In front of Unrendered Aesthetic Brick Walls and Ugly Charismatic Heaters von Lianait ================================================================================ In front of Unrendered Aesthetic Brick Walls and Ugly Charismatic Heaters ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tired, Yoongi picked the box up and was more than glad that it was the last one he had to take out of the transporter and carry upstairs into their new flat. Their new flat. The thought was still a little surreal for him. Sure, they have lived with each other long before this move, but it was still different. The silver metal band around his ring finger felt suddenly very hot. Legally they couldn't be married in Korea since same-sex relationships were, sadly, still frowned upon, let alone marriage between them officially permitted. But then, even if they had been married under Korean law, nothing would have changed much. In Korea, spouses didn't take their partner's family name and the only actual legal proof of their marriage was just a sheet of paper that both parties had signed at an impersonal desk in city hall. In front of their friends, Namjoon and Yoongi had exchanged their vows and had put more (Namjoon) or less (Yoongi) clumsily their rings on each other's fingers. For all intents and purposes they were just as married as everyone else, thank you very much. After he brought the last box into their flat, he kicked the door shut behind him before I looked for a place to put it down. Yoongi had set down the ground rule of not stacking the boxes too high because Namjoon was a little prone to bumping into things and now he found himself in a position in which he had to break his own rule but he was exhausted and couldn't care less. Namjoon would be fine with having to evade one stack of boxes. Nonetheless, Yoongi set out looking for him and walked further into the apartment, following a slight rumbling. He found him in the room which was going to be their living room once everything was unpacked, looking a little forlornly down at the opened boxes in front of him. It was a little bit cute. “There you are.” Namjoon looked up and immediately flashed him a smile which Yoongi still found a little disarming even after all these years together before a frown settled on his features. “Why do we have so much stuff? Where did we put all of this before and where we gonna put it now? I think our flat is too small, we need a bigger one.” Yoongi fought a small smile as he moved to back-side-hug Namjoon around the middle and spoke with his lips pressed against Namjoon's clothed shoulder as he peered inside the nearest box. “Well, it's just a guess, but I think we should put the pots and pans in the kitchen.” “Are you sure? If we hang them up in the right way they might reflect the light nicely.” Yoongi snorted, though not unamused. “And what will you use for cooking?” “We both know by now that I don't cook but redecorate kitchens in coal black. Which reminds me; hyung, let's take a photo and put it online. The first one in our new flat!” “Joon-ah,” Yoongi groaned and leaned a little away from him. “I don't even know you got from burning kitchens to that. We haven't started unpacking yet. Where would we even take a photo in this chaos? The only free space is in front of the unrendered brick wall next to the ugly heater.” “It's not ugly, that's its charisma.” “Charisma,” Yoongi deadpanned. “Yes~ And do you know what trait charisma also has, besides, you know, being charismatic?” “Please don't say 'aesthetic'.” “That's right, charisma is aesthetic, very aesthetic indeed.” “You said it,” Yoongi said with another groan. Namjoon sighed. “Why did I have to marry such an unromantic man?” Yoongi bristled, but more to hide his rising flush instead of in actual anger. “Excuse me? Who's unromantic here? I'm plenty romantic. I even got you a ring first!” Namjoon didn't do a very good job of hiding his smile as he snorted. “You got that at the market.” “It was spontaneous. Because I'm spontaneously romantic. Plenty so.” “Yoon-hyung?” “Yes?” “I would really like to take that picture with my husband in front of that very aesthetic wall in our new home now, please. I'd find that very spontaneously romantic.” “...touché.” Namjoon's shit-eating grin would usually be enough for Yoongi to dig his heels in right this instant, but Namjoon was already leaning in and planting a chaste kiss on Yoongi's lips. Yoongi only huffed but that seemed to be enough of an encouraging answer for Namjoon and holding Yoongi's hand in his own he dragged him over to the wall. Yoongi's half-hearted groan of protest was ignored and in the next second, he was squatting next to Namjoon on the floor while he tried to angle his cell phone the right way. “Admit it, the 'husband' got to you,” Namjoon said unexpectedly while still looking at this phone's camera. “As if.” But when Namjoon took their picture there was no hiding the fond look with which Yoongi was regarding Namjoon on his phone's screen. The display showed the unrendered brick wall that someone had simply painted white behind them, Namjoon leaning against the ugly heater and looking into the camera and Yoongi leaning into Namjoon and looking fondly at his profile instead of into the lens. With a smile, Namjoon turned to him and put his arm around Yoongi's shoulders to draw him closer against himself. “Liar.” Yoongi might have been grinning against Namjoon's lips when they finally kissed in front of their unrendered aesthetic brick wall next to their ugly charismatic heater. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (