Fill me up - Consequences von Puraido (KiriBakuDeku A/B/O Verse) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- One week … It had been one week now in which Katsuki and Eijiro were bond marked to Izuku. One week they had heat shared. One week of awkward looks and giggles from the others. They looked at them as if they were aliens. Katsuki felt a little sorry for Eijiro. He kinda dragged him into this. He knew that the redhead hadn’t planned to get mated at only eighteen to his best friend and his best friend’s childhood friend. And while Katsuki didn’t regret it one bit to get mated, he felt bad for his friend. Even though he said it was okay. The blonde had planned to get mated to Izuku for so long, if the alpha didn’t want to, he would have made sure to wrap him around his finger. Ever since they became proper rivals during first year this was on his mind. And now it happened. Not the way he had expected it, but he wouldn’t complain. Katsuki didn’t remember too much from his heat, especially when he wasn’t lucid, but he was so happy, that he had the chance to be Deku’s first. He could never regret something like that. Yeah, okay, the fall out after they returned to UA was gigantic. They were in so much trouble for leaving UA, right before Katsuki’s heat. They weren’t just gone for a single week, it was a bit more than that. He had never seen Aizawa this fucking mad. But Katsuki – at this moment – couldn’t really grasp what was going on, his head was still too much up in the clouds to feel anything but utter happiness. He had no remorse that he broke the rules or that he had dragged Eijiro in all of this. The talk with the parents however was even worse. His parents, Eijiro’s parents and Inko Midoriya were called to the school and they got another round of shouting and accusations and questions if everything was alright in their heads for doing such stupid things. While yes, they were all over the age of eighteen, they were still a few months in school. By that time of their graduation the others would see a possible pregnancy. Besides, they wouldn’t be able to start to work as heroes if they were really pregnant. They would have to postpone all of it just for their stupid actions. The reason why they weren’t on birth control was a rather stupid one, too. Katsuki was out so much, looking for Izuku that he had completely missed out on his mandatory shot. The world was in uproar still after Shigaraki’s and AFO’s attack so long ago that no one seemed to remember those little things. It was the same with Kirishima, since he was always after Bakugo, he just forgot too. And now they had the trouble, they were confronted with a possible pregnancy, both of them, and Katsuki did feel sorry for Eijiro. The redhead always wanted a family, but he wanted to wait like ten more years before getting one. He wanted to live the hero life first but now this could possibly be ruined. As for Katsuki, he was fucking afraid. For the past week he made pregnancy tests on a daily, but he knew that it wouldn’t do much as of yet, because it took about two weeks for the tests to show accurate results. While he didn’t regret the heat sharing, it was honestly the best fucking thing that happened these past months, he did regret it, that he was so careless when it came to birth control. How could he forget that? He felt so stupid! Katsuki usually scoffed about teen pregnancies. How could someone be this stupid to get knocked up at such an unreasonable age? Well, jokes on him, it happened by being stupid and forgetting to use any kind of birth control. Every morning he tested himself with the pregnancy tests Recovery Girl had given him, and every time he was kinda relieved when the test was negative, but he also knew, that it wasn’t accurate, yet. Kirishima was very quiet and jumpy around them, he fidgeted nervously with his fingers, and every morning he would ask Katsuki, how it turned out. He just nodded when Katsuki told him it was negative. Izuku on the other hand was very absent-minded. He was still so focused on finding AFO and Shigaraki that he didn’t have much time for his mates. He was out with Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist and All Might – again – instead of staying with Katsuki and Eijiro. Katsuki was fucking pissed off, that his mate was gone. The girls, as well as Denki, Hanta and Shoto stared mostly at the two omegas, for the first few days. They were awkward in doing this. Glasses gave both of them a look of utter disappointment, every time their eyes met. After one week, the dam finally broke and while they were all chilling in the common area – Katsuki was next to Eijiro, he held the redheads hand – it broke out of Mina. “So, you two” Mina started. Eijiro flinched a little. “We waited long enough, it was agonizing … How was it?” she asked bluntly. Both omegas raised their eyebrows at that. “What do you mean, raccoon eyes?” Katsuki snarled. “C’mon, don’t give me that. How was it to get fucked by Izuku?” “Mina!” Momo nudged her in the side. “What? Don’t give me that look, you’re all curious, and don’t you say you don’t want to know. I can’t stand this awkwardness surrounding our class. So, do tell, how was it? Tell us the spicy details!” “Yeah, and how does it feel to be mated?” Toru added. Katsuki and Eijiro looked at each other. The redhead looked a bit unsure, but he shrugged and nodded eventually. Katsuki cleared his throat. “Well, I really fucking liked it. Deku did things I never thought were possible, and my, oh my, his full cowl is good!” he purred by the memory of it. “Yeah, he broke my unbreakable with it … But he gave us venom, that was a damn trip” Eijiro mumbled. “You tasted alpha venom? Wow!” Ochako gasped. “I mean, clearly, since you are mated …” she gestured towards them. “Is he big?” Mina asked. The guys scoffed a little at that, Kyoka and Momo were a bit embarrassed. How could Mina ask such things? “Hm, average length, but he’s thick, and he has a huge knot” Katsuki smiled like an idiot by the memory of that. “Hell yes …” Eijiro murmured approvingly. The girls blushed by that comment. “Did he knot you a lot?” Denki asked now. “Yep, he did” Katsuki leaned over. “But sometimes he was so mean and wouldn’t give it to us” he wailed. “How does this feel?” Toru questioned. “And … did he make you … like … bloat?” “It feels so good! When the knot swells, it presses against your walls and you can feel everything of it. It makes you feel so full! And yes, he did bloat us.” Katsuki rambled. He had a dreamy gaze by the memories. The girls giggled. “Did you like it, Eijiro? I mean, it’s clear as day that Katsuki liked it, but you?” “Hm … oh, yeah, I did like it. At first it was weird but after a while I didn’t want to stop either …” He looked over to Katsuki and smiled at him. “And what about the mate thing? You haven’t answered that.” Toru asked again. They both looked at each other again. “Well, I don’t mind it. I … miss Deku when he’s away, but I have Eijiro here, so it is bearable.” He purred again. “I never planned on getting mated this early, but … it’s not a bad feeling. Being with Kats and Izuku is not the worst …” Eijiro answered. But suddenly Tenya shot up from his seat. “But you were way too young to do things like that in the first place. Mating is a bond for eternity, and it is hard to remove it! Besides, how could you be this reckless and do such a thing while not on birth control?” He waved his arms rapidly through the air. “God dammit, Glasses, we know that! But we were in the middle of our heats with alpha venom in our systems, we didn’t think straight!” Katsuki snarled. “So you had no control over the situation? And Izuku took advantage of that?” he asked further. “No, of course not! Izuku wasn’t lucid either. He cursed himself when he noticed what had happened. But it was not his fault, he scolded me for trying to remove it at first, I remember how I took off my collar on my own, while they were asleep!” Katsuki hissed. “What are you suggesting anyways?” Eijiro tilted his head. “You make it sound like he raped us or something.” Tenya looked towards Eijiro, his eyes were hard. “You know that heat and rut sharing, especially between teenagers, is a massive gray zone? Some might consider it rape when one of the participants is not lucid.” His voice was firm. “He did not rape us! What are you saying, Glasses? I was the one who begged him to fuck me!” Katsuki got really angry. “He even wanted to leave us in the hideout so that he wouldn’t take advantage of us, but I made him stay!” “But you were already in heat. He should know that omegas in heat most of the time don’t think straight.” He let out a deep sigh. “Look, I don’t like to accuse Izuku of anything. I know that he’s one of the nicest people out there, but look at what he went through and what he became because of it. This is not the boy we all know from the beginning. And I don’t know something feels off about him. I am just concerned for the well-being of my three classmates. I don’t want you to suffer any damage from it!” “Pah, then don’t say such ridiculous things!” Katsuki answered, still aggressive. “He did not fucking rape us!” “Yeah, this is ridiculous!” Kirishima added. “It is not, unfortunately. Things like this do happen a lot. I just want to make sure, that it was consensual” Tenya reiterated. “It fucking was! At most you could say that I made him do stuff! I made him stay, so yeah” Katsuki snarled. Tenya lifted his hands. “Okay, if you are absolutely sure, then I won’t pry on this topic any longer.” “Appreciated” Katsuki was furious now. How dare the fucking four eyes even suggest that it could have been rape? Deku wouldn’t do such a fucked up thing! He didn’t understand a thing, he wasn’t with them, when it happened. “Now that this is cleared up …” Momo started. “What if you are really pregnant? Do you have any idea what will happen then?” Katsuki gulped and he could hear Eijiro do the same. “I … I don’t know” the redhead answered. “I mean, I wanted children, but it is kinda early, so I’m not sure … I do hope that it stays negative.” The others nodded, it was understandable. “And you Katsuki?” “What do you think? Of course I wouldn’t want a damn pup right now, I want to become number one first!” “But what if you are pregnant now? Would you … terminate it?” Ochako asked; she spoke the last words quieter. Katsuki gasped, he hadn’t thought about it. He could feel his head shake. “No, I don’t think I would. I mean, it’s not the pups fault when the parents were stupid. But I’m with Eijiro, I hope that it stays negative …” After that he had excused himself. There wasn’t much to talk about anymore. Eijiro and he went up to his room and they snuggled up in the nest. They drowned the loneliness about their missing mate out like this. “Katsuki … I am scared, you know. I don’t regret the mating stuff but what if we are pregnant? What could we give those pups? We’re still pretty young” Eijiro mumbled into Katsuki’s ear. “I don’t know … I am also scared, this wasn’t planned in the slightest” Katsuki answered honestly. “Can we really do that?” Eijiro turned to lie on his back he looked up to Katsuki’s ceiling. “I hope so … but what’s more, let’s hope those damn tests stay negative next week …” “Yes …” Hosted by Animexx e.V. (