Dragon Ball R von Lans13 (The saiyans are back!) ================================================================================ Kapitel 5: Chapter 5 -------------------- It was as bit odd to go back to their everyday life, mainly for Goten and Trunks who had to go to school. “Hey Trunks!” greeted Atin the saiyan when she seen him after classes. “Have fun!” smirked Goten and left before Atin got there, only saying a short hello to her on his way. “Hi” Trunks replied and they walked out of the school together. “Where were you? I haven’t seen you and Goten around lately.” “You see” began the saiyan but Atin interrupted smiling: “Don’t give me the reply that it’s a long story! Heck, I already know that you are an alien, so just shoot!” “Well... I told you that all the saiyans were killed by a tyrant called Freeza but we received the news that they were bought back to life with the dragon balls.” “Dragon balls? Don’t tell me that it’s not just some myth!” “It’s a true story. That’s how my mother met Goku ages ago; they were searching for them.” “Wow, you should write a book about your life. It’s just unbelievable.” “I couldn’t sell it as a biography, but it might indeed make a best seller as a fantasy book” the saiyan said and they both had to laugh. After that Trunks explained what occurred on planet Vegeta and how he got to know his race. “They sound strange” Atin grinned. “No wonder. You have met my father and Goku so it’s no surprise.” “Weren’t you afraid to fight with Frost? I mean he sounds extremely powerful.” “You see, it wasn’t my first time that I had to fight for my life” Trunks began and he ended up telling the story of majin Buu as well. “I always knew that it couldn’t have been Mr Satan who defeated Buu! I bet it was your father and Goku who beaten Cell as well.” “It was Gohan who killed him, but we all fought together against him.” “Surely not you? You couldn’t be older than a baby by then.” “It’s... this is indeed a long story, however it doesn’t mean that I’m not willing to tell it. However how will I entertain you if I tell you all the good stories on one day? Anyhow, you haven’t told me much about yourself yet. You should talk now!” “My life is pretty boring compared to yours. It’s just a normal human life.” “A normal human cannot fly or doesn’t know about the Ki.” “It might surprise you to know that there are some strong humans as well, shattered all over the world. I met Master Wukan four years ago and I learned all the basics about Ki from him. Just like the flying.” “I never heard of him.” “No, I don’t think so. But you might have heard about Master Mutaito.” “Yes! He was Goku’s first master’s; Roshi’s master.” “You know Master Roshi?” “Yes, he is an old friend of my mother.” “Crazy. Anyhow master Mutaito had more pupils then just Roshi and Shen, although they were the best. Master Wukan’s father learned by Mutaito as well, until he died in a fight. So Master Wukan learned from his father, but the main reason why they are not known is, that they don’t have a school. Master Wukan’s only goal is to become stronger and perfect his techniques. It was a hard task to convince him to train me for a short time. At least I learned the basics about the Ki so I could develop from there.” “I see. Now it makes sense.” The next few days were crazy in the school. Everybody was preparing for the Christmas party and now even more girls were hanging on Trunks. Goten enjoyed the publicity and he still hasn’t decided who to invite just to keep all the girls interested. “You should most definitely pick one, so all the others would give up!” Goten looked at Trunks, who was trying to go from one classroom to an another as quickly as possible at a human speed. “For the hundredth time, no, I’m not interested!” Atin said on an irritated voice which caused the two saiyans to stop and look at her direction. “But you have to go with someone!” The guy pushed as they were standing in front of the lockers. “Surely not with you!” the girl sighed, then as she realised that his classmate is about to say something, she punched one of the lockers, causing a big dent on its door. “Hey jerks! If any of you is asking me to go to this Christmas party with him, the next time I won’t be punching locker doors!” “What a temper!” Goten smiled. “Trunks, you should definitely ask her out!” While all the other students were temporary in shock and staring at Atin, Goten just smiled, even when the girl was looking at them. As Atin realised that Trunks was there and she still felt all eyes on her, she had the greatest idea ever. “I’m going with him!” She declared and grabbed the totally shocked saiyan’s arm and dragged him away. Trunks felt like his face was on fire and his face become instantly red. Atin only stopped when they were on the roof, with nobody around. “I’m sorry, I just thought it’s the perfect solution for both of us” Atin explained, stepping a bit farther away so she could look at Trunks. “No, I don’t mind” he stuttered. “I was just on the verge of calling sick tomorrow until the day of the party.” “Yes, I have seen you” laughed Atin. “It’s... well... can you... let go of my hand?” Trunks managed to ask. “Oh, I have forgotten about it” Atin apologized but instead of letting go she wavered for a sec, then grabbed Trunks and kissed him. When she let him go, Trunks had no idea what to say or for that matter what to think. At all. He was just staring at the girl as if this was the first time he has ever seen her. “Are you ok?” asked Atin to break the silence. “I guess. It’s just... I don’t get it. Why did you do that?” “It’s not so hard to figure out. Or maybe for you it is.” This time it was Atin who blushed a bit but she managed to say: “I like you! I thought I was crazy when I realised it. It happened during the break when I met you at the library. I had to face the fact that I missed you and I was extremely happy to meet you there.” “Why didn’t you tell me anything?” “I wanted to, it’s just I had no idea how. I know how you hate when girls are pushing so I just waited for... maybe for the perfect moment? I know it doesn’t exist so I decided to take my chances right now, right here.” “I had no idea” Trunks confessed and Atin had to laugh. “I figured, although even Goten has seen through me. Hasn’t he said anything?” “He tried...” “It went much better than I expected. Your face is red but you didn’t run away or had a heart attack so far. It’s good.” Now it was Trunks’ turn to laugh as he recalled Goten saying almost the exact same thing. Atin wasn’t expecting this, yet she smiled. “Since I managed to do it pretty well, let me ask you something! Do you want to go out with me?” “Shouldn’t I be asking this?” “Well, you should but I gather you would never have the courage at least for years. So?” “Yes” Trunks answered and his face become even more red then before but he finished: “I like you too.” “So it’s official now?” Goten asked later that day, when they went to the gravity room to train. “Let me be, ok?!” Trunks shouted with a red face. “Take it easy, I’m just happy for you and I’m not joking. I swear!” After they defeated Frost they took their training much more seriously than before. They were not so obsessed as their fathers but they had saiyan blood in their systems and wanted to become stronger. It was a long way to go. Even as Gotenks, they were barely able to defeat Goku or Vegeta. “I was not so strong at your age which means that you have every chance to overcome me” Goku explained when they had a break. “Nonetheless I had a better attitude” Vegeta interrupted “and I was more determined to overcome my limits.” “Be assured, we know that” Goku called and they laughed. As Christmas was coming, Bulma decided to make a party. She has seen Goku and his family quite often, but it was ages ago that she has seen Krilin, Yamcha or the others. Everybody felt obligated to accept her invitation so she began to organise it. Trunks had already issues attending the school’s Christmas party but he already learned a long time ago along with Vegeta, that once Bulma decided to make a party, it will happen at any cost. “You can invite your girlfriends” Bulma said looking at Goten and Trunks when she shared her idea. “I don’t think it’s such a good idea” Goten called. “I mean I’m not sure who will be my girlfriend by that time but I surely don’t want to scare her away with my family and friends. Nobody can take it as good as Atin.” “Who is Atin?” asked Bulma what caused Trunks to blush. “Trunks’ girlfriend” Goten smiled. “You have a girlfriend and you don’t even tell me?” asked Bulma. “Goten, I will kill you!” Trunks snarled. “Why? She already knows Vegeta and she is still going out with you” Goten grinned. “What? How come Vegeta knows her?” Bulma couldn’t believe her ears. “Seriously you introduce him, but not me?” “It’s not like that! She wasn’t my girlfriend yet, when father met her” Trunks was desperately trying to explain but Bulma wasn’t listening any more, she just left. The Christmas party in the school already began in the morning with some competition between the classes. It was mostly athletic with some interesting element. Like they had to run in costumes, like dressed as witches, Santas, heroes like Superman, etc. They had to play basketball blindfolded which caused much amusement as the players crashed into the wall or fall over the ball. Trunks and Goten decided to rather practice in the decorating competition so they don’t have to pretend to be an average athlete. Every class got a wall to decorate from the gym, where the party will be held in the evening. 3-4 member were dedicated to do this from each class so apart from Goten and Trunks a girl called Serena joined the team. Serena was a good looking girl, with light blue eyes and long brown wavy hair. However she was always quiet and she dressed in jeans and T-shirt so nobody really looked at her twice. Although she was not Goten type at all, as they decorated the wall, he noticed that Serena was quite cute. “Hey, wanna go with me tonight to the party?” He asked her smiling. “No, rather not” she answered, not even glancing at Goten. Trunks looked up a bit surprised and Goten was shocked. “Why not?” He asked after a short silence. “Because you are a jerk. Thank you, but I don’t want to do anything with you.” “I have heard this after I broke up with a girl, but we haven’t even dated yet!” “I sincerely don’t know why anybody wants to go out with you. You are pathetic thinking that it’s some kind of achievement to sleep with as many girls as possible. The hard part is not getting somebody, but keeping her!” With that Serena left to put some decoration on the wall. “She is right you know” Trunks smiled. “Is she? Just wait and see until she will beg me to go out with her!” So Goten decided to make Serena fall in love with him, whatever it takes. He was more determined once he seen the girl at the party. She was wearing a black dress which revealed that she had a great body, what was normally hidden under her everyday clothing. He tried to speak with her twice in the evening, but both times Serena just left him. Trunks and Atin had quite fun watching him become more and more desperate and confused. He had to „suspend” his plan after the party as school was out due to the holidays. “I have nothing to wear” Bulma panicked as she was trying to pick a dress a few hours before the guests arrived. “Seriously?” asked Vegeta, looking at the huge pile of clothes on the bed what Bulma already pulled out from the wardrobe. “I cannot wear those” Bulma explained slowly, like she was speaking with some retarded person. “I knew I had to go shopping but I just didn’t have time!” Vegeta already knew that it will take at least an another hour until Bulma finds a „proper” dress so he sighed and sit down on the armchair. He was already dressed in his suit, which he hated. It was only 30 minutes ago that he and Bulma finished their 1 hour „conversation” about the clothing what he should wear. “Why is dad always arguing with mom?” asked Bra from Trunks, when they heard the shouting. They were decorating the garden, what was their assigned tasks by their mother. Bra enjoyed it but Trunks would have better things to do. “I have no idea. We all know that he will end up wearing suits” Trunks answered and they both laughed. “You are so impossible, I cannot even ask your advice” Bulma sighed, looking at Vegeta. “You can” he looked at her trying to be serious. She was only wearing her underwear and a black silk undershirt, which wasn’t covering much. “Ok, what do you think? Which one should I pick?” She asked, holding 4 clothes at the same time. “I prefer when you don’t wear anything” Vegeta smirked, then the next moment he was standing in front of Bulma kissing her. “I cannot walk naked in front of the others” Bulma smiled, then she kissed Vegeta back and they ended up in the bed at the top of the clothes. Just an hour later Chichi arrived with Goku and Goten, shortly followed by Gohan, Videl and Pan. As Goku and Vegeta looked at each other both wearing ties, they felt a common understanding. Slowly everybody arrived and they began to mingle. “Hey Marron, you look great” smiled Goten. “Are you hitting on me?” she asked looking a bit amused. “No, at least not yet. But we might see it in about 4-5 years when you are 18.” “Have you already forgotten Serena?” Trunks asked. “No, but I will be done with her by then” he grinned. “In that case you might even ask Bra out later” Atin smiled. “Oh no! Never” Goten stated and he became very white. “Vegeta would kill me!” “He just might” Trunks agreed and they all laughed. “What’s so funny?” Bra asked, just arriving with Pan. “We just wondered who will be so reckless to actually ask you out” Trunks winked, causing the others to laugh again, while Bra looked at them confused. “Just wait a few years and you will get it” Goten explained. Everybody had a great time and they were thankful to Bulma for the invitations. “You look weak” Piccolo stepped to Gohan. “I’m not, it’s just I haven’t got that many time to train recently. But I will try to shift my priorities.” “I bet now even Goten is stronger than you.” “Well, he is. Not to mention Trunks, who is more powerful than my brother. I need to get myself together because at this rate Pan will surpass me as well.” “Goku is training her, right?” “Yes. You know it just happened. Pan is so obsessed with his „grandpa” that she wanted to spend as much time with him as she can. So she ended up being a fighter.” “At least she can protect herself.” “Yeah, but who will protect the others from her?” Gohan smiled. Bulma couldn’t help but to overhear the last sentence and she remembered on the first time when she left Trunks alone with Vegeta. Trunks was 4 years old and since he was already training with Vegeta, Bulma risked to leave them alone for 2 hours as she had to attend a business meeting. There shouldn’t have been any issues as they were in the gravitation room, but it broke so they had to come out. When Bulma came home she saw that there was a big hole in the garden and two trees were on fire. Vegeta was just about to put out the flames and blasted away the tress with an energy beam. Trunks was standing next to him, his clothes black from the smut. “Seriously? I cannot leave you two alone for 2 hours?” Bulma asked. “I assumed I don’t have to babysit him as he is strong enough to defend himself” Vegeta sighed. “Vegeta! Babysitting is about making sure he doesn’t do anything dangerous or something what he shouldn’t.” “Yeah, I guess I sort of get the idea now.” Bulma had to smile remembering on this. They have come a long way since then, even she never imagined that Vegeta will be able to change so much. She had the chance to meet Atin as well and even though she had some doubts that anybody will be good enough for his son, Atin seemed to be ok and she already knew some things about the saiyans and she was still ok with it. “I had a really good time” Atin smiled after the party was over. “So you enjoy being around crazy people?” Trunks smiled back. “You have incredible friends. I guess there is an another story behind as how you all know each other.” “Not just one.” Days passed again and everybody went back to their normal everyday life. However we all know that the „normal” part for the saiyans’ life still seemed impossible and strange for any other human being. Vegeta and Goku trained as usual, sometimes together, sometimes alone or with their sons. In Goku’s case he even trained with her granddaughter Pan, who was only 5 years old but determined to be as strong as her grandpa. Trunks divided his time between school, training, hanging around with Goten and Atin and his researches. He inherited Bulma’s affection for inventing and fixing machines and although he wasn’t tempted to be the head of Capsule Corp in the future, he liked the idea working there as a scientist. Goten had school and training as well, but it was the first time since a long while that he had no girlfriend as he was determined to get Serena. Although he didn’t really make any progress. Serena was a quiet girl and it seemed like she was not interested in anything. She spent most of her time in the library and even if she was in the schoolyard she had a book with her. “You should give up” Trunks smiled, looking at the suffering face of his friend, while they were in the buffet, on their launch break. They were sitting together with Atin at a table. While Trunks and Atin were eating, Goten was leaning on the table looking at Serena, who was occupying a bench reading a book. “I cannot do that! I just don’t believe that she is not interested in me.” “I’m quite glad that she isn’t” Atin smiled. “You are threating girls like some objects and you already dated half the school.” “Just he pretty ones” Goten sighed, then suddenly looked at Atin with hope. “What?” she asked. “I was just thinking that you could help me out here. You are a girl so you could be her friend and find out what she likes and stuff.” “Why would I do that?” “To help me of course. It’s not like she has any friends whatsoever, at least she never speaks more than a few words with anybody.” “Since I’m sharing her opinion regarding you, I won’t help.” “Trunks, do something!” Goten pleaded. “Make her help me!” “As if” he smiled and began to laugh with Atin. So Goten was on his own to get Serena. It seemed hopeless but he was determined and he got lucky one day. He was forced to go to the library to complete his homework and without knowing he rescued Serena from a pile of books. She was trying to get a heavy encyclopaedia from one of the top shelves but she couldn’t hold her balance on the small ladder and fell down, causing a pile of books to fall with her. The books would have landed on her head but Goten seen it happening and rushed over, catching every single one. “Are you ok?” he asked just then realizing he saved Serena. “Wow, how did you do that?” she asked as she only seen a bluer and then Goten was standing there with 8 books in his right hand. “I have good reflexes.” “But you were standing at least 10 meters away from me just a second ago.” “I’m also quick.” “Nobody is that quick!” “Some people who practice material arts are.” “You and material arts?!” “Why?” “You just don’t seem the type and given your character you would brag about it to amaze girls.” “I don’t like to reveal it, but I train since I was a small child. I have a great body, I can prove it” Goten offered and he was grabbing his shirt to take off. Serena looked at him not sure what to think then she had to chuckle: “You are funny!” “Hey this is a library not the buffet. You should keep it down!” the librarian scolded them. “Sorry” they said at the same time, which caused them to smile. “Anyhow just what are you doing here?” Serena asked. “I think I’m lost” Goten answered. “I’m looking for a book from Shakespeare but I have no idea where to search for it.” “Why not try in the other room where you can see the sign „literature”. Try by the letter S.” “That sounds like a plan.” “How did you manage to pass the exams if you don’t even know that the library has 2 rooms, one is for literature and the other is for science books?” “Well, I mainly come with Trunks and he knows the way.” “Gosh” Serena said but she was rather amused. Only as Goten left the library with the book he wanted did he realize that he managed to have a good conversation with Serena. Without intending to or planning it. “Maybe that’s the key” Atin said when Goten bragged later. “Just try to be yourself and don’t focus on impressing her.” “How could I be myself? I’m a half saiyan and you know what it means.” “Yes. You are all cool and unbelievable people.” “That’s good to hear” Trunks called “but I know what Goten means. Sometimes it’s not easy to behave around normal people. Goku lived on Earth his whole life and now my father is here since more than 20 years but they just do not strike you as normal. We were among normal people since we were young but we are not humans and we never made any real friends in school.” “Yeah, we both have crazy families!” A few weeks later summer break started, the last high school summer break for the saiyans. Bulma and Chichi had a new surprise for them, one day they announced to go to a vacation to the sea. “So we need to work again?” SonGoku asked. “No, this time we all go together” Chichi explained. “As neither of us had a real family holiday ever, it’s about time” Bulma continued. “That’s just great” Vegeta murmured. “The best part is, that you all are only allowed to train 2 hours each day” Chichi stated and Bulma was nodding. “What?” asked Goku and Vegeta together while Goten and Trunks didn’t say anything but they seemed outraged as well. “You heard us.” “Then what are we supposed to do the whole day?” Goku enquired. “Rest, relax, have some fun. You can play volleyball or swim or anything whatever normal people do on holidays” Bulma answered. “But we are no normal people!” Vegeta shouted. Regardless how much the saiyans objected they couldn’t change a thing. “I just cannot believe it, 2 whole weeks without training! And...” Vegeta shouted the next day, as they all trained together. “Actually I might have a solution” Trunks interrupted. “What?” asked Vegeta and Goku at the same time. “It’s not fully tested but I developed the so-called gravitation belt. This only creates a gravitation field along your body so you are the only one exposed to it. Even if normal people stand next to you, it doesn’t affect them.” “How is this exactly a solution?” Goten asked. “You see mother and Chichi said we can do normal stuff, like human sports. We can still go climbing which requires strength and endurance from normal humans and if we set the gravity to a high level we will be just exhausted as them.” “Since when are you inventing such things?” Vegeta asked shocked. “Since a while now, but this is my first real invention” Trunks smiled. So Trunks made the necessary preparations and everybody had his own gravity belt ready as they took off to have a holiday. The saiyans were confident that it will work and they can keep it a secret from the women. They took a plane so everybody had to gather up at the airport. “Why can’t we just travel with one of our private jets?” Trunks asked. “Because I want a normal holiday” Bulma explained. “I wonder if that’s even possible” Chichi sighed, looking at Goku who was dragging along a lot of packages. “Kakarott, did you pack your whole house, or what?” Vegeta smirked. “Obviously it was Chichi who decided what we should take” Goku answered and as he was putting down the luggage he lost his balance and ended up sitting in the dustbin. “It seems you found your rightful place” the prince said and roared. Goku got up and had a real trouble freeing his ass without breaking the bin but at the end he managed it. Gohan, Videl and Pan come along as well though Videl had more sense than Chichi as Gohan only needed to carry a realistic amount of packages. “Knowing Bulma I sort of expected you to have at least so many luggage as me” Goku remarked looking at Vegeta. “Well, you are right” Vegeta nodded, then pulled out a small box from his pocket which revealed 6 capsules. “It’s not fair” Goku sighed. After they got rid of the suitcases they had to go to the security checks, including the metal-detector gate. “What the heck is that thing?” Vegeta asked. “It’s supposed to check whether you carry some dangerous stuff like knife or gun” Bulma explained. “Why the heck would I carry a gun? I don’t need a stupid piece of metal when I can kill anybody with my hands.” “Yes, sure. But would you keep it down a bit? They might think that you are crazy and we will never get on the plane.” “Say Vegeta; do you never watch movies? Even I know what this thing is” Goku called. “Movies? Don’t tell me that you see the logic behind that! Some weaklings are pretending to be other weakling or sometimes superheroes but even with those abilities I’m way stronger than them. For that matter I’m not even sure what the TV is good for. I mean the news just prove how retarded humans are, the series are about the same as movies...” “Can you imagine?” Trunks turned to Goten. “He never watched TV at all. Even when I though he was, it was just turned on but he was in his own world, thinking.” “What about sports?” Gohan asked out of curiosity. “Don’t make me laugh, that’s the worst. I guy is running 2000 m within 4 minutes and 45 second and they called that a work record! Seriously?!” “I don’t know, I have seen some funny movies” Goku was thinking out aloud. “Those were actually horror movies” Goten added. “How come, that even if they are talking about normal topics like TV, they just don’t make any sense?” Bulma looked at Chichi. “With Vegeta and Goku I can understand it, but not even our sons are „normal”.” They boarded the plane and after 2 hours they arrived at their destination. There Bulma activated a capsule containing a microbus and they all got inside. As Vegeta didn’t trust Goku’s driving skills and Goku wasn’t so sure about Vegeta’s, Bulma ended up driving. They rented rooms in a five star hotel as Bulma way paying for everything. The hotel had its own pool and a huge garden. The sea was only 100 meter away, where the hotel guest had their own sunbeds and 4 volley ball courts. In the garden there were 2 tennis courts and 2 basketball courts as well. Inside the hotel the guest had their own bowling area and cocktail bar. There was also a spa area with saunas and Jacuzzis. The rooms were huge. All had a king size bed, a big bathtub, separate shower, a big balcony, etc. Pan and Bra managed to get a room which they shared. Videl and Bulma weren’t entirely sure that it was a good idea to leave a 5 and a 10 years old girl alone for the night but as the girls were nagging them, they gave in. Trunks and Goten had their own separate rooms next to each other. “At least the food is good” Vegeta stated because as soon as they arrived they had lunch. “And it’s an all-you-can-eat kind” Goku added, referring to the buffet lunch. After they eat and packet out, the saiyans went to train, this time including Gohan and Pan as well. When the time limit passed, Chichi came to warn them. In order not to blow up the whole planet, Bulma developed a portable gravitation room and they used that to train. “Let’s just pretend we are ok with it” Trunks said and they went back to the hotel and joined the others on the beach. “It’s not so bad” Goten smiled, when they arrived and he was watching the women in bikinis. “You are just like Roshi” Goku remarked grinning. “Daddy, let’s build a sand castle!” Bra called, grabbing Vegeta’s arm. “No way!” “Please! You are always making it so pretty!” As Bra was looking at him with puppy eyes Vegeta felt like he had no choice and he gave in. “I want to build one to!” Pan cried and Goku offered to help her, like he was just waiting for this. Both „teams” built a huge castle but while Pan’s castle looked rather just a big pile of sand, Bra’s castle was quite good with towers, moat and a bridge. “How the heck are you doing it?” Goku asked, looking at Vegeta, who was the main „designer”. “Let me be, ok?” Vegeta snarled. “Don’t take it as an offense, I’m quite impressed! I built a tons of sand castles with Pan but it seems I just don’t have the skills.” “It’s logical that I’m good at anything!” They all looked bewildered at Vegeta while he built the last tower. He worked like a sculptor. Bra already knew that his father was good at this, that’s why she forced him in the first place. Vegeta remembered the first time he built such a thing. Bra was around 4 years old and he was forced to go shopping with Bulma. At that time Bra found it really boring as well so she began to cry and wanted to go to the playground. Vegeta was happy that he had an excuse to leave as he still found the playground more bearable then the plaza. “Let’s build a sand castle!” Bra called and she led Vegeta to the sand box. “What is a sand castle?” he asked as he had no idea. “It’s like this” she explained, pulling out a storybook opening it on a page where a sandcastle was drawn. Vegeta had no idea what was so good in that and he still had his doubt about the playgrounds in general. All he could see there were a bunch of really annoying and loud youngsters with their retarded mothers who talked about baby food and diapers. But he still hated shopping more so he sit down and they began to build the palace. He assumed that it must really look like as it was in the book so he tried to copy it and he even improved the layout a bit. “Daddy, you are awesome!” Bra smiled happily. Vegeta was just about to reply, when he seen that other people were watching him as well. They were also impressed and wanted to have a closer look. “Piss off!” Vegeta shouted, causing many kids to cry. A woman was about to scold him but as she spotted the prince killer’s look she just grabbed her son and they left. When Bulma arrived, nobody was there apart from the two saiyans. She was shocked as she watched her husband building the castle. “Why is everybody acting like they are crazy? I mean more crazy then normally” Vegeta asked, standing up. “You built this?” Bulma asked. “Yes, and so what? Bra told me that a sand castle looks like this” he explained, showing her the story book. “It’s true... but people normally don’t have the skills to make it so realistic. It’s rather like” Bulma was searching for the words to explain and then she discovered an another sandcastle, and pointed there” that one. “But that’s not a castle, it’s a pile of sand!” It was natural to Vegeta that he built it and never thought about it as something extraordinary. Now, again people were looking at them so he decided to leave. “What is volleyball?” Goku asked as they later began their first training session with the gravitation belts. To hide it they all put on singles on their swimming shorts. Goten and Trunks had real trouble until Goku understood the rules. Vegeta wasn’t easy either but he rather had problem with the fact that it was a stupid game. But as it was the only chance to do some „training” he was forced to play along. Literarily. As they all set the gravity high they were as exhausted after an hour play as normal humans would have been. It was good to cool off in the sea and shortly after one of the best parts of the day came; dinner. Just as Goten was about to go up from the beach to get dressed, he head a familiar voice. “Hey Goten!” “Serena?” he asked surprised. “I will go ahead, as I’m starving” Trunks stated after he said hello to Serena and winked to Goten. “Wow, you are really working out” Serena called, looking at his classmate who only wore his swimming shorts. “I told you so” he smiled, then added. “You have a hell of a body. Why aren’t you wearing normal clothes? Like the one at the Christmas party.” “I like to wear casual stuff, that’s all. So I don’t break my ankle in heals of freeze to death in the winter in skirts.” “Do you know Atin?” “Trunks girlfriend, right?” “Yes. She isn’t wearing anything like those either but she is still sexy.” “I know, she was really popular.” “What are you doing here?” “I’m working here, I took a summer job as a lifeguard. I was in the swimming team and I want to be a doctor so I can not only rescue somebody but even bring back to life! And you? Are you hanging out with Trunks and hitting on girls.” “I wish!” “You live in this hotel? I guess I know why you are friend with Trunks now.” “Well, if you trying to imply that I’m his friend because he is rich, then you are wrong. My father and his mother are childhood friends so naturally we become friends as well. Actually we are here with our families. Gosh, you must really have a very low opinion from me.” “I’m sorry” Serena blushed. “I just...” “It just proves that you have to get to know me! Wanna come over a few hours later and play bowling? And just before you say no, Trunks will be there with Atin so it’s not like a date.” Serena was determined to say no but she ended up coming as Goten was really good at persuading. She was a bit angry with herself but she ended up having a good time. Goten waited on her in the lobby and they went to the bowling area. “Goten really managed to talk Serena into it?” Atin asked, while they waited. “Seems so. But what are the odds that he meets her here?” “It must be destiny” Atin called and they both grinned. “It’s so cool that you can fly and come to visit” Trunks smiled. “I still don’t get why you came with plane.” “My mother is obsessed with the idea that we should act human. We could even teleport here.” “Really? You can teleport? You have to teach me how, unless it requires big power.” “No, not really. The folks who taught Goku this weren’t strong at all. It’s pretty simple once you know how to.” When Goten arrived with Serena they began bowling. Neither of the saiyans played it before but they knew the basics. “Why are you concentrating so hard?” Serena grinned looking at Goten. “I just don’t want to break the court with the ball.” “He is joking, right?” Serena asked, looking at Atin. “No, he is dead serious” Atin answered which confused the other girl. They had a good time and as they were about to leave when their parents arrived. “Maybe, they won’t see us” Goten whispered to Trunks but just then Bulma called: “Hey guys, come here!” “What if we pretend that we don’t know them?” Goten asked. “No chache. Specially Chichi would go after you and drag you there” Trunks answered to they walked to them. “So you just have to make sure to tumble down as many skittles as you can” Chichi continued the explanation, looking at Goku and Vegeta. “But not with an energy blast, Vegeta!” Bulma interrupted as the prince was stretching out his hand. “Also, you cannot step on the court” Gohan explained as his father was just about too. “I don’t get it. If I cannot blast it away and cannot kick them, then how?” Goku asked. “With this” Goten said and handed over a ball to him. “That sounds fun” Pan called and she grabbed a ball. “Shouldn’t that be a bit heavy for her?” Serena asked leaning to Goten. “You see, she is training as well.” “How old is she?” “5.” “And she is already so strong?!” “It sort of runs in our blood.” “Pan, please make sure that you don’t roll it too strong!” Videl called, but she was too late as Pan’s ball crashed into the wall, making a hole. After a time the saiyans managed to find out how much power can they use and Goku and Vegeta become quite good in it. Then Goku and Chichi disagreed on something and Goku dropped the ball on his leg. “You should be more careful with that thing!” Chichi shouted. “It didn’t hurt” Goku stated. “But you could have dropped it on Pan!” “Darling, I don’t really think she would have even felt it!” “That’s not my point!” They all had a good time, except for Goten who couldn’t believe that Serena not just met her mother and father, but the whole family and their friends. He offered her to walk her home to the inn where she stayed so they walked together on the beach. “Is it always like this?” Serena asked. “Mostly it’s worse, much worse” Goten sighed. “Why do you say this? I think you have a great family. A bit strange, but they are all funny and it’s so good that you still go to have vacation together!” “Really?” “I still don’t see how your niece could break the wall but well... I heard that some years ago at the great tournament 2 kids had a better fight then the others at the adult section.” “Tell me about it! It was me and Trunks fighting there.” “What? So you really weren’t joking about the material arts.” “Nope.“ “Thank you for walking me home, I will be fine from here” Serena said and they stopped at the entrance of the inn. “We are here for 2 weeks so we could meet tomorrow as well” Goten offered. “I will think about it.” “Great!” “Hey, I haven’t said yes!” “True, but you haven’t said no straight away.” “Tell me Goten, what exactly do you want from me?” “I decided at the Christmas party, when we decorated the gym that I will make you fall in love with me” Goten grinned then he left, leaving a confused Serena behind. The next day after breakfast the saiyans went to train and after they finished with the 2 hour, they went back to the beach. This time Bulma hired a surfing instructor and they tried to learn surfing. They continued it after lunch as well. Vegeta become the most motivated as Goku somehow mastered it really easily and he was already surfing like some expert. “Shit” Vegeta said as he spat out the salty water and tried to climb back on the board. “Why do you have to make a competition out of everything?” Bulma asked. “I just cannot believe it that this clown already learned it!” “You should enjoy it not make yourself angry!” Just then a huge wave came and Goku fall into the sea. Although it takes years until somebody learns surfing at the end of the vacation every saiyan become quite good at it, even Pan and Bra. After dinner Atin and Serena came over again. This time they went to the spa and tried out the Jacuzzi. After that they climber to the top of the hotel, where a balcony was built for the guests. It was already dark and the sight was breath-taking as they could see the whole city from there. “I which I could fly!” Serena smiled as she was looking down. “I can sort of grant that whish” Goten called and before Serena could say anything he grabbed her and hold her in his arms. “Are you crazy? Put me down!” she demanded, but Goten held her tight and then jumped off. Serena was quite sure that Goten went crazy and she closed her eyes. But as she still didn’t felt any pain she opened it and then realized that they were flying. “But... How?” “It’s not so hard if you are a fighter” Goten smiled. They flew over the whole city and even further away. When Goten finally put Serena down for the inn, she wished to fly again. “It was amazing” she smiled. “I can take you anytime. Just say the word!“ They were still standing close to each other and then Goten suddenly tried to kiss Serena but she stepped away and smiled: “To your credit I have to say you impress me. I never thought that there is something behind the playboy but I’m not afraid to say it out aloud that I was wrong. I don’t mind falling for you but you have to work a lot more for that. Additionally you have to be vigilant, not to fall in love with me along the way!” “How...” began Goten but couldn’t finish it as Serena stepped closed and kissed him. “ I had a nice evening, thank you!” With that Serena left and Goten just stood there not sure what to think. So instead of flying back to the hotel, he decided to take a walk. In the meantime Atin got back with Trunks into his room and they decided to watch a movie. “Impressive, this TV is almost as huge as it is at your home” Atin called, while they sit down on the couch. “Yes, although I’m not really sure why we have our own home theatre system as neither of us is really watching it.” During the movie they ate popcorn and drunk coke. After the movie ended Atin wanted to drink the rest of her coke but just as she was turning around to get it, Trunks was holding his own glass and some the coke ended on the girls’ shirt. “And that’s why I never wear anything white” Atin called, looking down at her white shirt. “I’m sorry!” “Don’t worry, I think I can get out the stain if I do it now.” Before Trunks could object, Atin pulled of her shirt and went to the bathroom. “It should be dry within an hour in this heat” she called when she came back. Then after she hang out her shirt, she realized that Trunks was desperately trying not to look at her while his face was red. “Come on, I’m still wearing my bra!” she grinned. “It actually covers a bit more than my bikini and you have seen me in that.” “But it’s not your bikini” Trunks explained while he looked at her, just to look away again. “Beats me if I understand that logic. Still, I’m sorry.” “Why are you apologising?” “I make you uncomfortable.” “No. I mean I should be happy to see you so... and I’m... it’s just... I have no idea how to act!” “Act normal. Look at me!” Trunks looked at her but as he was about to look away, Atin stepped closer and held his head between her palms, preventing him to look away. “Now tell me; where are your shirts? I would like to borrow one.” Trunks was about to answer when he realised he wasn’t embarrassed any more, even though Atin was inches away from him. He leaned closer to her and kissed her on the lips then she kissed him back. A few moments later they were both on the bed, kissing each other like they never kissed before. The next day when Trunks woke up he had suddenly no idea why was Atin sleeping next to him and why was he hugging her. Then it all come back to him and as he wanted to get up really quickly his leg stuck in the sheet and he fell on the floor. “Is that some kind of saiyan way to get up?” Atin laughed who woke up to that. “Sorry, I wasn’t intending to wake you up!” After they both got dressed Trunks asked: “Won’t your father be angry that you didn’t come home?” “He is off somewhere training so he has no idea what I do, generally. I basically live alone as he is rarely coming home.” “Do you want to come down to breakfast?” “No, thank you! Also, I’m not quite sure that you could behave normally with me around.” “You might be right” Trunks blushed. “On the bright side my shirt had plenty of time to dry” she smiled “so I don’t need to borrow your shirt.” “Right” Trunks sighed. He managed to behave as usual and after breakfast the training took of his mind from everything else and after that they went to climbing. There was a rocky mountain near to the hotel so they went there. Even though they didn’t use any security rope it was still exhausting thanks to the gravity belts. “I’m so grateful that I’m half saiyan” Goten smiled, once they were on the top of the mountain. “I agree” Trunks nodded “it sucks that most of them couldn’t even climb this wall or those who can are just as tired as we are now.” “Krilin and Tien are humans and they could climb this as well” Goku disagreed. “Basically the only two humans who kept up with us for a while” Goten agreed. “But we are way stronger as they.” “No wonder, the saiyans are a fighter race, it’s pretty obvious that we are way stronger” Vegeta grinned. While they were out climbing, the women decided to go shopping. Vegeta remembered how Bulma though out a way for him not to go shopping, even if it was about his clothes. It happened not long after Cell was defeated and Vegeta decided to stay with Bulma and Trunks. “Get off your shirt” Bulma said out of the blue one day, just when Vegeta finished lunch and was about to go back to train. “What? Why would I get naked now?” the prince asked not understanding Bulma. He really wondered if he would ever understand her as she always did something which he wasn’t expecting at all. “Well, I never said anything about your pants but I don’t mind if you take that off as well. There is nothing underneath what I haven’t actually seen” smiled Bulma amused by the fact that she made Vegeta blush. Again. Since he hasn’t made any attempt to remove his shirt and he just stood there his mouth open and his eyes bulging in astonishment, she added: ‘Hurry up, I don’t have the whole day!’ “Why?” the saiyan asked again while he was desperately trying to find an explanation, any kind of explanation. “Well, we already had an argument about you going shopping with me. And I wasn’t even asking it so I can buy some clothes, although you should feel obligated to accompany me even so as you are the main reason I need to go shopping in the first place as you are always tearing off my things.” “It’s not my fault that those thing are not resistant at all!” “Anyhow, back to my point, I asked you to come because you need some clothes as well. You refused so, unless you will want to walk around in the house naked – which I personally wouldn’t mind as you have a great body – I need to take some measurements so I can go alone and buy some things for you to wear.” “Fine” Vegeta agreed and he pulled off his shirt. He knew that he only had just a couple of items to wear and even though he had other things to put on while training he still ruined some of his „ordinary” clothes. He even remembered on the pink shirt which he was forced to put on once and he wanted to avoid that at any cost. “I’m actually thinking that holidays aren’t so bad after all” Goku said, pulling Vegeta back to the present. “At least so, that we have my invention” Trunks grinned. “Did they seriously think that we will agree with just 2 hours training?” Goten asked. “Yeah, it’s a bit strange” Goku admitted. Bulma and the others arrived back at lunch so they all eat together and then headed for the beach. “Why are they so obsessed playing human sports?” Videl asked, looking at the saiyans playing volleyball. “I have no idea, but at least they are doing something normal” Chichi smiled. “I assume they are training somehow. I haven’t figured out the trick yet though” Bulma explained. As she looked at them she remembered how they always argued with Vegeta. Mainly after the Cell games when Vegeta decided to train again, they fought a lot. “What?” Bulma asked a bit irritated as she seen Vegeta entering the laboratory. “Why is there no food?” the saiyan asked angrily. “Ghosh! We had this conversation so many times” Bulma sighed, while she took of her labour gown. “I told you so many times that you should go to the supermarket yourself as well. And then you always tell me that a saiyan prince would never do that and we are low life people. Then I explain that you are actually living with one, me! And you live in my house, eat my food, etc.” “What... What are you doing?” Vegeta interrupted her, as while Bulma was talking she didn’t stop by just taking off her gown. She kicked of her shoes and just removed her blouse. “You know damn well, I’m getting naked” she explained still angry. “Why?” Vegeta asked feeling confused and irritated at the same time that he cannot remove his eyes from the woman’s body. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed” Bulma continued, removing her short “that nowadays every time we fight we end up having sex. So why not just skip arguing as we never solved anything with it and just have sex?!” Vegeta couldn’t believe his ears but he didn’t have time to ask back as Bulma was already on him. He realised he had no objections. “It’s strange that they are moving at human speed” Chichi stated, watching the game. “Indeed. Even if they try to appear normal it’s not so believable” Bulma was thinking out aloud. “Still I don’t mind even though I’m sure there is something behind. At least they are doing things what others do on their holidays.” Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)