How life works von GizziJu (Ereri/Riren - Modern AU) ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: Chapter 7 -------------------- I woke up to a voice calling my name and someone shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was a bit blurry but when my eyes focused I saw that the one who woke me up Levi was. He looked really worried. His loud voice got quieter when he saw that my eyes were open.   "Levi...what's wrong?" I asked him tiredly rubbing my sleepy eyes.   "What wrong is?!" he raised his voice a bit with anger in it. Levi calmed himself before continuing. "Jeager, I knocked at your door for 15 minutes calling your name but you didn't open the door nor did you answer."   I looked him in the eyes and could see the extrem worry in them. "I'm sorry..." it was barely above a whisper but he could still hear it. His eyes softened and the worry in them faded. "But how did you get in here? The door was locked".   "After a while I went to the caretaker and he opened it for me. I was shocked when I saw you here on the floor. I got worried when you didn't woke up for a moment."   I could only stare into his eyes. I felt so guilty. Without thinking my right hand went up to his cheek, caressing it gently with my thumb. His grey eyes widened when I gave him a sorrowful smile. "I'm so sorry Levi. I never meant to worry you like that. Can you forgive me?"   He put his hand on mine and took my other one in his "Of course I can. You're okay and that's all that matters" When he finished talking he pulled me up by my hands which were in his. I didn't know he was so strong so that when he pulled I flew onto him, in his arms.   I took this chance and hugged him thighly saying 'Sorry' again and 'Thank you' because he helped me up. Suddenly Levi started to squirm out of my grip. "What's the matter?" I asked when he put his hand over his mouth and nose.   "Take a shower, idiot. You smell like shit"   My cheeks went red when I remembered that the last time I showered was three days ago and with my panic attack and everything I got really sweaty. "I'm sorry" I said turning away "Make yourself feel at home while I'm in the shower" I ran to my room grabbing some clothes and then dissapeared into the bathroom.   "Tch brat" I heard Levi say before I closed the bathroom door.   I stripped down and turned on the shower, jumping in, not even waiting for the water to get warm. My cheeks flushed more as I thought about what had just happened.   'What the hell?! My hand on his cheek and...a hug?! He's not my boyfriend or something like that!' I groaned and slammed my head against the wall. "Shit!" I called out rubbing my forehead when I heared a knock on the door.   "Is everything okay in there Jaeger?"   I winced at the pain then answered. "Yeah everything's alright" I finished showering with just thinking of how stupid I am. After my little action with my head it took my ca. 30 minutes before exiting the bathroom.   When I walked out I smelled something really good. I jogged to the kitchen and saw that Levi was cooking something.   "You can cook?" I asked looking over his shoulder.   "Of course I can. I'm living by myself and I don't want to eat only fast food and ready meals."   I just looked at him cooking when I remembered something. "Wait. I didn't have any ingredients here so how...?"   He turned the stove off and placed the pot on the table, sitting down with me. "Before I came here I remembered that you told me yesterday that you wanted to go shopping because you hadn't anything at home anymore. So I bought some things for you before coming here." He started eating and I smiled at him before I began eating aswell.   "I see, thank you" I took the first bite and my face lit up. "This is delicious Levi!" I dug in and just shoved the food in my mouth.   Levi looked up and then spoke with an annoyed face "Oi, brat! Stop stuffing it down your throat if it's delicious. You have to enjoy it" He looked down and contiuned eating while I looked at him. "And thanks" I heard him mumble between bites.   I smiled and began to eat again as well. This time not stuffing but enjoying the food Levi has made for me. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (