of his suit. Steve could feel the damp wetness of sweat all over his body, beneath the armor he wore. The past few minutes he left the last battlefield behind him, running, sprinting to the next. He was panting hard, hearing his blood rushing through his veins, feeling his heartbeat heavily against his ribs. Then finally he saw movement before them. “Arm yourselves.” he shouted, trying to overtrump the surrounding sounds of heavy machine guns and other weaponry, aiming his own high. Suddenly he startled. Stopping dead in his tracks his glance rose up the low hill, they were about to run up. The men around him slowed, some stopped even, irritated by his sudden reaction. Steve didn’t focus on them - couldn’t focus - on them right now. His eyes had met his opponents. A quiet gasp left his lips, as he stared at the man opposite. Was he seeing things? The images of his best friend falling out of the train came immediately back to his mind. He couldn’t save him. He was too late. Too slow. Bucky had fallen. Deep. It was impossible for him to stand there. He had died. Disbelieve crossed Steve’s face, while staring at the man before him. His believed dead best friend. Speechless he stood there, not able to step up closer, or draw back. There were no words, he could find to describe the feelings that rushed through his body. Among them where worry and anger, but also hope. His eyes caught more movement and only a few seconds later a woman appeared next to Bucky. Red hair hung in thick curls over her shoulders, looking tousled but not messy. Her eyes were cold as ice. Her glare itself was deadly. A murderous smirk hung on her lips. She was radiating. Power, might, a dark greed. Greed for more blood. Without being able to resist he looked at her, at her body, her face, her emanation. She stood upright, holding her chin high, her hands hanging ever so relaxed next to her body, holding nothing more than two simple small arms. Within an instant Steve knew who she was. It could only be her. The description fitted perfectly. A Woman around twenty, with red hair, a black suit and breathtakingly cold eyes. People would say she was soulless. The Black Widow. He could see her, but he had a hard time believing she stood there. In the middle of nowhere. And at her side his best friend. Alive. Alive and healthy as it seemed. The men around them started moving, reassumed their purpose: to fight, to win the war. It was only the three of them, standing in the middle of a forest, between the boundaries of enemies. Just looking at each other. Not making one move within minutes. The tension in his body was almost unbearable. The anger that rose while he was standing there, taking in what he saw. He just couldn’t believe it. How was it possible? He saw him fall. “Steve”, it was Bucky’s voice, knocking him back into reality.  The Cap looked back at him, still being at a loss of words. “You’re wrong, you know?” “What?”, it was the first thing that came over his lips, his voice filled with irritation. But he would never get an answer. In an instant the Black Widow was at his side. Her legs made her seemingly fly down the hill, her fist finding his solar plexus within a split second. Steve wasn’t able to react so quickly, still too startled. Too shocked.   She didn’t hesitate, not caring about his situation. In her eyes he was the enemy and he had to be taken down. Natalia removed her fist from his torso, stepping past him, in one fluent move, still using the speed she got from running down the hill. She dropped herself on her hands, stretching out a leg and swept him off his feet with kicking her leg into the hollows of his knees. Steve fell hard to the floor, finally breaking his stare with Bucky, who still stood aside and just watched with his arms folded in front of his chest. Within her fluent motion, Natalia got back to her feet looking down at Captain America, who had dropped his shield to the ground, clutching his stomach with one hand and holding himself up from the damp ground with the other. Pure rage let the shock and sorrow, the guilt he had felt, melt away. Dissolve into thin air. Steve took a deep breath, suppressing the pain he felt from her fist. The Widow was standing behind him, her hands on her hips, waiting. She wanted a challenge; otherwise she would have just shot him, when he went down on his knees. Instead she stood there looking down at him, waiting for him to get back up, one eyebrow arched in wariness. He was supposed to be strong. At first it was only rumors that she heard about him, but when she got to know Bucky and hear what he had seen, live and in action, everything in her screamed out for him.  Natalia wanted to play. His jaw’s  were clenched together, his lower jawbone standing out visibly at each side, showing the tension in his whole body, as he got back to his feet. Slowly he grabbed his shield off the floor, the mud and dirt sliding of it as if it were smooth as glass. Steve turned to her, scanning her face, her posture. He had heard that the Russians had a super soldier on their side. Someone that had a similar serum running through his veins as his. He had known it was a woman, but still he was slightly surprised. She was short and slim, but not skinny. To him she seemed robust, but elegant. He couldn’t valuate her. Just as he got to his feet, she started moving again. She stepped back, just to build momentum, as she dashed forward, not holding back. With the side of her hand she aimed for his neck. Her skills as an incredible material arts combatant were known to him. In the last second he threw up his shield, ducking his head beneath it, he could see her feet leaving the ground, as she jumped at him. Steve automatically bent his knees, as he felt her weight come down on the, out of vibranium forged, disk. The next second she jumped back down to the floor, turning her body with a leg up high, so she would hit him hard on his chest. Her strike was perfect. With full force of her weight, put into the lunge, he made him trip back and almost fall. The air was pressed out of his lungs painfully. With a moan, he came to a stumbling halt a couple of feet away. Taking a deep breath he caught his balanced and went into attack. Steve tore the shield from his arm to throw it at her, but she dodged it, without even blinking. The disk soared through the air and hit the ground over a dozen feet away. It dug itself deep into the soft earth of the forest.   Natalia had never taken her eyes off of him, but throwing the shield had slightly attracted her attention, maybe even surprised her. Steve took the opportunity and flung himself at her, throwing her to the ground and pinning her to it. His hand clenched over her fist, as she tried to hit him in his face with her right hand. Their eyes locked, a light smirk playing on her lips. She wasn’t even trying and she wanted him to know. Steve pressed her arm to the ground, the other already buried under his leg, since he had jumped her. “You.”, his voice was filled with venom. As he leaned in, his underarm pressed against her throat, making it hard for her to breathe. None the less her eyes glittered with gloat, mocking him. “If I were allowed to kill you …” It was a open dare. He had never felt the need to kill someone. Anybody. Ever. She was an exception. The Black Widow was a coldhearted assassin, working with and for the wrong people. Playing games and tricks along the way, not caring who and what she left bleeding on the ground. Just as he thought he was able to keep her down, he felt a muzzle pressed to his temple. Bucky. He forgot about him. Forgot that he might involve himself. “Don’t make me do that, Steve.”, his voice was only a murmur, but still one could hear the earnestness in it. The Cap froze in his position, not immediately letting go of the woman beneath him. Slowly he turned his face toward his friend. “Bucky...”, disbelief was all there was. “No, Steve. Don’t even get started.” “You’re wrong…” “I said: Don’t!”, the man cut him off, his voice vibrating with anger. The next thing happened so fast, that Steve couldn’t even register how it could have happened. Suddenly a piercing pain went through his skull. It was his friend, who had hit him with the small arm, he was holding. Startled he let go of the Widow beneath him, who had waited patiently. Before Steve could say or do anything, he was the one, pinned to the ground. Her above him, taking several blows at his face. He could feel the blood trickle past his ear and out of the corner of his mouth. His sight blurred with the intensity of growing pain. How could he have done this? Bucky. Anger still stirred in his chest, but the shock had never really vanished and took over anew. He could feel Natalias weight lifting of his body. He tried to reach out for her, but grabbed nothing but air. “Why?”, his voice barely audible, he asked, as he watched them turn their backs on him and walk away. Finally darkness surrounded him, as he drifted into unconsciousness. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (