Fill me up - Consequences von Puraido (KiriBakuDeku A/B/O Verse) ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: ----------- After opening up to Katsuki and Eijiro, it felt easier for Izuku to concentrate and stay focused. He still had a lot of trouble, but he knew now, that they were still behind him. He had been so afraid to loose the two when he told them, he had killed two people. Izuku slowly talked with the therapist about all of this. He just couldn’t keep it a secret, screw the government. He needed to talk about it, otherwise he would go crazy. But life continued to be troublesome. The more time passed, the more impatient Katsuki got, he really loved the child inside of him, but he really hated being pregnant. Unlike Eijiro who only had morning sickness the first few months, Katsuki still got up in the middle of the night to puke, by now they were seven months in. His mood swings made him sometimes really insufferable. He had a freak out because Izuku had accidentally moved a pillow in the nest and he couldn’t find it at first. Or when they decorated the nursery, they couldn’t pick between colors, and Katsuki had another break down. Izuku had to cuddle him for an hour before he got his composure back. Eijiro tried to compromise with him a little but they eventually dropped the topic. The Pilates courses weren’t that much fun for Katsuki anymore, but he knew that he needed to do something, just walking alone and some lifting, wasn’t going to keep him fit, especially since he had a lot of binge attacks lately. It was really terrible for him. Ochako tried to keep him motivated, but it was really hard at the moment. He was so fucking emotional, he didn’t know why! Damn hormones he guessed. Eijiro tried to calm him, every time Katsuki had a freak out. Like right now, one of the other future-dads had said that his shirt didn’t look good and was too tight, he would show too much skin around his belly, this was ‘disgusting’. Katsuki got all emotional and instead of being aggressive he ran to the toilets, where he had another crying fit, Eijiro tried to calm his upset mate. Katsuki was holding on to him, like his life depended on it. Eijiro felt a wave of sadness rolling over him, when he saw his devastated mate. He wanted to go out there and punch this asshole, but he knew he couldn’t, that’s why he tried his best to comfort Katsuki. Ochako, Momo and Mina in the mean time absolutely put the ignorant dad in his place. They pointed to his female omega wife, and she didn’t even wear something to cover her whole belly, so why was it a problem when Katsuki showed a little skin? The dad said that male omegas were disgusting and that men shouldn’t be pregnant. That the Pilates studio wasn’t a murder scene after that sentence was nothing short off a miracle. Ochako went on to completely destroy the dad and even though he was double her size and an alpha, he shivered in fear in front of her. Now it were Momo and Mina who had to hold her back. The instructor kicked the guy out, his wife followed him, she was mad at him, for saying such stupid stuff. Ochako and the other two stormed in the men’s bathroom and they told Katsuki, that this guy wasn’t going to come back, the Pilates instructor had kicked him out for being a disgusting human being. Katsuki still sniffed a little but he finally calmed down. Eijiro cleaned his face and smiled at him. He gave Katsuki a kiss and together they made their was out of the studio, they had enough training for one day. They cuddled up in the nest this evening, Izuku was on a business trip and therefore, it was just the two of them. Eijiro held Katsuki and he stroked through the soft, blonde hair. “Eijiro …” Katsuki started. “Hm? What is it?” Eijiro wondered. “I was wondering … d-do you hate me for bringing you into this? I know that I am sometimes not a good mate …” he mumbled. Eijiro’s eyes widened. “Why would you think that?” Katsuki shrugged. “I thought about it a lot, I … I apologized to Izuku, but I never really asked you, if you hated me for dragging you into this. I know that you don’t love Izuku, or didn’t do in the beginning, look, I am so terrible, I don’t even know how you feel towards him at the moment” he started to cry all of a sudden. They had sat up by now and Eijiro made Katsuki look at him. “I could never hate you, Katsuki! Yes, I never really was in love with Izuku, but I love you, and I love it to watch you being happy!” Katsuki furrowed his brows. “What do you mean by that?” Eijiro scratched the back of his head. “Katsuki, I love you and my love for you is so strong, that your happiness is more important to me, than my own feelings.” Katsuki stared at him in shock. “B-but that’s … I … how can you not be frustrated with the whole situation?” “Look, I sometimes wish, that you would give me more attention but I know that your feelings for me aren’t the same as the ones I have for you, and it’s okay! I can live with that!” He looked him deep into the eyes. “The thing I couldn’t live with is when you would fake your feelings for me, you never said ‘I love you’ to me, and that is fine, I don’t want you to say it, if you don’t honestly mean it.” Katsuki stared at Eijiro, he couldn’t really believe what he was saying. “But … what if I would never fall in love with you? I don’t want you to suffer, because of a decision I made when I was high on my sex hormones!” “You see … No one can say, where this is going. Even the deepest relationships sometimes don’t last. And if you are really unable to fall in love with me, we can still have a scrubbing. But the thing I would really wish for, is that you give me a chance. A chance to win your heart over.” Katsuki tilted his head. “I don’t want that you lose your love for Izuku, this is the last thing I want, I just wish, that you would fall in love with me too. Someone can love more than just one person!” Eijiro grabbed Katsuki’s hand. He sighed a little. “Ever, since I am mated to you and him, I try to see Izuku with your eyes. And it takes longer, but slowly I am falling for him. So my hope is, that you can see me in a different light too. Not just as your ‘bro’ or something.” He caressed Katsuki’s cheek. “I mean, even before all the mating stuff happened, we had pettings on multiple occasions, we gave each other blow jobs and other stuff, that wasn’t something just friends would do, or am I wrong? You must have felt something for me, you were the one who started it!” Katsuki still stared at Eijiro, he nodded slowly. “Yes … I … I really liked you and I wanted to do it … I was so surprised when you actually said yes to this, I mean, why would you? It made me happy … but … I don’t know if that is love …” Eijiro robbed closer to him, he leaned his forehead against Katsuki’s. “But see, there were feelings involved. That’s why I have still hope that you can, one day, fall in love with me, I won’t give up on that.” He leaned closer towards Katsuki. “I’ll promise I will think more about it, I don’t want to lose you! You mean so much to me. You were the first one from the class to reach out to me, who knows what I would have become, if it weren’t for you.” “We will find a way to make it work. I really want it to work” Eijiro leaned in and their lips met, they shared a few deep kisses. Eijiro moaned into them, he felt so happy that Katsuki was kissing him, he loved the attention, he really wanted to be loved by Katsuki, no matter how long it would take. They made love this night, Katsuki made sure that Eijiro felt really good, they hadn’t had sex since that week they had heat shared. And it was a little bit strange with their huge bellies but they managed somehow. And luckily Katsuki’s mouth could still work wonders. Katsuki and Eijiro were walking around in the baby boutique, with their mothers and Inko. Both of them didn’t knew what gender the babies would have, so they were shopping for gender neutral stuff, Katsuki got a bit frustrated that quite a lot of clothing had stereotypical boys stuff or girls stuff on it. Mitsuki slowly but surely thawed up to the thought of becoming a grandmother. She saw how much Katsuki invested in the pregnancy and she felt a little proud that he handled it so well. She slowly accepted the fact. It was what it was now. They looked through the store until they finally found acceptable baby clothing and after that they sat down at a café. Of course they got some looks from strangers, they of course saw, that they were pretty young and very far in their pregnancy. Katsuki pissed those looks off, they were silently judging them and he hated it. Eijiro on the other hand just kept quiet. He tried to calm Katsuki down, but he didn’t like the stares either. He could definitely understand why Katsuki was so upset. The waitress took their orders and they waited, while they did that, Katsuki rubbed over his belly and he looked around. There was a group of women with at least two babies, five toddlers and three bigger children next to them. They threw some strange glances in Katsuki’s and Eijiro’s direction. “Why are they looking in our direction? They are annoying” Katsuki whisper growled. “Probably need something to chit-chat …” Mitsuki answered, she growled too. “Let’s just ignore them” Yukari suggested. “Yeah, probably never saw someone pregnant” Katsuki murmured sarcastically. “Probably not a male omega?” Eijiro proposed. Mitsuki scoffed, but had to excuse herself. She went inside to go to the bathroom. As if they had waited for her to leave, one of the mothers came over with the three bigger children and two toddlers and they stopped in front of Katsuki. “Hey” she said in a snarky voice. “Hey …?” Katsuki replied. “My little babies wanted to ask something” she said in a annoying voice. “And what?” Katsuki answered, he slightly bared his teeth. “Is there a baby inside?” one of the girls, probably around seven, asked, while she pointed to his belly. “Yes, it obviously is.” He was already annoyed. Now more of them marched over. “A boy or a girl?” The second kid asked. “I don’t know” he shrugged. “Why don’t you know?” “Because I don’t want to know their gender. It’s supposed to be a surprise.” “Oooh” the kids made. “And you? Do you have a baby too?” The kid asked Eijiro. “Yep, I have” he smiled at them. “And no, I don’t know their gender either.” “But you’re boys, mommy says boys don’t have babies” another kid said. Oh no … Katsuki and Eijiro looked at each other, they knew where this was probably going. Eijiro cleared his throat. “Well, some boys can have babies. We are both omegas.” “Like my mommy?” The kid asked. “Yes, like your mommy, that’s why we can have babies too.” Katsuki answered, his voice was a bit harsher as Eijiro’s. The kids stared at them for a while. “So … are there girls that can give babies then?” the oldest kid asked, she was probably like ten years old. Katsuki and Eijiro looked at each other and then to the mothers, who didn’t pay much attention, they had returned to their conversations. “Uhm … yes, there are alpha females who can make babies” Katsuki answered. “So you have a wife then? That is so weird, mommy says only a boy can give a girl a baby” one said. “We don’t have a wife, kiddo, we are not interested in girls” Katsuki answered “We have a husband.” “But mommy says that is bad! Boys can’t be with other boys!” “Then she’s stupid, my mate and I have another boy mate and it works wonderful.” He said. The kids looked at them with big eyes when they lifted their intertwined hands up. “I want to touch your belly!” one of the boys all of a sudden said and reached out for Katsuki’s baby bump. He immediately covered it with his arm. “No, absolutely not!” He leaned away from the child. This action triggered the next crazy events. “Mama! I want to touch the belly!” The kid banshee screamed and stomped with his foot. This made the toddlers cry too because they got scared. The mothers seemed not happy about that, they turned their attention back to Katsuki and Eijiro. “Oh, you dumb brat! Let my child touch your belly, it’s nothing to it!” The mother hisses at him. “Hell, no, I don’t want to be touched!” Katsuki growled. “If he doesn’t want to get touched you have to respect that” Yukari said. “Yes, stay the hell away from him!” Eijiro hissed too. “It’s just a belly! It won’t hurt the baby” The woman scoffed. “Still no! I won’t let strangers touch my belly!” he bared his teeth. “I want to touch it!” the kid from before threw a tantrum now, his arms flailed through the air, and he stomped again on the ground. “You’re making my kids cry! You’re a little bitch! He has never seen a male omega before!” the woman whined now. “I fail to see why this is my fucking problem?!” Katsuki’s voice got louder. “It’s not nice to just touch other people’s belly without their permission” Inko chimed in. “How dare you talk to me like that?” The woman screeched. “Now don’t be a damn brat and let my baby touch your belly! He deserves it!” she grabbed Katsuki by the arm and tried to pull it away. “Stop that!” Katsuki snarled. Suddenly he felt a pain going through his belly, this god damn brat had seriously punched him in the belly, full force. “Ahhh! What the hell?! Your demon spawn punched me!” Katsuki yelled. Other people turned around to them now, Inko and Yukari jumped up and Inko was immediately next to Katsuki. “How can you let your kid do this?!” Inko was shocked. “Are you alright, Katsuki?” “I don’t know, Auntie” he grumbled. The spot stung really badly, the kid had used full force. Eijiro grabbed onto Katsuki too. He carefully rubbed over Katsuki’s belly. He tried to soothe him. “He can touch it but not me?! So unfair!” The kid cried. “That’s because he is my mate! Of course he can touch me!” Katsuki yelled. “Wait, your mate? But you two are omega. That doesn’t work!” The woman says. “Why wouldn’t it work?” Yukari asked. “A relationship should be between a male alpha and a female omega. Not two male omegas, that’s not right!” The woman put her hands on her hips. “Why the fuck would you even care? You guys came to us and harassed us! Don’t you fucking say anything about my relationship and what’s right and what not!” Katsuki grabbed Eijiro’s hand. He leaned over and kissed him. “Oh my god, this is disgusting! This is absolutely horrendous! Have you two no shame?! And besides, omegas can’t make babies, so you had someone else who put them in you, this thought is even more disgusting!” “This is still nothing of your business!” Both Katsuki and Eijiro said. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that” she raised her hand, but before she could hit him, Mitsuki came back. She showed her fangs and her eyes were glowing, she grabbed the woman’s hand. “Don’t you dare lay a hand on my son and grandchild” She towered over the omegan woman and she was livid. The woman shivered and the children started to cry. “If I see you next to my son one more time, I’m gonna rip you apart mid air while getting a manicure. You and your crotch goblins should go back where you come from!” she got closer to the woman’s face and pushed her slowly back. “Help! I’m being attacked!” the woman suddenly screamed. “Attacked by an alpha! Help!” Finally a waitress showed up. “Ma’am, please, you disturb the other customers! You need to leave!” “B-but I am being attacked! I want to speak to your manager!” “I’m sorry, but the manager is not in the house today. But everyone saw, that you attacked the boy first, you need to leave now, or else I will have to call the police.” She turned around to Katsuki. “Or do you want to call the police to press charges? Is everything okay with you?” she asked concerned. “I’d love to press charges, her little hell spawn punched me in the belly and she was about to hit me!” Katsuki glared at the woman. “Alright, I will call the police.” The waitress left to do that. “Pah, police won’t do anything! If you had just let my baby touch your belly everything would be fine!” she whined. Mitsuki growled deeply at her and bared her teeth. Yukari was behind her son to protect him if needed and Inko was still hugging Katsuki, she carefully caressed his arm. The police arrived relatively quickly at the café and they asked Katsuki and the others about what happened. They all told them what went down. Only the woman and her ‘gang’ said that Katsuki was rude first and she had just defended herself. The police informed Katsuki, that they couldn’t do much about the punch he received from the kid, since he was only seven, but he could press charges for anything else. And Katsuki did exactly that. He wouldn’t let this slide, this woman and her kid endangered his child. The whole procedure took some time and the police advised to let a doctor check out the child. Just so make sure everything was okay. He nodded, he would definitely do that. The woman was after the talk with the police very small and she didn’t dare to say anything. Some of the children were crying. They were escorted out of the café and they were banned from coming back. The waitress came and asked them, if they needed anything else and if they wanted their ordered food – for free. Mitsuki thanked her, but they would pay for the food. It was not a problem. The waitress didn’t bill the drinks however. The waitress gave them a bag with the food and after that they went to the doctor, just in case. Luckily the baby was fine. When Katsuki, Eijiro and Inko returned home, Izuku was already there. He had just finished work. “Hey, how was your day?” Izuku didn’t know what had happened yet. Katsuki and Eijiro told him what had happened and he growled. He was not happy about that! “I am sorry that I weren’t there to protect you!” He leaned down and he lifted Katsuki’s shirt to reveal the baby bump. He chuffed in front of it a little bit and then he pressed his ear against it. He could feel the pup moving, he smiled happily, he was relieved that everything was okay. He stood up again and placed a kiss on Katsuki’s lips. “I will protect you and the little one, no matter what. I won’t leave you alone!” He then turned to Eijiro and kissed him a few times too, his hands wandering over the baby bump. “And you two, too.” Both omegas chirped and they hugged Izuku. They knew that he would do anything to protect them. Inko watched her son and his mates, she was so damn proud of her son, and she was very happy that all three of them had found each other. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (