Epiphanies von Marron (...and more?) ================================================================================ Kapitel 9: Awakening II ----------------------- When he came to his senses, Robert felt a sharp pain in his head. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. What had happened? All he remembered was a great hit on his head. "Robert?!" He got up and the world started spinning. "Uh", he muttered as he fought back the dizziness. He felt like he might puke. "Johnny?", he asked, eyes shut and his head between his knees. A soft and warm hand apparead on his back, strocking it lightly. "I'm here." "What happened?", he asked and got the answer. "Nathan happened." Robert looked up then. He was still beaten with a terrible headache but he tried to see clear. "He attacked us. Knocked you unconcious and tied me up. Take it slow, you might have a concussion." He tried to nod, but felt his stomach heave. The breakfast found its way onto the floor beside them. "I think I have one", Robert sighed when he had an empty stomach. "Where are we?" He found it was best to start reacting, not to dwell in his misery. "Uhmm", Johnny sighed, "I don't know. Lokks like we are still on your ground, but I'm not sure." Robert forced himself to look around slowly. The cell semmed pretty familiar. "We are still in the castle", he sighed , "This cell was last used in the inquisition. Rather dark chapter of my families history." Johnny cocked an eyebrow, but remained silent. "So, there is no way out?", he surmised. "Nope", came Nathans short reply from outside the bars, "That's why I chose this place." "Nathan!", the scot hissed. The man bowed mockingly. "In the flesh. Did you really think I was crawling back to my brother? How naive." Johnny got up, banged against the bars with his hands and stared at the guy, totally upset. "Don't you dare smile now! Can't you see what you're doing to Robert?!" A grin. "I didn't do a single thing to him. It is your body which is pretty beaten up. I wouldn't dare to touch my love like this." "You don't even know the meaning of the word love", Robert commented, "Or else you wouldn't have gotten us here." "It is easy, love", Nathan beagn, completely ingnoring the sentence, "I brought you here so we can figure out how to get you back. Into your real body, you know? And while this happens, I have enough time to win you back. Isn't that convenient?" He chuckeled and his look got tender. "Once you realise how great I am, you will be that much more eager to be with me." "You are one sick person", was Roberts only answer. Nathan dropped his grin, snorted and muttered. "We have time, we have time." With that, he left. "Okay, what's the plan?", asked Johnny and inspected the german. "I don't have a plan, okay? Please, Johnny, do not rely on me." All he could feel was the pain in his head. "What about Salamalyon? We could brake free?" Robert laid down - his stomach behaved much better when he didn't try to move. "Do you have your blade with you?" The scots thoughts flew back to the morning. He and Robert had left in such confusion that they had left their beyblades on the board. "Shoot, I don't." "Me neither." So, they were trapped, helplessly forced to go along with Nathans sick ideas? That was gooing to be one hell of a day! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)