Harry Potter and the Mission of the Tiger von abgemeldet (A tale of love and despair...) ================================================================================ Teacher's Amusements, part one ------------------------------ AN// I changed something in chapter 4: Gabriel is the same age as Lucius Malfoy, he doesn't know Tom Riddle (best you read that part again, if you have read the old version) Sorry - had to be made for the ongoing of the story! ~ lCiel Chapter Six: Teacher's Amusements, part one Gabriel still sat at the table, when Severus re-entered the hall. The black-haired wizard smiled gently and walked over to him. "Do you have any plans for today?" Gabriel looked up to him. "No, I haven't. Do you?" "I thought we could make a trip to Diagon Alley, I need some Potion-supplies I can't get owled here and I wouldn't say no to a drink in the Leaking Cauldron." "Sure! I'd like to join you there." He got up and they made their way to the doors. When they reached the stairs, Gabriel turned left to the east tower, while Severus went down to the dungeons. /I need to ask the headmaster to change the location of my rooms - it takes far too long to go down there every time!/ He said the password and the torch owner turned to the right. Severus pulled at it and the door glide open. He quickly passed the living area and opened the bedroom-door. He opened the dresser and pulled some Muggle-clothes out of the top-layer. He undid the buttons of his robe and the black cloth fell to his ankles. He stepped out of it and hung it over the back of a chair. He took the tight fitting blue jeans on and grabbed the black shirt. He stepped into his leather-boots and took the jean jacket from behind the door, before he got some money out of the nightstand and walked back to the entrance hall, out of the dungeons. He didn't have to wait long for Gabriel to emerge from the top of the stairs, but when he looked up to his colleague, his breath stopped. The silver-blonde hair wasn't tied back and flooded freely over his slim shoulders. Under the fair grey jacket was a fair blue shirt visible. His black trousers were boot-cut and fell nicely over the light brown shoes. He smiled brightly when he descended the stairs. "There I am, sorry - took a bit! Ready?" "Sure." Severus opened the door for him. "Thank you, Sev." /SEV?!/ ~ The sun shone brightly and was reflected by the white walls of the huge building over Gringotts. Severus and Gabriel stepped inside the magnificent entryhall and to the next counter and the Goblin took their keys, while he led them through a little door down to the carriages. Snape suddenly grinned broadly and Gabriel looked at him questioningly. The Potions master smiled. "I like the carriages - they remind me on Muggle rollercoasters! You know?" "No, I've never been in one of those amusement parks in the Muggle world." "Then we go after we have bought everything. You have to try that!" Gabriel smiled uncertainly and he added. "You'll like it! I promise." "Aren't those things rather fast and unsecured?" "Well - they are fast, but quite secure, if you follow the rules." The Goblin cleared his throat and Snape pushed Mc'Caughn in the little wood-carriage before he sat down behind him. "Afraid?" "Absolutely! I'm scared to hell!" the blonde answered sarcastically, but held his breath, when Severus pulled him closer, while the younger man put his arm around Gabriel's waist. "Ready to go!" The Goblin released the breaks, that held the wagon in place and their racing way down the tracks began. They crossed several bridges and branch-offs, before the carriage stopped in front of a dark, wooden door. The Goblin turned the key in the hole and the door opened. A small amount of sickles, next to some smaller towers of galleons was visible in the dark of the dungeon. /Not as much as I thought!/, Severus worried, but Gabriel had noticed his face and smiled. "There's another account on 'Shellown Finance' in Russia." Severus snorted. "I didn't want to be impolite by asking. It seemed a bit little for all the years you worked so hard..." He had lost the line and absentmindedly rubbed his chin. Gabriel took a hand full of golden coins and re-emerged from behind the door. "Your turn." They climbed back into the carriage (the same 'position' as last time) and continued their way to the place the Snape Family Vault was. Severus seemed a bit uneasy, the Goblin opened the door and Gabriel was a bit taken aback, when masses of gold sparkled in the shadows of the large chamber. Severus sighed. "The Snapes were part of the English nobility in the Middle Ages, they were always quite wealthy." "'Wealthy?' I would say extremely rich!" "In other words - yes." "Why do you work at all?" "I like my work - and I wouldn't live long without Dumbledore around. The Dark Lord isn't very fond of me, you know?" "Of course." ~ When they had left Gringotts and handled their other business, they left Diagon Alley through the backyard of the Leaking Cauldron and made their way through Muggle London. They walked along Piccadilly and took the underground to Waterloo Station. From there it was only a short bus ride to 'Chessington', the amusement park Severus had told him about. He looked quite sceptically at the different attractions, while they made their way through the crowds. It was a nice day, and everywhere Muggle children ran laughing around their parents. A small dark-haired girl ran across the path in front of them, when she slipped on a half-eaten banana. Severus reacted at once and caught the little one as she fell. Gabriel was bluffed, he hadn't thought that Snape would be so friendly towards children. The Girl smiled shyly and clutched his hand tightly, before she let go and ran to her mother, who lifted her in her arms and disappeared in the crowd. Severus sighed. "I always wanted children, when I was younger! Funny, how life can change your wishes and attitude!" Gabriel smiled slightly. "And do you still wish to have a family?" "Yes, but I won't have one." "How do you know? I mean, who said, that you couldn't have one?" "It wouldn't be secure until Voldemort is eventually defeated." "And after?" The man shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno. If I find someone who shares my intentions..." "Maybe you should look a bit closer." They walked in silence until they reached the first rollercoaster. The people coming out of the "Rattlesnake" were mostly laughing and Gabriel was quite confident that the Muggle rollercoaster couldn't be much worse than the carriages in Gringotts. Severus tugged him by the hand towards the entry. It was a beautiful day, the weather was fine and the sun shone brightly. They had to wait a while, before the younger one pushed the older into the little train. Gabriel looked uncertainly at the tracks. They made a sharp curve before them and then went into a straight way up for several meters. Severus stroked his cheeks gently and bowed himself a bit to whisper into the smaller man's ear. "Afraid of the ride?" "What I - no!" "I see. Everything that goes up goes down eventually!" Gabriel caught the hint and snorted, but he really didn't want to know the angle in which the tracks would go down... ~ He soon knew rollercoasters weren't his favourite. When Severus had had his fun with making merry over his dislike on 'dangerous and much too quick' Muggle inventions they visited a stunt-show and a 3D-cinema. After that Severus bought him some Muggle sweets called "Sugared Almonds" and they sat on a bench opposite of an old-fashioned roundabout. The white horses went up and down in a slow trace and the little ships and cars just did nothing except to turn round on the platform of the roundabout. This was more at Gabriels liking and before Severus could say anything against it he had pulled the man to one of the horses and mounted the one next to his. Snape glared daggers at him first, but soon they had trouble staying on the horse's backs because of their heavy laughter. Unfortunately the ride was over far too soon. The sky had gone dark and millions of lights around them shone in the trees and little restaurants and cafés around them, that were full with chatting people. They sauntered down the alley to the main entrance, when Gabriel suddenly took Severus's hand in his. Without saying a word they crossed the square with the fountain in the middle. The splashing water was illuminated by variously coloured lamps in the basin, and the whole interaction of light and water was hopelessly romantic in Severus eyes. The turned his head towards his colleague to say something, but in the moment he opened his mouth he felt soft lips on his, hands caressing his cheeks, wandering down to his shoulders, pulling him towards the other man. He recognised his arms around Gabriel's waist; he never noticed when he had placed them there, slowly drawing circles on the fair one's backside, smoothing the soft fabric of Gabriel's jacket over this lean back. It took a while before Gabriel pulled back, his face slightly flushed with the heat building inside him. The smile on his lips bewitched Snape and he turned in again, catching those gorgeous lips, belonging to a gorgeous man - and for the first time since long years he felt his heart warm with love, and passion for the man he had loved for so long, but who had never known... ~*~*~*~ Flashback: Snape's sixth year at Hogwarts: //Severus entered the Slytherin common room and sat down on a chair next to his friends; Avery and Nott from his year, Lucius a year above, and Gabriel, a fair blonde boy the same year as Lucius and obviously his boyfriend. The two blondes were arguing silently in one corner of the room and Snape wondered if it was about Lucius perfidiousness - again! Severus had often seen Lucius flirting or even kissing with this or that girl in the corridors, just to keep his father thinking he was straight, but most of the Slytherin knew he wasn't. /How can he do that, while the most beautiful boy in the school is his boyfriend?/, Severus wondered. He had to admit he was jealous of Malfoy, terribly jealous, and he hated his former friend for being so rude to Gabriel. /Even that stupid Gryffindor Black didn't bully Gabriel but instead smiled at the blonde seductively/ which angered Snape even more. /Why can that git smile that way at him?/ he asked himself, but secretly he was too shy himself to do that on his own. Gabriel was a god, beautiful and clever, he deserved something better than Malfoy, and surely than Snape!// ~*~*~*~ TBC Beta-read my Mary AN/ I finished part 7 and 8, by beta has them now. They will probably be up soon, so be patient... Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)