Comfort Cuddles von Puraido (Denki & Reader) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- It was Friday afternoon when a lot of stuff happened. You just came from a very exhausting training with your best friends Bakugo and Kirishima. You finished a quick shower and then you headed to the kitchen. You were starving! You hoped there were some leftovers from Sato’s last cake. But you were out of luck. Sighing, you rubbed through your still wet hair. “Too bad for me. I need to go shopping” you mumbled to yourself. But before you can even walk out of the kitchen area, you hear a loud bang and seconds later Kaminari runs past you. You are a bit startled by that. Was he crying? He had held his head low, so you weren’t sure. More unconsciously you followed Kaminari who had already disappeared into the elevator. You didn’t want to wait, so you walked up the stairs. You walked over to his door and knocked. It took awhile but then you heard rustling. The door opened. Your guess was right, he indeed had cried, still was. He tried not to look at you. “What do you want?” He tried to have a steady voice but it broke. He sniffled and he wiped some of the tears away with his arm. “Hey, Kami, what’s wrong?” You asked him. You reached out for him and carefully patted his shoulder. “Nothing” he tried to avoid you but it is too late anyway. “C’mon, it’s clearly not nothing” You carefully entered his room. You saw how he gulped heavily, only seconds later he started crying again. Immediately you sprang into action, you walked closer and you pulled Kaminari into a tight hug. “Come here.” You mumbled. You let him cry on your shoulder. He shook violently and you tried your best to comfort him. With a soothing motion you rubbed circles over his back. You could guess what had happened, but you chose to stay silent. From the amount of tears he shed, it was clear that his childhood best friend Nozomi had a boyfriend. Everyone in the Bakusquad knew that Kaminari was in love with his childhood friend. Mina always told him, to talk to her, before she was taken away from him by another guy. But Kaminari was too afraid to do so. He feared that she would reject him, even end the friendship with him. He always said it was okay the way it was. They were meant to be best friends forever, this way he could always be close to her … but everyone knew that this would not end well. While Kaminari was always flirty with other girls, he had most of the time no luck and got rejected. He was this flirty, to distract himself from Nozomi. Nozomi on the other hand, was not interested in dating at all. She never looked at other guys or tried to flirt with them. And this had the complete opposite effect it seemed. The guys were swarming for her! More than once the Bakusquad had to rescue her. She was always terrified when stuff like this happened. She couldn’t explain to herself, why it kept happening. She was an angel, no question. She looked really good, she had a cute face and long blue hair, with a few pink accents. She had a quiet and very calming personality. She was so sweet and she looked always out for Kaminari. But she wasn’t in love with him. She always cheered for him, to get a girl. She wished that he would find a girlfriend. You once had a talk with her, subtly asking her, if she was interested in him. She clearly stated, that Kaminari was her best friend, no romance whatsoever. But then second year came and the advances of the guys were so much, that she decided to ‘trial date’ them. She made absolutely, perfectly clear that she wasn’t in love with any of them. But she would give each of them two weeks to win her heart over. If it wasn’t possible for them, to make her feel something within two weeks, then there was no point in continuing the relationship and they would leave her alone. The guys agreed to this and made a list which guy would come first. All four of them would get a chance, only after the last guy’s trial was over, she would decide if she wanted to date one of them or not. Nozomi seemed really unhappy with it, but this was the only way to get the guys off of her. Kaminari wasn’t happy about that either. He hoped that none of the guys would ever get her. He was so jealous but he couldn’t bring himself, to just confess to her. From the timing, the trial for guy number four must be over. And after Kaminari’s reaction you guessed she did fell in love with one of them. Carefully you guided Kaminari to his bed and together you sat down. His head was still buried in your shoulder. You shushed him a little, otherwise you let him cry. Your hand stroke through his hair. Your shoulder was soaking wet, but you didn’t care. It took him about twenty minutes to finally calm down a little. He hiccupped and got off your shoulder. He rubbed over his eyes with his sleeve. “I’m sorry” he mumbled. “What for?” “I cried all over you …” His face was red and all puffy, tear streaks were all over him. “I don’t care. You’re the one hurting. You can cry all over me again, if it helps you a little.” You smiled at him and cupped his cheek, with your thumb you wiped off some of the tears. He hiccupped once again. He leaned into your soft touch. “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” You asked him, your eyes were fixed on his. His chin quivered and he rubbed again the tears away. “S-she … got a boyfriend” his voice broke multiple times. He bit his lower lip and tried to stop the shaking. “T-the l-last guy it is. He i-impressed her and … yeah …” Your right hand was on his arm, while your left was rubbing over his back. “I’m so sorry, Kami.” “It’s my fault … you guys always told me to tell her. But … I’m such a coward. I barely managed to congratulate her … What am I supposed to do now?” He sounded desperate. “What if she wants to meet up? I-I can’t look at her.” “Hey, Kami, don’t think about that now! Look at me”, you lifted his chin with your finger. “You’re not a coward. It’s only natural that you were scared to tell her. Love seems to be a weird thing. But you can get through that! And, if you don’t want to see her at the moment, than that is absolutely fine. You don’t have to. I am sure she will understand it, if you don’t have time.” He looked down again, he looked so hurt. Your heart clenched a bit. You had never seen him so sad before. You got an idea. “Hey, how about some ice cream? We need to go to the store first, but I am sure it’ll help to get your mind off of the situation, no?” Kaminari gulped again, he breathed heavily. “I don’t have money left” he mumbled. “You kidding, right? I, of course, treat you! You can get anything you want today!” You grab his hand to signal that you mean it. He still looked unsure but he stood up. “I … just go the bathroom quickly.” he murmured. “No problem, take your time. I will quickly dress up myself. You wanna meet downstairs?” You looked him in the eyes again. “Sure.” He smiled weakly and went into the little bathroom inside the room. You quickly left and changed into more suitable clothing for going out, than sweat pants and a tank top. You dried your hair too, after that you grabbed your wallet and you were good to go. You waited for Kaminari. It took him about fifteen minutes to come down; you almost went up to his room again to check up on him. But then he arrived. He had cleaned his face, even though it was still red and puffy. He was glad that no one was down here. He quickly walked over to you. You gave him a reassuring smile and the both of you left the school grounds. “So? Where to?” He asked. Your stomach growled loudly. “Hm, I want to grab a bite first. I haven’t eaten anything today. Is there somewhere you’d like to go?” You looked at him expectantly. “Uh … no, not really” he answered. You saw that it was really hard for him to not start crying again. You walked closer to him and put an arm around his shoulder. “Then come, we get something to eat. Everything will look better after that. Then we get ice cream! We could watch a movie later too?” “Sounds good” he was a bit unsure. He didn’t feel like doing anything, except for lying in his bed and crying maybe. But he couldn’t bring himself to say no to you. You were always nice to him. Even though you were not as close to him, as you were to Bakugo or Kirishima. You didn’t make fun of him, when he short circuited. You didn’t laugh at him, when he didn’t understand the homework. And you did not use him as a charger all the time. That’s why he didn’t want to say no to you. You asked him if he wanted to use the bus, but he declined. You hooked your arm under his and dragged him along. He just followed you. He was quiet for the way down to the mall. You hummed a little for yourself. You didn’t know what to talk about, you wanted to cheer him up, but were a little afraid to talk about stuff that could trigger him. You weren’t good with all the romance stuff after all. You arrived at the mall about thirty minutes later. Your stomach growled loudly. You chuckled a little bit. “Come, there is the hamburger place, let’s get something to eat.” Still hooked up, you entered the store. Luckily there weren’t many customers here, so you could order fast and got to a table. You had to remind Kaminari, that he could order what ever he wanted. He was going for a single hamburger but with your convincing he got cookies and a milkshake too. You took your orders and sat on a table. You ate rather fast, you were starving after all. After the first hunger was over, you watched Kaminari more closely. He finished his hamburger in the time it took you to eat two, you now moved to your desserts. “Hm, I know, I may probably not the best person to talk to, since I got no experience with this stuff, but if you want to talk, know, that I will listen to you. You can always come to me.” He forced a smile on his face. “Thank you … really!” His hands were lying on the table, he stared down at his milkshake. “And uh, thanks for the food.” Reaching forward, you laid a hand on his. “No problem, at all!” he shyly smiled and grabbed your fluffy hand for comfort. Your thumb rubbed over the back of his hand. You really didn’t mind holding his hand. If that made him feel better, you wouldn’t complain. Unbeknownst to you, Bakugo was in the same mall like you and Kaminari. He and Kirishima went directly after training, they actually wanted to leave, but then they spotted you and Kaminari go inside the hamburger place. From the distance they couldn’t see in what shape Kaminari was. Bakugo’s blood was instantly boiling when he saw you two. “What the fuck?” he mumbled. “What’s the matter?” Kirishima asked. “Dunce face and Y/N just entered the sandwich place” he growled. “Oh, really? What a coincidence. If they had told us earlier, we could have gone together” Kirishima said. This seemed to piss off Bakugo even more. “Why are they here together? What’s going on there?” Oh, he really was pissed off. “Maybe they just want to eat together?” Kirishima shrugged. Bakugo literally exploded when he saw you grabbing Kaminari’s hand. “That’s a date! Why the fuck are they on a date?” The jealousy in Katsuki spiked up. Ever since the USJ incident, where you, Kirishima and he had fought villains, he had his eyes on you. You were strong, you knew how to use your quirk. You were not one of those damn extras. You were not a damn weakling that needed help every five minutes. Most importantly, his violent behavior didn’t scare you, you could easily stood up to him. Most of the time you weren’t loud or even violent, but if he wanted to butt heads with someone; you where always there taking the aggro. He had so much respect for you, for not backing away. The most important thing was you got him! You fully understood him. You looked through him like through a window, could read him like an open book. Sometimes he wondered if you had a second quirk. You approached him, after he was kidnapped by the villains and you had asked him if he was okay. You offered to help him vent with his emotions and he took your offer a few times. You never once pitied him. You reassured him that it was okay. And he believed you. It was only a question of time until he realized it. He craved your attention more and more. He wanted to be close to you. He realized that you had done it. You came crashing into his world and soon enough he was head over heels in love with you. He imagined the things he could do with you. He wanted to confess to you so badly, but he still hadn’t. He couldn’t! The Bakusquad sat together in Kirishima’s room, they were talking about Kaminari and his best friend, that he was so in love with. Raccoon eyes had asked around if someone else was in love. Kirishima and Sero shook their heads no. You seem to think about it for a second before also shaking your head no. “I try to focus on becoming a hero. Besides I got no time for drama like this. It always ends in a heartbreak for either one or both parties so I am staying the hell away from that shit” You had a big grin on your face. Bakugo’s throat tightened. He knew he couldn’t confess anymore you were not interested and the friendship to you was more important than a pointless romance. Maybe you’ll come around later in life, he thought. So, why were you here with this stupid fucking dunce face? Why were you holding hands with him? Why was it him? What had changed your mind? Wasn’t he in love with his best friend? “Bakugo! Calm down, there is nothing we can do about it. Let them have some fun.” Kirishima grabbed him by the shoulder. “Fuck no! They can’t do that! I am going in there!” He was about to storm in the place and rip Kaminari a new butt hole. “Oh no, you won’t!” Kirishima held him back, successfully. “What’s wrong with you?” Right … he hadn’t told anyone that he was in love with you. They always tried to convince Kaminari to talk to his girl friend about his feelings, before someone else came and did it before him. He should have followed his own advice … He could feel how his heart beat faster. Fucking hell! He sagged and Eijiro released his grip. Mad at himself he turned around and speed walked away in the direction of the bus stop. He didn’t answer Kirishima’s question. The redhead followed him a little bit confused. He of course didn’t know about Bakugo’s feelings. He sighed and followed his friend. You finished your meal, still holding Kaminari’s hand. He gave you one of the cookies, you took it, smiling. After that you put the trays away. “So, now we go to the supermarket. Do you know already what ice cream you want?” “Hm, no, I’ll decide at the scene.” He looked over to your hand, he wanted to grab it again, it had felt really good, not just because of the fluffy-ness. But he wasn’t sure if you were okay with it. He couldn’t handle another rejection. You noticed that he wanted something from you. A short while you looked at him. Then you offered your hand wordlessly, but with a bright smile. Gladly, Kaminari took your hand, and together you went to the supermarket. He secretly wished, that you were Nozomi … He shook his head, no! No, this was not a good idea. He shouldn’t think about that! Hand in hand, the two of you walked over to the supermarket. You entered the store and headed immediately to the freezers. “Take whatever sort you want, it doesn’t matter how many.” “But, I can’t repay you!” He tried to argue. “Huh? I said I would treat you today! You don’t have to repay me! Better yet, I will not accept any money back from you! Now go get your ice cream!” You pointed to the freezers. “Alright then …” He looked at the products. You stayed next to him, while also looking. He chose lemon ice cream, vanilla with cookie pieces, chocolate and stracciatella. You picked some of your favorite flavors too, after that you got a massive amount of chocolate, marshmallows and other sweets. “So, do we need something else?” You asked. “Hm, I think we got everything” he murmured. He smiled a little at you. He was thankful that you did that for him, but he didn’t feel comfortable with you paying for everything. But you were stubborn and insisted on it, multiple times. So he eventually let you. You were on the register and it was moving relatively quickly. Again,b you started humming a tune for yourself. Kaminari really like that, it sounded good. After you paid and put everything in bags, you headed home. Both of you were carrying a bag and you held hands again. You walked back to school in comfortable silence. “What do you think, will the others be downstairs?” You wondered. “Or can we use the big TV?” “I think most of them are home, holidays start soon after all. So I think we can use the TV in the common room.” “Good! I like the big screen more than my crappy small TV.” You smiled brightly at him. “Besides the couches are more comfortable than my bed.” “Yeah, true …” Kaminari agreed with you. You got back and immediately went to your room and stored the ice cream in your mini fridge. Kaminari did the same with the ice cream he had chosen. While in his room he changed into comfy clothing. You too, changed to the sweats and tank top combo again. Kaminari came down, with his ice cream, to the still empty common room. Like he had anticipated, most of the students were out. You were already in the kitchen and prepared some bowls with sweets, mostly marshmallows for you. You brought them to the coffee table in the living room. “So, what do you want to watch?” You asked. He flopped down on the couch. “I don’t know, something funny I guess” he shrugged. You sat next to him, handing him a spoon for the ice cream. “Okay! Something funny it is!” You turned on a streaming service and searched for a funny movie. You asked him for his opinion and in the end you settled on an older movie. He had already seen it, but he knew it was a funny one, so he didn’t care. While watching you two began to eat your ice cream. From time to time you looked over to Kaminari, he smiled and laughed at funny scenes, while eating ice cream. You also smiled at that. The distraction seemed to work. But at a quieter scene the dam broke again. “God dammit, why do I start crying again?” He mumbled, while wiping the tears off, at least he tried. “Hey, it’s okay” you reassured him. “Let it all out! I won’t judge you, you know that.” “Th-thank you”, his voice broke and the crying became heavier. Since you had already finished the entire container of ice cream, you took his out of his hands carefully. You moved your legs to sit criss-cross applesauce. You grabbed his shoulder and pulled him closer to you, his head leaned against your naked fuzzy shoulder again. He sobbed a good long while, until it finally slowed down, tear streaks covered his face. You guessed he would be crying again, so as a precaution you brought tissues. You pulled one out and gave it to him. Still sobbing, he took it and blew his nose. He dried his eyes again and exhaled deeply. “I think it’s okay now …” he mumbled. “Don’t worry about it. Just let it all out, no matter how long it will take.” You took the container with his half eaten ice cream and put something on the spoon. You then held it up for him. Blushing he leaned over and ate it. “There you go. Everything will be fine, I promise you that. Maybe not today or tomorrow or the day after that but eventually it will be okay again.” Denki smiled a little sad at you. “Thank you, really!” “No problem, Kami! Anytime you need me.” You smiled back at him. “Denki … you can call me Denki.” He mumbled. “Cool, Denki. Call me Y/N then.” Still smiling you wrapped your arm again over his shoulder and pulled him closer towards you. He ate the rest of his ice cream, before he laid back, even more into your soft and fluffy body, his legs outstretched. You let it happen, you didn’t mind it one bit, as long as he was feeling better. You never had problems with hugs or cuddles, besides you were used to it. Kirishima was a very touchy person too. The night got long and you finished a second movie as well as a second ice container. You shared this one however. It got really, really late this night and so it happened that you two fell asleep on the couch. Denki was still laying half on top of you, the weight of his body pressed down on yours. Good thing you were very formidable. When Bakugo came down to the common room the next morning, the TV was still on, he wondered what was up with that, but when he rounded the couch he saw you and Kaminari sleeping there. Kaminari was on top of you, peacefully snoring, his arms wrapped around your middle. He was so, so furious to see this! He absolutely hated it! He snarled and moved closer. No, he wasn’t gonna let this slide. He grabbed Kaminari’s shoulder and shook him awake. “Oi! Dunce face, Y/N, what’s that bullshit here?” He shouted. Kaminari and you woke up slowly. You let out a groan. “Wha? What happened?” You mumbled, still sleepy. “What the fuck are you doing down here?” Bakugo got angrier by the minute. You rubbed your eyes, Denki was still holding on to you, he needed a few seconds to fully understand what was going on. “Watching movies? How late is it?” You yawned. “Watching movies? Why was Dunce face on top of you then? It’s fucking eight am.” You yawned again. “Too early! We don’t even have school. Let Denki and me sleep.” “Denki??? Since when are you on first name basis?” A vein popped up on his temple. “Since last night” he answered, still more asleep than awake. “Tch! You seem to live a pretty good life here. Ice cream, sweets, movies. I thought you weren’t interested in fucking dates? Why are you going out with him then?” Katsuki glared at both of you. Your eyebrows rose. “What are you talking about? We were not on a date” Your head was still clouded by sleep. You just had like four hours of sleep and this was definitely not enough. “Not a fucking date? You’re a really bad liar, Y/N!” he yelled at you. “Not a liar. I don’t do dates” You were irritated now, what was his problem? Yawning, you lay back on the couch, an arm over your eyes. Denki was sitting in between your legs, also too tired to function properly. “Calm down, Bakugo, they just helped me” Denki mumbled, trying to deescalate the situation. “Help you? What the fuck? You were on a date yesterday, holding hands! And now you’re lying here, on top of them! In what world is this not a date?” his voice got louder. “Goddammit! Can I tell him, Denki?” you groaned. “Tell me what?” Katsuki was furious. He didn’t want to hear, what you had to tell him. What if it was a confirmation that you two were dating? But on the other hand, he definitely wanted to hear it. “Sure” Kaminari mumbled. You lifted yourself up again, hugging Denki in the process. “Nozomi got a boyfriend” you started. Katsuki’s eyes widened, but he also looked confused. “Meaning?” “He was upset about it and I let him vent. We ate ice cream and watched movies so he would cheer up” you explained. “But what about the burger place? You grabbed his hand!” “To comfort him! I don’t mind holding his hand! I held your hand multiple times too. Or Kirishima’s or Sero’s or Mina’s. If people need me to hold their hand, I’ll gladly do that! Friends and future heroes do that!” You were a little agitated now. Your still sleep deprived brain couldn’t fathom why Katsuki was so bothered by that. “Yeah, they really helped me because I was sad because of Nozomi” Denki confirmed. “I am not in love with Y/N otherwise the stuff with Nozomi wouldn’t bother me so much.” Bakugo growled at the two of you. He still wasn’t happy about the fact that Denki slept on top of you. “Tch, what ever …” He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned away from the two of you. He couldn’t stand the look of Denki, being cuddled by you. You stared after him, while he stormed out of the room, you frowned a little. But after a few seconds you shook your head. You would later confront him. Still more asleep then awake, you wrapped your arms tighter around Denki, resting your head on his shoulder. He hugged you back, his head lying on top of yours. For a while none of you said anything. “I think we should go to bed” he murmured eventually. “Hm” you just answered. You untangled your limbs and stood up, stretching a little. Quickly, the both of you cleaned the couch area, after that you went upstairs. “Y/N … thanks again for everything. I think I can handle it a little bit better now” he gave you a small smile. You returned it tenfold. “Always, Denki, you can always come to me for comfort. Even in the middle of the night. You are not bothering me, ever!” He moved closer and hugged you again, after that he went into his room and you made your way over to your. You would confront Bakugo after another round of sleep. You lay in your bed and quickly drifted off into sleep. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (