Dragon Ball R von Lans13 (The saiyans are back!) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Chapter 1 -------------------- Trunks and Goten just met and they walked to school. It was their first day in a new class. The sun was shining and it was a warm spring day. ”I so have better things to do then this” sighed Goten. ”Me too. But our parents are convinced that school is really important. Ok, my mom is not such a maniac as Chi-Chi, but still... Even father couldn't convince her that I should rather train.” ”I hope that at least we will have some cute girls in our class.” ”You are always thinking about girls.” ”What else should I think about? I'm 17! You should really try dating. You are 18 and you never even had a girlfriend.” ”You know as well that I cannot really behave in front of them. And anyhow what should I talk about with them?” ”Whatever! Ok, I cannot say that you can talk with them about the topics which we discuss, as obviously you cannot discuss saiyajin issues and tell them stories about how we saved Earth, but there are normal things. That's why I told you that you should watch some movies at least.” When they arrived the teacher introduced them (they needed to change school because they managed to blow up their old one accidentally) and Goten was really happy to see that there were some pretty girls in the class and most of them were already smiling and happy that they got such good looking boys as new classmates. The guys on the other hand seemed rather jealous. ”Hi, I'm Akiko” introduced the girl herself to Trunks as soon as the class ended and the teacher left the room. Akiko was a tall slender girl with brown eyes and light brown long hair. She dressed in a red miniskirt, pink tight top and high heels. She was typically the type of girl who Goten dated as he liked to show off his girlfriends to everybody. But also those type of girls found Trunk attractive and as they were not shy, they always tried to win Trunks attention. “I'm Trunks” said Trunks and he already panicked a bit. He was a bit afraid of girls and hated the most those, who were pushy, just like Akiko. “If you want, I can show you around” offered Akiko and she grabbed Trunks and bought him out to the corridors. Trunks managed to see a glimpse of Goten who was already hitting on somebody. They eyes met for a moment and Goten winked at him. Trunks was too disturbed to resist so he followed Akiko around and only managed to free his hand halfway. It was clear that the girl was hitting on him pretty hard. He always had the same issue; he was really popular but couldn't handle them. Sometimes he envied his friend as Goten had no issues at all; actually he had a new girlfriend every month. Trunks was really glad once they were free to go home. ”How was school?” Bulma asked as he arrived home. “Just terrible” he said, dropping his schoolbag on the floor and sit on the couch. “In case you want to do something meaningful then come to the gravitation room” said Vegeta who just came out from the dining room finished with his late lunch. “Actually...” began Trunks but seeing his father's expression he changed what he wanted to say “I will just change and be right there.” “Good” the prince nodded. As Trunks got to his room, he looked sadly at his PlayStation, then changed to his training suit and went down to the cellar which was Vegeta's own training area. There was a shower and a small changing room and even a small room for rest with some sofas and pillows shattered around. It was built so strong that even the most intense training couldn't break the walls. Even so Bulma didn't risk putting the cellar under the house; it was away from it under the garden only connecting it to the house with a long corridor. Mainly they trained separately as Trunks wasn't really a worthy opponent but on rare occasions they sparred. After a while Trunks was actually happy that he trained because he managed to get away from his thoughts regarding school and girls. He was so tired in the evening that he decided to skip the homework and get up earlier to finish them in the morning. In the morning he reset the alarm clock deciding that he will write it between classes but just as he was about to fall asleep he heard Vegeta's shouting: “What?! I won't live under the same roof as Kakarott. You cannot think this seriously!” “Why not? It's not like you want to kill him anymore. And anyhow it's just for a couple of weeks.” “No! No way in hell!” “I wasn't asking for permission you know” Bulma shouted back “it was just an FYI.” At this point Trunks gave up on sleeping; he got dressed and went to the dining room to have breakfast. He and Bra were pretty much used to the fact that their parents were sometimes arguing, so they sit indifferently at the table and eat some pancakes. After that Trunks pulled out his books to finish at least one part of his homework before school and Bra was doing the same while their parents were still shouting with each other. Sometimes it wasn't so loud but occasionally he could have sworn that the whole street was hearing it. “We will move to you over the weekend” said Goten when they met up later. “I already heard it really loudly. My parents were arguing the whole morning. I gathered that since Chi-Chi decided to renovate your house you needed a place to stay so she asked my mother who said yes.” “And what were they arguing about?” “Father doesn't want to live together with Goku as I gathered.” “Why?” “Beats me! I know they were not on good terms back a while ago, but still... They were a pretty good team against Buu.” “And, what was the outcome?” “They were still arguing, but we know it will happen as mother says. Strange, but she can actually force her will on father. I'm not quite sure how she manages that. It seems that it's somehow related to women though as Bra has already some success with father as well. Imagine, she was crying one night about 4 years ago when she was 6, that she is afraid and doesn't want to sleep in her room in dark! You know she stole one of my horror movies and watched it. At the end father went to her room and promised to stay there until she falls asleep. Moreover he turned into a super saiyajin so he lighted the room.” “Wow, seriously Vegeta did that?!” “Yeah, it's kind of hard to believe. When I was small and I pulled the same number he said that I'm a pussy and laughed on me.” “Women really must know something” said Goten and then they both laughed. Trunks had a hard time at school as Akiko still wanted to date him. She even asked him to tutor her in math. She saw how quickly Trunks solved the occasion at the board when the teacher asked him so she tried to gain something even from that. As Trunks couldn't say no, he ended up promising to tutor her one afternoon in the library. “So you have a date!” laughed Goten. “You are so mean!” “Why didn't you just say no?” “Because I couldn't... I really wanted too, but...” Goten went home with Trunks since at the afternoon his family already moved over there. “Wow Bulma, I really like the dishes what your cooks make, I'm glad to be here” stated Goku the moment they walked in. “Goku!” said Chi-Chi angrily. “All you can think about is food?!” “Nope. I need to train as well” smiled Goku and when he realized the boys were back, he waved to them. Goku was happy with their temporary home and he was sort of excited to train with Vegeta as well. As we know the prince wasn't so overjoyed about it but after he „discussed" it with Bulma he gave up and only hoped that those few weeks will end really fast. On the other hand he needed to admit to himself that he benefited from this as for the first time ever, he trained with SonGoku. SonGoku wasn't reluctant to teach him any of his techniques either; it was just his pride which didn't let him ask for this. However as Trunks and Goten were partly training with them, Trunks mainly asked the questions so Vegeta just needed to pay attention in the background. As reluctant as he was, he even practiced the fusion with Goku and they fought against Gotenks as well. He needed to admit that something changed during the fight against Buu and he didn’t hate Goku anymore. He still wanted to overpass him and that will never change but the lust to kill him disappeared somehow along the way. Although he could train with Trunks, it wasn't the same as training with Goku. Partly because Trunks wasn't always home and mainly because Goku was a worthy opponent. They got up equally early and trained equally hard. “Wow, we should have done this much earlier!” said SonGoku when they had a short break and both eat lunch in the dining room. “What?” asked Vegeta, grabbing another plate. “Training together!” “Exactly when? After Cell you were dead and before the cyborgs I couldn't bear to see your stupid face and under any other circumstances I would have killed you.” “True” nodded SonGoku recalling the events. “Anyhow I'm glad we are friends now.” “From where do you get this crazy idea? I still cannot stand you!” shouted Vegeta and went back to the gravitation room. “Yeah, try to convince yourself” murmured Goku and went after him smiling. Strange as it may seem, moving together worked out pretty good. The saiyans trained together, Goten and Trunks could hang out even more, while Bulma and Chichi discussed the latest trends and went shopping together (food and clothes as well). The family dinners were sometimes a bit interesting when all of them gathered around at the same desk and it was scary to see how much food the saiyans consumed, even Bra who was only 10 years old and a girl. Chichi was glad for the robots built by Bulma, who took care of cooking and washing the dishes. “I'm glad you come!” said Akiko when Trunks appeared in the library to their promised math practice, what Goten mentioned as „date". “Ok, so let's see what you don’t understand” asked Trunk, pulling out a chair at the opposite end of the desk. “Math – Akiko replied.” “But which part?” “I'm not sure. I sort of always lose track of the whole lesson after 2-3 minutes.” “Let me think!” sighed Trunks, while he pulled out his books from the backpack. “Try to solve this equation and let's see how far you get!” “Well” began Akiko, then walked over to Trunks, pulled out a chair next to him and sit down. She even leaned close to him, pretending that it was just for the sole purpose to see the book. The saiyan felt himself blush and he felt uncomfortable. Still he was determined to go through with this and be over with. So he didn't get up and run away although he really wanted too. “I still don't get it” said Akiko looking at Trunks after he explained the basics for the 3rd time. “Were you paying any attention at all?” He asked, knowing pretty well that the girl was just staring at him to whole time. He needed all his willpower to concentrate on the subject and to explain the steps so, that it actually made sense. Being so near to Akiko clouded his mind and he had real trouble figuring out such basic thing as how much is 3 times 3. He was always shy around girls and needed to focus hard just to say sentences which actually made sense. He would rather face Buu all alone as being around girls. “Well, it's a bit hard to concentrate given the fact that you are so hot” answered Akiko, leaning even closer trying to kiss his classmate. When Akiko's lips almost touched his, Trunks finally lost it, pushed her away, grabbed his things and left. He knew Goten will make fun of him but he didn't care. He needed to confess to himself; he was afraid of girls. When he got home the living room was empty so he dropped his backpack and went to the kitchen. He was too nervous to eat yet but he decided to drink some tea to help him relax. Just as he grabbed a mug, Vegeta entered the kitchen but as Trunks was lost in his world he didn't feel his presence at all. So when his father opened the fridge Trunks jumped at the sudden noise and dropped the mug which broke as it hit the ground. “Sorry, I wasn't realizing you are here” he explained and grabbed another mug which he almost dropped as well at the sound of the entrance door opening. “What is wrong with you?” Vegeta asked studying his son's face. “Nothing.” “It sure doesn't look like nothing to me. And that's something as your mother always says I still need to improve a lot, to perceive how other people feel around me. So don't tell me it's nothing!” “Well, it's rather complicated” sighed Trunks thinking about the fact that his father is the last person on Earths to whom he would like to discuss this. Vegeta didn't react to this, but shifted his attention to the food. Once he managed to cover half of the dining table with plates he decided it might be enough so he sit down. Trunks joined him but he still didn't feel hungry at all. “Aren't you eating?” Vegeta asked looking at his son, who still only sipped his tea. “No, I'm not really hungry.” Vegeta was just about to say something when Bra arrived. She said hello and helped his father to eat the still enormous amount of food. “You will play hide-and-seek with me” stated Bra after they finished eating, looking at Vegeta. “Can we join as well?” asked Goku who just arrived „home" with Pan by his side. “There you go” said Vegeta to his daughter. “You can go and play this stupid game with Kakarott and Pan.” “It's ok that they join but still you need to play as well.” “No way in hell!” said the prince. “But you promised!” insisted Bra, causing Vegeta to remember. He has promised it indeed. It's not like he was intended to, it just happened. Bra had a bad dream and at the middle of the night she run to their bedroom crying. While Bulma was comforting her Vegeta desperately tried to fall back to sleep but those women were so loud that he gave up and asked Bra angrily: “What the heck are you so afraid of?” Both Bulma and Bra were a bit taken aback by the fact that the saiyan seemed to show some interest. Bulma decided not to say a word and was really curious to see what will come out of this. “Monsters were chasing me” explained Bra and Vegeta could see that she had tears in her eyes. “For your information, I'm here a few rooms away. Do you think I couldn't kill the monster?” “Oh...” said Bra, just realizing that she has nothing to be afraid of with his father around. “So go back to your room already!” called the prince. “If I go back, will you play hide-and-seek with me tomorrow?” “Yes, whatever, just go” agreed Vegeta not entirely paying attention. “Great!” smiled Bra, then decided to hug her dad quickly, before going back. Vegeta was taken aback by the sudden hug but since he tried to be a good father he hugged her back. Once Bra left the room he noticed that Bulma was watching him studying his face. “What?” He asked a bit irritated. “You know” answered Bulma and without any further explanation she turned off the light, laid down and snuggled to Vegeta. Although Vegeta had really no time playing such childish games, he was somebody who kept his promises so he stood up from the chair. He was about to leave when a sudden idea surfaced in his mind and he looked at his son. “You! Come!” “Why? I wasn't the one promising her” protested Trunks but he knew pretty well that once his father decided something, it will happen so. “I'm not sure what's bothering you but this might help to take your mind of it. Any anyhow, I said so.” “Ok, I'm coming” Trunks agreed and he went after them. It was a strange afternoon and a strange experience. His father never really played with him when he was young. Although he enjoyed training with his father, it wasn't the same. After Buu's death Vegeta suddenly changed a lot and he was trying harder to be a good father. But it wasn't easy to change how he was and it took time. He was more relaxed now and more at ease, sometimes it was hard to believe it was him. For his own surprise the game indeed took of his mind from Akiko and generally from girls and somewhere along he caught himself that he is enjoying the game. It was a bit strange, playing hide-and-seek now as he was 18, but on the other hand Goku was way older than him and he was having fun at the whole time. Thinking back, Goku was always fun to be around and Trunks liked to spend time by them with Goten. While Goten couldn't say the same. Of course he liked being at Bulma's house and he liked the sleepovers as well but he was a bit afraid of Vegeta. When they didn't want to sleep and Bulma was threatening them that she will tell Vegeta, Goten actually got scared and crawled inside the sleeping bag. Trunks found that quite funny as he himself couldn't see how his father would be scary. He wouldn't dare to say no to him, but still... he had his good sides. Even if he wasn't really playing with him. At least not until now. Vegeta felt really strange at the whole time. He still couldn't believe that Bra managed to talk him into this. And it wasn't the first time either! He still wondered how SonGoku could be so childish and carefree. He was fun being around and he had a talent to lighten everybody's mood. Vegeta rather preferred board games if he had to play any. It felt less childish and some were actually not so bad, like Monopoly or the Hotel. While he was hiding in the closet he caught site of the many board games Trunks and Bra owned. A memory surfaced as he looked at a particular one; Activity. They bought it together with Bulma for Bra last Christmas as Bulma managed to convince him to go shopping with her. She did all of the shopping for Christmas for the others but insisted that for once Vegeta accompany her to get some present for their children. As we can imagine, the prince wasn't too happy about it but he gave in and faced his faith. They already searched half of the biggest toy shop in the city, still searching for Bra's gift when they entered the section where the board games were stored. “Just nothing from here” Vegeta protested as Bulma grabbed one box from the shelf. “Why?” She asked looking surprised at her husband. So far Vegeta hasn't said a word and even though he was with her, she needed to make all the decisions. She could force her to tag along but she couldn't force her to actually help. “Because I will eventually end up playing with this as well” explained Vegeta, blushing a bit. Bulma was taken aback by this and then she recalled that one time when she got home he saw Vegeta playing Mouse trap with their daughter. She quickly walked out of the room and run outside, while she was desperately trying not to laugh. She failed, but at last she was already in the garden and she hoped Vegeta couldn't hear it. “I found you!” shouted Bra happily when she opened the closet door and saw his father. “It was about time” sighed Vegeta and he stretched as soon as got out. After an hour and a half, Bra finally released his father and they finished the game. When Bulma came home later, Bra was happily telling her about the hide-and-seek which they played in the afternoon. Bulma wasn't surprised that Goku joined the kids but when Bra mentioned that Vegeta played as well along with Trunks, she was shocked. “I heard about the hide-and-seek” she smiled at Vegeta later, when they were already in bed, facing each other. “Yeah, I imagine. Sometimes I really wish for Bra to grow up so she won't nag me about these things.” “I think you would regret thinking this way once she will actually come home with her boyfriend.” “How so?” the prince asked confused. “You know all fathers are protective over their little girls and mostly they want to kill the first guy who she is dating. And the second...” “Is it some kind of your stupid earthly costumes as well?” “Maybe. But I'm sure you will eventually understand it when the time comes.” “I still don't get many of your stupid customs you know. You are such an irrational race. It seems I don't even understand Trunks, he clearly has some problems but he is not telling me.” “I know. I tried to talk with him as well in vain. But I'm not as worried as I'm quite sure it's related to some girl or so.” “Why do you think that?” “He is 18. I bet all he can think of are girls. A bit strange though that he never introduced any of his girlfriends to me, but still... he must be dating some of them. He is so good looking that the girls must just love him.” Vegeta was quiet for a while thinking about this and once again he realized that people on Earth behaved so much more different than the saiyans on planet Vegeta. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)