Mewtwos new life von Hibiki (Die Story stammt von 'Heart of Obsidian' auf Sie kommt hier aber noch einmal, weil sie mir so gefallen hat.) ================================================================================ Kapitel 5: Peaceful Dreams -------------------------- Chapter 5 Peaceful Dreams It was many hours later before Princess and Mew finally left and the sun had set long ago. Mew yawned as she and Princess stepped out of Shazam's cave. "It's getting pretty late huh?" Princess commented. "Sure is." Mew replied, "Say Shazam. . .?" She said, turning towards him as he held the door open, "Where's Mewtwo?" "He went back ahead of you, no need to worry. . .besides it's not as if the full moon is out or anything. . ." "What do you mean by that Shazam?" Princess smiled, "I think that's your romantic side showing a little there, right 'Zam? I think he means not to worry cause it's not as though you could fly back together in the silvery moonlight with nothing on your minds but one another and the love you share." Shazam nodded, "That's right." He smiled slyly. "What are you talking about? Who said anything about love. . .?" Mew asked blushing vibrantly. "Oh come now, you can't hide it from me! I've known you long enough to know when you like a guy!" Shazam replied. "Okay. . .fine then, you're right. . ." Mew sighed, "I like him okay? Promise me you won't tell him? Please, please don't tell him. . ." "I won't! Do not worry!" Mew nodded in thanks, "Goodnight you two, I'll see you tomorrow." With that she darted quickly away. Princess was about to walk off when Shazam placed his hand on her shoulder. "What is it 'Zam?" She said with a smile. Shazam smiled, "First off, don't call me 'Zam okay? Cutie, Sweetie, Hot Stuff, even You bed now! Any of them would do, but not 'Zam okay?" Princess chuckled, "Okay, sorry You bed now!" "Nice as it is to finally hear you say that, I'd prefer Shazam for now." "Awww I prefer my name for you! But okay then, Shazam. . .cause you asked. . ." "Now, secondly I have the best idea for tomorrow!" "Tomorrow?" "Yes indeed! Tomorrow we do that matchmaking you suggested?" "Who with?" Princess said slyly. Shazam blushed, "Your choice." Princess smiled shyly, "How 'bout Mew and Mewtwo to start off with okay?" "That's okay I suppose. Anyway, the idea I have in mind pretty much sorts itself out, but it will leave me with no place to go for most of the evening, so I was wondering if you were busy?" Instantly Shazam blushed vibrantly. "You're asking me out on a date tomorrow evening?" Princess asked, hiding her absolute amazement at this turn of events. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything I'm just being crazy I guess and. . ." "I'd like that." Princess interrupted, smiling sweetly. Shazam stopped mid-ramble, "What did you say?" "I said I'd like that. Assuming the offer still stands. . .?" "Sure, of course the offer still stands! That'd be great! You want to come in? We'll discuss it inside." "Sure." The two slowly stepped inside, plotting, planning and scheming for the following day. * * * * * As Mew gently touched down outside the cave, her gaze fell almost instantly upon Mewtwo, who sat smiling sweetly at her. She couldn't help but smile back, couldn't help but feel weak at the knees, couldn't help that nervous fluttering in her stomach, though she tried so hard not to let it get to her, he always seemed to have this effect on her. It was his eyes more than anything, they shone with compassion, glowing brilliantly like beacons of love and friendship and his 'heart melting smile', as she had described it to Princess earlier, was so incredible. She knew she was acting like a smitten little kitten, but she also knew that she couldn't help it and that she didn't care. Shyly she stepped in, gazing lovingly at Mewtwo as the gently flickering blue flame of her single candle glowed with Mewtwo's psychic fire. "I was wondering how much longer you were going to be Mew. . ." "Have I kept you waiting?" Mew asked, "Why didn't you just go to sleep?" "I wanted to see your face when I gave you this." He replied as he handed Mew a small, silky soft quilt and pillow from behind his back. Both were white, expertly made and the perfect size for Mew. Mew gazed with awe at her gift, "For me?" "Who else? I noticed you were kinda cold last night, I couldn't let that be the case, especially with winter only a season and a half away. . ." He trailed off. "Where'd you get these?" Mew said, taking the gifts from Mewtwo and placing them where her leaf-bed once lay. "Made them myself. It's not really much but. . . well y'know. . .I couldn't really let you be cold at night could I?" "You made it? Oh! You learnt Shazam's trick?" Mewtwo nodded. "That's incredible! I've been trying to learn that for years now! All I can make are really small things like marbles or small gems. How'd you do it so fast?" "Fast learner I guess." Mewtwo shrugged, "So, you like them?" "Like them? Mewtwo I love them!" Mew replied, hugging Mewtwo briefly. Only briefly, for she feared should she hold him for too long she may find herself overcome by her passionate love, and unable to force her emotions back any longer. "I'm glad you do. You want patterns or anything? I left it white in case you didn't want patterns or anything but if you want anything then I could. . ." "Mewtwo, they're great as they are, don't worry!" Mew interrupted him "You made yourself some as well I hope?" She asked. "Actually I didn't, I'll be just fine on the floor." Mew narrowed her eyes, "More like you're trying to snuggle up under mine!" She said with a smile. Mewtwo blushed, "No. . .no, as if I would! Ha ha. . ." He said, smiling nervously. Mew laughed, Mewtwo's nervousness subsided as he laughed in unison with Mew. Mew fell silent and smiled, "You know I wouldn't mind if you did. . .only if it was a really cold night that is. . ." Mewtwo's laughter subsided, "You mean that. . .?" "Well, yeah. . .but only if it was a really cold night. . ." Mew blushed, "Or. . ." "Or what?" "Nothing, forget I said 'or' okay?" Mew cleared her throat nervously, "Please make yourself one, okay? I don't want you getting cold." Mewtwo shrugged, "Okay then, if you insist." With that, Mewtwo waved his hand seemingly randomly and a larger version of Mew's gift appeared. "Makes it seem kinda insignificant if you can do it that quick. . ." Mew said, "But then again, it was really very sweet of you. . ." "Thanks. . .I think. . ." Mewtwo mumbled as he lay down upon his pillow, pulling his quilt over himself up to his neck. "I was only kidding about it seeming insignificant." Mew replied gently as she shuffled her bed up next to Mewtwo's. "I know that, don't concern yourself. I was kidding too, I wasn't upset." Mewtwo gently stroked her forehead, "And if it really did seem insignificant then I would give you something significant, do something significant for you. Make each day or night eternal, hold the stars still for all the seasons, make the moon shine brighter and more beautiful than your eyes. . ." "Mewtwo. . . You like my eyes. . .?" "You have beautiful eyes. . ." "As do you. . ." Mew replied, blushing and smiling shyly. Mewtwo gazed into Mew's eyes, totally transfixed by their beauty, which would in his opinion be unsurpassed were it not for the incredible beauty of their owner. "I doubt my eyes match your own." He said, "I doubt anyone's eyes match yours. . ." "You can't see your own eyes. If you could you would love them as much as I do. . ." "Mew, that's so sweet. . ." Mewtwo smiled and slowly closed his eyes, "Goodnight Mew. Sleep well. . ." "Goodnight Mewtwo, sweet dreams. . ." "They will be sweet, as I hope yours shall be." Mewtwo gently replied as Mew dozed off beside him. "They shall be sweet indeed my love." He thought to himself, "My mind is filled with nothing but your smiling face, my dreams will be filled with just the same and maybe more. . ." Mewtwo blushed, "I love you Mew. . ." He gently whispered, so quietly he couldn't even hear it himself. With that he drifted to sleep. * * * * * There came no void in Mewtwo's dreams tonight. There was no doppelganger, no painful memories, no sorrow and no self-doubt. There was only the starlit sky of the Ancient Jewel Forest, the mountain, the river and a full moon shining brightly. There was one other thing of course. Just as Mewtwo had predicted, Mew's smiling face did occupy his dreams. Instead of fear there came hope. Instead of evil there came good. Instead of cruelty there came friendship. Instead of hatred there came love. Mew flew up to him and the two hovered above the forest, they smiled lovingly at one another and tenderly embraced. * * * * * Mewtwo smiled and shuffled into a more comfortable position as he slept. Mew gazed over at him and smiled back, though she knew he would not see it. "Sleep peacefully Mewtwo, my love." She whispered, "Sleep peacefully." At peace now she knew Mewtwo's nightmares had not returned, Mew drifted back into a deep and peaceful sleep. For the rest of the night she dreamed of her beloved. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (