Fill me up - Consequences von Puraido (KiriBakuDeku A/B/O Verse) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- One week … It had been one week now in which Katsuki and Eijiro were bond marked to Izuku. One week they had heat shared. One week of awkward looks and giggles from the others. They looked at them as if they were aliens. Katsuki felt a little sorry for Eijiro. He kinda dragged him into this. He knew that the redhead hadn’t planned to get mated at only eighteen to his best friend and his best friend’s childhood friend. And while Katsuki didn’t regret it one bit to get mated, he felt bad for his friend. Even though he said it was okay. The blonde had planned to get mated to Izuku for so long, if the alpha didn’t want to, he would have made sure to wrap him around his finger. Ever since they became proper rivals during first year this was on his mind. And now it happened. Not the way he had expected it, but he wouldn’t complain. Katsuki didn’t remember too much from his heat, especially when he wasn’t lucid, but he was so happy, that he had the chance to be Deku’s first. He could never regret something like that. Yeah, okay, the fall out after they returned to UA was gigantic. They were in so much trouble for leaving UA, right before Katsuki’s heat. They weren’t just gone for a single week, it was a bit more than that. He had never seen Aizawa this fucking mad. But Katsuki – at this moment – couldn’t really grasp what was going on, his head was still too much up in the clouds to feel anything but utter happiness. He had no remorse that he broke the rules or that he had dragged Eijiro in all of this. The talk with the parents however was even worse. His parents, Eijiro’s parents and Inko Midoriya were called to the school and they got another round of shouting and accusations and questions if everything was alright in their heads for doing such stupid things. While yes, they were all over the age of eighteen, they were still a few months in school. By that time of their graduation the others would see a possible pregnancy. Besides, they wouldn’t be able to start to work as heroes if they were really pregnant. They would have to postpone all of it just for their stupid actions. The reason why they weren’t on birth control was a rather stupid one, too. Katsuki was out so much, looking for Izuku that he had completely missed out on his mandatory shot. The world was in uproar still after Shigaraki’s and AFO’s attack so long ago that no one seemed to remember those little things. It was the same with Kirishima, since he was always after Bakugo, he just forgot too. And now they had the trouble, they were confronted with a possible pregnancy, both of them, and Katsuki did feel sorry for Eijiro. The redhead always wanted a family, but he wanted to wait like ten more years before getting one. He wanted to live the hero life first but now this could possibly be ruined. As for Katsuki, he was fucking afraid. For the past week he made pregnancy tests on a daily, but he knew that it wouldn’t do much as of yet, because it took about two weeks for the tests to show accurate results. While he didn’t regret the heat sharing, it was honestly the best fucking thing that happened these past months, he did regret it, that he was so careless when it came to birth control. How could he forget that? He felt so stupid! Katsuki usually scoffed about teen pregnancies. How could someone be this stupid to get knocked up at such an unreasonable age? Well, jokes on him, it happened by being stupid and forgetting to use any kind of birth control. Every morning he tested himself with the pregnancy tests Recovery Girl had given him, and every time he was kinda relieved when the test was negative, but he also knew, that it wasn’t accurate, yet. Kirishima was very quiet and jumpy around them, he fidgeted nervously with his fingers, and every morning he would ask Katsuki, how it turned out. He just nodded when Katsuki told him it was negative. Izuku on the other hand was very absent-minded. He was still so focused on finding AFO and Shigaraki that he didn’t have much time for his mates. He was out with Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist and All Might – again – instead of staying with Katsuki and Eijiro. Katsuki was fucking pissed off, that his mate was gone. The girls, as well as Denki, Hanta and Shoto stared mostly at the two omegas, for the first few days. They were awkward in doing this. Glasses gave both of them a look of utter disappointment, every time their eyes met. After one week, the dam finally broke and while they were all chilling in the common area – Katsuki was next to Eijiro, he held the redheads hand – it broke out of Mina. “So, you two” Mina started. Eijiro flinched a little. “We waited long enough, it was agonizing … How was it?” she asked bluntly. Both omegas raised their eyebrows at that. “What do you mean, raccoon eyes?” Katsuki snarled. “C’mon, don’t give me that. How was it to get fucked by Izuku?” “Mina!” Momo nudged her in the side. “What? Don’t give me that look, you’re all curious, and don’t you say you don’t want to know. I can’t stand this awkwardness surrounding our class. So, do tell, how was it? Tell us the spicy details!” “Yeah, and how does it feel to be mated?” Toru added. Katsuki and Eijiro looked at each other. The redhead looked a bit unsure, but he shrugged and nodded eventually. Katsuki cleared his throat. “Well, I really fucking liked it. Deku did things I never thought were possible, and my, oh my, his full cowl is good!” he purred by the memory of it. “Yeah, he broke my unbreakable with it … But he gave us venom, that was a damn trip” Eijiro mumbled. “You tasted alpha venom? Wow!” Ochako gasped. “I mean, clearly, since you are mated …” she gestured towards them. “Is he big?” Mina asked. The guys scoffed a little at that, Kyoka and Momo were a bit embarrassed. How could Mina ask such things? “Hm, average length, but he’s thick, and he has a huge knot” Katsuki smiled like an idiot by the memory of that. “Hell yes …” Eijiro murmured approvingly. The girls blushed by that comment. “Did he knot you a lot?” Denki asked now. “Yep, he did” Katsuki leaned over. “But sometimes he was so mean and wouldn’t give it to us” he wailed. “How does this feel?” Toru questioned. “And … did he make you … like … bloat?” “It feels so good! When the knot swells, it presses against your walls and you can feel everything of it. It makes you feel so full! And yes, he did bloat us.” Katsuki rambled. He had a dreamy gaze by the memories. The girls giggled. “Did you like it, Eijiro? I mean, it’s clear as day that Katsuki liked it, but you?” “Hm … oh, yeah, I did like it. At first it was weird but after a while I didn’t want to stop either …” He looked over to Katsuki and smiled at him. “And what about the mate thing? You haven’t answered that.” Toru asked again. They both looked at each other again. “Well, I don’t mind it. I … miss Deku when he’s away, but I have Eijiro here, so it is bearable.” He purred again. “I never planned on getting mated this early, but … it’s not a bad feeling. Being with Kats and Izuku is not the worst …” Eijiro answered. But suddenly Tenya shot up from his seat. “But you were way too young to do things like that in the first place. Mating is a bond for eternity, and it is hard to remove it! Besides, how could you be this reckless and do such a thing while not on birth control?” He waved his arms rapidly through the air. “God dammit, Glasses, we know that! But we were in the middle of our heats with alpha venom in our systems, we didn’t think straight!” Katsuki snarled. “So you had no control over the situation? And Izuku took advantage of that?” he asked further. “No, of course not! Izuku wasn’t lucid either. He cursed himself when he noticed what had happened. But it was not his fault, he scolded me for trying to remove it at first, I remember how I took off my collar on my own, while they were asleep!” Katsuki hissed. “What are you suggesting anyways?” Eijiro tilted his head. “You make it sound like he raped us or something.” Tenya looked towards Eijiro, his eyes were hard. “You know that heat and rut sharing, especially between teenagers, is a massive gray zone? Some might consider it rape when one of the participants is not lucid.” His voice was firm. “He did not rape us! What are you saying, Glasses? I was the one who begged him to fuck me!” Katsuki got really angry. “He even wanted to leave us in the hideout so that he wouldn’t take advantage of us, but I made him stay!” “But you were already in heat. He should know that omegas in heat most of the time don’t think straight.” He let out a deep sigh. “Look, I don’t like to accuse Izuku of anything. I know that he’s one of the nicest people out there, but look at what he went through and what he became because of it. This is not the boy we all know from the beginning. And I don’t know something feels off about him. I am just concerned for the well-being of my three classmates. I don’t want you to suffer any damage from it!” “Pah, then don’t say such ridiculous things!” Katsuki answered, still aggressive. “He did not fucking rape us!” “Yeah, this is ridiculous!” Kirishima added. “It is not, unfortunately. Things like this do happen a lot. I just want to make sure, that it was consensual” Tenya reiterated. “It fucking was! At most you could say that I made him do stuff! I made him stay, so yeah” Katsuki snarled. Tenya lifted his hands. “Okay, if you are absolutely sure, then I won’t pry on this topic any longer.” “Appreciated” Katsuki was furious now. How dare the fucking four eyes even suggest that it could have been rape? Deku wouldn’t do such a fucked up thing! He didn’t understand a thing, he wasn’t with them, when it happened. “Now that this is cleared up …” Momo started. “What if you are really pregnant? Do you have any idea what will happen then?” Katsuki gulped and he could hear Eijiro do the same. “I … I don’t know” the redhead answered. “I mean, I wanted children, but it is kinda early, so I’m not sure … I do hope that it stays negative.” The others nodded, it was understandable. “And you Katsuki?” “What do you think? Of course I wouldn’t want a damn pup right now, I want to become number one first!” “But what if you are pregnant now? Would you … terminate it?” Ochako asked; she spoke the last words quieter. Katsuki gasped, he hadn’t thought about it. He could feel his head shake. “No, I don’t think I would. I mean, it’s not the pups fault when the parents were stupid. But I’m with Eijiro, I hope that it stays negative …” After that he had excused himself. There wasn’t much to talk about anymore. Eijiro and he went up to his room and they snuggled up in the nest. They drowned the loneliness about their missing mate out like this. “Katsuki … I am scared, you know. I don’t regret the mating stuff but what if we are pregnant? What could we give those pups? We’re still pretty young” Eijiro mumbled into Katsuki’s ear. “I don’t know … I am also scared, this wasn’t planned in the slightest” Katsuki answered honestly. “Can we really do that?” Eijiro turned to lie on his back he looked up to Katsuki’s ceiling. “I hope so … but what’s more, let’s hope those damn tests stay negative next week …” “Yes …” Kapitel 2: ----------- The three of them saw a therapist, separately. They were supposed to make sure, that everything was okay with them. That no one had gotten any trauma out of it. Even though it wasn’t a pleasant thought in the slightest, Iida did have a point with the rape. Aizawa had seen it a few times with other former students of his, and he didn’t want to let this go. Katsuki was furious about it; he didn’t want to talk to the therapist. He refused at first to answer any of the questions. Eijiro talked about what went down, more openly. He told the therapist that at first he didn’t really want to, but that he had enjoyed it a great deal later. The most he was scared off in the beginning was to get physically hurt, while he wasn’t in his heat and had therefore no slick. Due to Katsuki he had sometimes sexual thoughts about Izuku before, so he was kinda curious what real sex with him would be like. Did he think that Izuku had raped him at any point, though? He thought about this for a good long while, he went through every instance that he could remember of that week and while Izuku’s tone had been pretty rough, degrading and unpleasant at times, he knew that it was a role; that the alpha was emotionally cold due to everything that happened. And it wasn’t that big of a deal for him, really. Most of it was directed towards Katsuki anyways. So, did he really think that Izuku had done such an abhorrent thing? No, he didn’t feel like this had happened. He hadn’t forced himself on Eijiro, at least not in a way that was unpleasant for him. He had been demanding, yes, but he had given them breaks and sometimes Izuku had been the one who had to stop it because they were insatiable. He hadn’t done anything to make Eijiro feel really uncomfortable. He told the therapist his thoughts and they noted it down, they seemed satisfied, that Eijiro had given them a proper answer – after the failed attempts with Katsuki so far. They continued to talk about the mating bond, was it unpleasant or painful for him? Kirishima shook his head, he didn’t feel too different. He had Katsuki by his side and the only thing that made him sad was that Izuku was missing most of the time. He told the therapist, that he had wished to be Katsuki’s mate, sure, he had thought that it could potentially happen later in life and not right now, but he was fine with it. If it took Izuku to be with Katsuki, then this was perfectly fine for him. They talked about the possible pregnancy and Eijiro told them, how scared he was. He wanted to have children eventually but not right now. He told them that he didn’t know what he should do, if that strip turned blue. That he wouldn’t know how to handle that. He knew that he could never ever terminate his child, so if it turned blue, he would carry it out, but what would happen after it was born? They didn’t come to a conclusion on that however. While Katsuki still refused to talk, Izuku was more open about it. He told the therapist that he felt really bad. The language he had used was really degrading and he didn’t know how they felt about it, they didn’t have a chance to talk all of this out. He felt bad to give them his venom, too. The therapist asked him to elaborate why he felt bad and Izuku said, that he wasn’t sure if everything after that was really Katsuki’s and Eijiro’s wishes or if they just had acted according to the venom in their system. He knew that it was mostly used to tame omegas and make them obedient. He knew that it was misused as a rape drug and that he feared that they really didn’t want all of it. He confessed that it had given him such a great feeling to talk to Katsuki like he had; to press him down and keep him there. That he had wanted complete control over Katsuki, that he hoped that he hurt him. It was petty but he spoke to him in this manner because of their past. The things he had endured because of Katsuki … he wanted to get back to him in that moment. Izuku knew that he wasn’t himself for quite some time now. The trauma after the war, the stress of being hunted by AFO and Shigaraki, by the assassins they sent after him … It was all too much for Deku and he had used Katsuki and Eijiro to vent, he insulted them as ‘whore’, ‘slut’ and ‘bitch’ to make himself feel better. He knew that it was bad, that he shouldn’t have done this, and he felt really awful. That’s why he couldn’t stay here and be close to them. He didn’t know if he even deserved it. He didn’t know if he had any right to be close to them, to be happy with them. He mated them, for fucks sake. He knew that this was bad. He wished he could undo it. He knew how dangerous a bond scrubbing was and he knew that if one of them got it, they all had to get it. That’s why he kept quiet, they seemed to really want this bond, but he wasn’t quite sure why. The therapist asked him too, if he thought that he had raped them. And Izuku didn’t know what to answer at first. He couldn’t assess if they were fine or not, if he went to far or not. Personally, he thought that anything that happened after he gave them his venom, could basically be rape. He had given it to them, knowing, that it would make them even more obedient. And he knew that he wouldn’t be lucid for the rest of the heat. So it might as well was rape. To think that he was capable of such a terrible thing made him want to throw up. And he had in fact thrown up, when they were back at UA, when it had finally sunken in what he had done to them. He only had vague memories of the things that went down up until the point they woke up post-heat. He was so shocked to see Katsuki’s and Eijiro’s bloated stomachs; to think that he could have impregnated them. He was so fucking horrified when they told him, that they weren’t on birth control. That they had forgotten about it in all the chaos. His mind was constantly racing around the fact, that he might have impregnated two of his friends. There was no denying about the mating thing, but these unknowing weeks were pure torture for him. Was he going to be a father at age eighteen? Did he end – or at least postponed – Katsuki’s and Eijiro’s hero careers before they even started. He felt absolutely terrible and he was anxious. Would they forgive him, if they were pregnant now? Would they want to terminate the children? He of course wouldn’t want that, he wanted children – later in life – and the thought of them aborting his children was sickening, but he wouldn’t force that on either Katsuki or Eijiro. Their bodies, their choice, if they decided to eliminate the babies, then he would accept that. By now he had faced off against so many villains sent to kill him, and he didn’t care any longer, he knew that he could beat most of them without any trouble, he wasn’t scared of them. But he was damn scared to face Katsuki and Eijiro. He hadn’t really talked to them after that and he didn’t know what they thought about everything. Did they think he had raped them? Made them docile with his venom to take advantage of them? He was so scared by that thought that he just couldn’t bring himself to ask. The therapist advised him to seek out the conversation to them. They needed to clear the air about all of that. Izuku nodded, even though he wasn’t sure he could do that just yet. It took Katsuki longer to open up to the therapist, he was adamant about it that Izuku didn’t do such a thing as rape. He wasn’t capable of that! Izuku was way too nice to ever seriously hurt them. Katsuki knew that the language he had used wasn’t meant that way. That it was just the role. Katsuki had really enjoyed it. He didn’t mind it one bit to be in the submissive position, especially if it was Izuku who was dominant. In all his dreams of them before, he was always the submissive part. Okay, he had to admit that Izuku was different in his dreams, that he was the nice and caring Izuku that he knew his whole life, and not that vigilante that they had met. The person with those cold eyes … it was quite the change. Katsuki didn’t know how he felt about this person, if he was honest. It was still Izuku … so he still really liked him, yeah? No, he didn’t just like him. He loved him … he loved him for such a long time now … He told the therapist, that he would do anything for Izuku, that it was his wish to be Izuku’s mate, but Katsuki always feared that this would never happen because of the things he did in the past. He told the therapist, that he once told Izuku to kill himself. He further guessed that this was one of the reasons that Izuku had called him all those names. The blonde could understand it. He had never formally apologized to Izuku for that, so he saw why Izuku was so mean towards him. Their past plus the things that went down in Izuku’s life for the past months … this all culminated inside of him and Katsuki was used to release all of that. He got quiet when he thought about that, he bit down on his bottom lip. He was shaking a little bit. The therapist asked him, what he was feeling right now. Katsuki shrugged, he told them that it felt kinda bad. He hadn’t minded to be called a ‘whore’ and ‘slut’ while they were doing it. But now thinking about it, it did kinda hurt. Was it so bad that he would call it rape? No, absolutely not. Did he regret it? No, definitely not. He had asked for this, not for being called names, but he definitely wanted to sleep with Deku. The therapist asked him, if he took the venom on his own volition and Katsuki nodded. Yes, he wanted to taste the venom. He wanted to taste everything of Deku. They asked if he could remember the things that had happened afterwards. Did he remember the mating? Katsuki said yes to the mating, he remembered that. He remembered that he took off the collar while Izuku and Eijiro were still sleeping. He wanted to be mated! He even remembered that he had presented for Izuku. But … many things after their shower were unclear. He wasn’t lucid for most of it. He didn’t know what had happened. Again, the therapist asked him, if that could have happened against his will and Katsuki shook his head violently. He hissed at them. “No, my Deku wouldn’t do such a thing!” he exclaimed. The therapist wrote down some things. They decided to change the topic for now. They asked about the pregnancy. Did he know what he would do, if he was pregnant? He shook his head at that and he confessed that he was terrified of that thought. What if he was pregnant? What would happen then? Was he able to still graduate and get the hero license? Would he have to repeat the entire year? He knew that he couldn’t possibly be active in duty if he had a child on the way. When he had talked with his mother, the day after they came back, she had reacted extremely heavily. She had yelled at him, how stupid he had to be, to do such a thing. She wasn’t happy at all, he could understand her, but it still hurt. He wanted a child, especially if it was from Deku, he just had wished that it would be later, too. He still clinged to the hope that he was, through a miracle, not pregnant. The therapist asked for a counseling session between Izuku, Eijiro and him. Katsuki just shrugged. It was whatever. Kapitel 3: ----------- Blue … Katsuki sat on the toilet, staring on the pregnancy test in his hands. His eyes were fixated on the blue strip on the display. He gulped heavily and his hands started to shake. He could feel a stinging sensation in his eyes, as tears collected in them and spilled over. His vision became blurry and he hoped that they would wash away the blue color, but of course it was just wishful thinking. The color stayed and so was the slow realization that he was really pregnant. He was pregnant. He would have a child. He wasn’t even nineteen yet … he hadn’t even finished school. He didn’t have a job, or money to care for a child. What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t work as a hero anymore … He had to tell Aizawa and the others, that he couldn’t participate in the training any longer, he would only endanger his child, if he continued! With shaky legs he got up from the toilet, he had to grip on to the sink. Still with tears streaming down his face, he stumbled out of the bathroom and he walked over to the big mirror. His hand moved over his eyes and cheeks and he wiped the tears away. He then pulled his shirt up to look at his still flat stomach. He rubbed his hands over it and he remembered how he had looked, all bloated and everything. He would look like that by the time of their graduation … Katsuki was almost in trance while he looked at himself in the mirror, when it suddenly knocked on his door. He flinched heavily and eyed the door warily at first. But then he could feel and smell Eijiro in front of it and he blinked multiple times. He made himself move somehow, and he walked over to the door. He opened it and he could see a very distraught Kirishima in front of it. Tear streaks ran down his face and Katsuki knew that he was positive too. Wordlessly, the redhead lifted the test strip – blue it showed. Katsuki nodded and he hugged Eijiro. “Fuck …” the redhead mumbled against Katsuki’s skin. “Yeah you can say that out loud … What do we do now?” Katsuki asked. “I don’t know …” Kirishima hugged him tighter. Recovery Girl looked at them and sighed. She had again confirmed the pregnancy of those two. Aizawa was in the room too, he pinched the bridge of his nose. This was a god damn disaster. There were still about three months of school now. This would be problematic. “What do you plan on doing?” He asked. “Do you want to keep the babies?” “Of course, I won’t kill a child, least of it my own” Katsuki grumbled. “I know it is the worst time right now … but I won’t kill it just because I was stupid.” “Yeah, same for me, abortion is not an option” Eijiro covered his flat stomach with his hands. “Okay, I’ll talk to the principal on how to continue from now on. First of all, you need to talk with Midoriya about it. I’ll arrange the session with the therapist.” And that was it. Now they were sitting here in a circle, the therapist, Katsuki, Izuku and Eijiro. They hadn’t talked about anything just yet. Izuku wasn’t ready to face their presumed wrath. He didn’t know that they were positive as of yet. The therapist eyed all three of them with their keen eyes. They encouraged Katsuki to start. Deku was still frightened to face them, fearing they would accuse him. The past week he had thought about it a lot, his fears had gotten worse. His thoughts had wrapped themselves around the possibility, that he had, in fact, raped them. This thought still made him sick to his stomach. His upset mind spiraled deeper, all the stress from before, the thoughts that came up after the talks with the therapist, it dragged him deeper and deeper into that mindset. Katsuki cleared his throat. “Deku …uhm … we were at Recovery Girl’s this morning …” he started, his voice was shaking and he had a lump in his throat. Deku looked up, he gulped visibly. “What did she say? A-are you …?” He couldn’t end his sentence. “Yes … we both are … pregnant” Katsuki mumbled. Izuku gasped and he leaned back in the chair, he leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling. “Shit …” he mouthed. They all stayed silent after that. They gave Izuku time to process this. “My god, what have I done” slowly he leaned forward again. His gaze switched between Katsuki and Eijiro. They must hate him! He had ruined their chance to become heroes! “It’s not your fault alone, Deku, it was my idea and I dragged you and Eijiro into it” Katsuki said. Eijiro stared to the ground, Deku had seemingly spaced out. “Y-you won’t be heroes … I ruined your chance of that …” he mumbled. Katsuki noticed that his breathing got heavier. “Hey, everything will be okay, we will be heroes, just a little later” Katsuki tried to reassure Izuku, but himself and Eijiro too, that everything was alright. “No! Nothing is okay! Look what I did to you! And to you Eijiro! I mated and impregnated you. I gave you my venom and I took advantage of you … I fucking raped you and I enjoyed it while doing so … I’m a fucking piece of garbage …” He started to ramble in a panic. Both, Katsuki and Eijiro looked at him in shock. Katsuki felt guilt creeping up his throat. Why was Deku feeling like that now? It hadn’t been his fault. It was all Katsuki’s idea in the first place. “Wh-why are you saying that, Deku? Y-you’re not a rapist! I wanted it, did you forget? I wanted to have sex with you!” “But Kacchan, you were already in heat! I should have known better. I should have said no and instead called a teacher. But I didn’t! And Eijiro didn’t even want to do it in the first place and I made him do stuff he didn’t like! And all the names I called you … All those fucking names!” “I-Its okay, Izuku!” Eijiro piped in too. “Even though I wasn’t a fan in the beginning, I wanted it too, even before my own heat had kicked in. I don’t think that you raped me!” Eijiro tried to convince him. “See? No one thinks that!” Katsuki forced a smile on his face. “No … Kacchan, you don’t understand! The name calling, the degrading, the humiliation … I did that because I was fucking angry!” Izuku started. Katsuki flinched. “W-what?” “I was fucking pissed at the whole situation with the war, with AFO, with Shigaraki, with all the assassins that tried to take me out. Before I found you I had to deal with another one of them. I was livid when I saw both of you, looking for me. And then … you wanted sex, I had no control over myself. All the past shit bubbled up in me, the things you said and did during middle school. The stress from the situation at hand … it all exploded into anger towards you! I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to humiliate you, to keep you small, like you did with me, during middle school, I called you names but … but you complied so easily! I got carried away and I started to call Eijiro names too, even though my anger wasn’t even directed at him. I’m so fucking sorry that I used you! I’m sorry that I did that to you! I gave you my venom because I knew you would comply even more! That you would lose your lucidity and that I could take even more advantage of you …” Both Katsuki and Eijiro were stunned by this confession. Eijiro bit his bottom lip, he could see now, why Izuku would think that he had raped them. It was honestly terrifying to hear. This Izuku was so much different from the Izuku he knew. Eijiro had pressed a hand on his mouth. “I … what happened between you two? During middle school?” Eijiro asked. Katsuki had never told him, what went down between them. “I was a bully, a total piece of shit” Katsuki murmured. Tears were streaming down his face. “I hurt Deku every day, because … even though I had the better quirk and all, and I should have been superior to him, I felt that I was not … and I didn’t want to see that. That’s why I tried to keep him down, that’s why I started to bully him … I told him … that he should take a swan dive off a roof …” Eijiro stared at Katsuki in shock. He knew that Katsuki could be quite unpleasant sometimes, that he yelled a lot about killing and murder … but he never thought that he had said something so horrific to Izuku … “And Izuku, I realized that I never apologized for that! And I am so sorry! I totally get why you would be mad at me. But please, don’t think that you raped us. I wanted it! All of it! And the mating, I wanted that too! Maybe not at this age, but I wanted it eventually!” Katsuki confessed. Izuku sagged in his chair. He looked down at his folded hands, he was crying, too. Eijiro could see, how he clenched his fingers. All of a sudden, the alpha slid down from his chair and he knelt in front of them. He lowered his head to the ground. “No, no matter my reasons and own feelings, I should have never taken advantage in this way of you. I feel absolutely terrible for everything that happened, and just because I couldn’t control myself, I ruined your hero career. I ruined the two of you! I forced this mating mark on you and I can’t make it up to you. I only can beg for your forgiveness.” He apologized. Eijiro and Katsuki were baffled and in complete disbelief. No, this was so wrong. Izuku didn’t do anything, Katsuki thought. He knelt next to him. “Oi … lift your damn head. I told you, you did nothing wrong!” His voice quivered. “Right, Eijiro?” The redhead joined them on the ground too. “Yeah … I agree. We don’t think that you used us at all! From what I remember, you took great care of us. And yeah, I know, the situation is crappy right now, but we will overcome this! I am not mad at you! How could I when I willingly joined? I wasn’t even in heat when I accepted the offer! My mind was clear and I wanted this too! Please, don’t feel so bad!” “Yes, and I basically begged you. Izuku, I love you, ever since we had this talk after All Might’s retirement, my feelings for you started to grow! I dreamt so many times that you would sleep with me. I wanted it too and yeah, even though we are in a shitty situation right now because of it, I totally agree with Eijiro! We will overcome this. We will find a way to make it work! But please, don’t take all the blame!” Slowly, Izuku lifted his head. “You’re not mad at me? You forgive me?” “There is nothing to forgive! You did nothing bad! We all wanted it” Katsuki reassured him. “Yes! He’s right. Before the others mentioned it, the thought that this could be rape, didn’t even cross my mind. It was fun for the parts I can remember. So yeah, I wanted it, I promise.” Eijiro robbed closer on his knees and he laid a hand on Izuku’s shoulder. Katsuki mimicked him. The three of them sat there for a while, the omegas tried to comfort Izuku while he still apologized over and over again. After about ten minutes, all of them sat back on the chairs. They were somewhat calmed down again, faces still wet with tears. Izuku was still in shock about the fact that he would become a father of not only one child but two or possibly more, from different people. It was a hard to swallow pill for sure. “God … I still can’t believe it” he mumbled. “A-and you are sure you want to … keep them?” “Of course, abortion is out of question!” Katsuki said. “Do you not want the children?” Eijiro asked. “I want them! I couldn’t live with the thought to abort a child, I … I just want to make sure you two are okay with that too. It is your body, and your decision and I would accept it, if you say you didn’t want it …” he explained. “No, don’t worry, we’ll keep them.” Eijiro confirmed. Izuku nodded. “G-good” he was in thoughts. His face all of a sudden became horrified again. “Then I have to go out and find AFO and Shigaraki … I don’t want them to target you and I am sure they will do it eventually.” “You will find them, I’m sure of that! I trust you!” Katsuki smiled at him. “I mean you even tamed the future number one hero, so AFO and Shigaraki will be a walk in the park.” He tried to joke. Izuku let out a chuckle, even though he wasn’t really amused. He exhaled deeply. He would be a father … It sounded so surreal … he would need time to adjust to that. Kapitel 4: ----------- They hadn’t told the others yet, a couple of days had passed and while the others from time to time asked, they always said that they didn’t have a correct result, yet. They would have to tell them eventually, but they just did not feel ready. They hadn’t even talked to their parents, yet. This Saturday morning however, Katsuki felt sick, he barely made it to the toilet before he threw up. He retched violently. Fuck, this was disgusting, he thought. He flushed the toilet and drank water to get the bad taste out of his mouth. He put some fresh clothes on and went down to the common room. He immediately walked to the bathrooms to brush his teeth. When he came back, he noticed Rikido, Iida, Momo and Tsuyu in the kitchen, they prepared breakfast for the rest of the group. “Good morning, Katsuki” Momo greeted him. Katsuki slouched to the tables and sat down on one chair. He grumbled a ‘good morning’ as answer. His stomach was still rumbling and he felt like throwing up again. He was not happy about that. “Is everything okay?” Iida asked in his firm voice. Katsuki shook his head, he covered his mouth and nose with one hand. Momo and Tsuyu stared at each other, before they looked at him. “Are you … feeling sick?” Momo asked. Grumbling, Katsuki nodded his head yes. “I’ll make you a tea. Do you want chamomile or ginger tea?” “Ginger” Katsuki murmured. Momo nodded and got to work. She whispered something to Tsuyu and the frog girl nodded. Rikido concentrated on the breakfast, Tenya looked concerned towards Katsuki. He observed how Momo walked over to him with the ginger tea, she placed it together with some crackers in front of him, she carefully rubbed over his back to sooth him. He thanked her and started to eat the crackers and he sipped on the tea. It made him feel better a little bit. Eijiro didn’t look much better when he came down and rushed to the bathrooms, too. Momo could smell that something had changed in Katsuki and Eijiro, omegas in general were very sensitive towards pregnancies of others, or their own. They could smell it pretty early, but she wouldn’t blurt it out just like that. They sat together on the table eventually, Eijiro had a chamomile tea in front of him, he was eating rather slowly. Both omegas could feel the prying eyes on them. Eventually, Katsuki had enough. “Stop staring at us! Yes, my fucking god, we are pregnant!” he hissed. Some of them turned their eyes away in embarrassment. Tenya sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He had guessed that this was going to happen. “What happens now?” Hanta asked. “I mean, you can’t participate in hero training any longer, right?” “No, we can’t. We will stay in the normal courses of course, and we will observe the practical courses. As for any practical exams … well, we have to take them later in life again. When we are able to, we can repeat the courses and get the hero license this way without repeating the whole school year. Aizawa will show them video material from our other last exams since it’s not that much of a difference. It’s complicated but we will manage somehow.” “Did you already talk to your parents?” Tenya asked. “Not yet, the talk is today. I am not thrilled about it.” The blonde grimaced. “Hmpf, never thought you two of all people would get knocked up so soon” Mineta mumbled. “Oi, shut the fuck up, dwarf” Katsuki growled. “Stop it” Eijiro tried to calm him down. “Does it feel weird?” Denki asked. “At the fucking moment I’m just pissed off because I feel like I could puke any moment again, and all of you extras keep staring at us. Besides, dunce face, it’s way to early to feel anything!” Katsuki hissed. Denki raised his hands. “Sorry, bro.” “I think we should not bother them about it any longer, we should give them some time to adjust” Momo suggested. “Hallelujah!” Katsuki grumbled. Eijiro rubbed over his back and tried to calm him, too bad that Izuku wasn’t here at the moment. Izuku, Katsuki and Eijiro sat in the room from the therapist some time later, and they waited for their parents. Eventually they all showed up, since they lived on the campus now, it was a lot quicker to contact them. Katsuki was especially nervous, he didn’t know how his alpha mother would react to this news. They entered the room and sat across from their children. They looked tense too. “So, how does it look like?” Mitsuki immediately asked. Katsuki sighed. “We are pregnant …” He mumbled, it was better to just get it over with. Mitsuki groaned annoyed. “Great, just great, Katsuki.” “So … both of you are pregnant?” Mrs. Kirishima, Yukari, asked. She looked to her son, her eyes pleading that this wasn’t true. “Yes … both of us are” Eijiro answered. She covered her face with her hands, she made a soft stressed noise. Inko was close to tears too. She looked at her son, who stared to the ground. “And what will happen now, brat?” Mitsuki questioned. “You can’t be a hero with a pup.” “I know that, old hag. I’ll finish school and when time allows it, I’ll redo my practical exams. As long as I ace the written exams they will hold my hero license until I can do them.” He explained. “The same goes for Eijiro.” “I still can’t believe it, that you were this fucking stupid” Mitsuki hissed. “And how could you let this happen, Eijiro? I thought you would take care of him? And you Izuku I never thought you of all people would take advantage of them when they are in heat.” She had an accusatory tone. Katsuki growled. “He did nothing wrong! He feels bad enough on his own, he doesn’t need you telling him it was his fault! We already talked about that!” “It doesn’t change the fact that you two will have it a lot more difficult in life now, he isn’t affected by it, physically, he can become a hero, no problem. You two are the ones that have to step back, because he couldn’t control himself.” “I already fucking told you, it was I who looked for him! I made him stay! He wanted to go and I talked him into it!” Katsuki got louder and louder. “If you want to blame someone, then blame me, my fucking god.” “To make a baby there are two people needed. In this case it were even three.” She growled. “Please, stop arguing” Masaru tried to calm his wife and son down. “You’re scaring the others!” “I mean, yeah, everything that went down could have been prevented, but to argue about that is of no use” Mr. Kirishima, Arashi, said. “We should now try to figure out how to help our children with this!” “Yeah, accusations don’t help anyone, so please calm down, Mrs. Bakugo.” Yukari added. Mitsuki scoffed but she leaned back in her chair. She crossed the arms in front of her chest. Inko was quiet, she felt like she had no say in all of this, her son wasn’t the one being pregnant. He, in fact, was the cause of the pregnancy … she would feel quite bad to say something to them. Even though the Kirishima’s weren’t happy about all of it, they tried to be accepting. They wanted to support their son, no matter what. Inko told the boys that they could come to her too, if they needed anything. Masaru encouraged the boys too, to come to him if they needed something. Only Mitsuki wasn’t happy with the situation at all, she was especially mad at Izuku. But it was what it was now, there was nothing she could do about it. (Early January +4 weeks) The days passed and Katsuki and Eijiro visited a doctor. They should check if everything was alright, since pregnancy and the health of the unborn babies weren’t Recovery Girl’s field of expertise. They sat in the waiting room and Katsuki was quite nervous. He knew that there wasn’t much of a baby inside of him at this moment, but he feared the ultrasound already. When he saw a picture of the embryo, he knew that this would make it real. He still hoped, that everything would be a bad dream somehow, but a picture of the little creature inside of him, would seal the deal for him. The doctor gave him a look when Katsuki pulled Eijiro with him into the room, but didn’t say anything. Katsuki was first, he lay down on the treatment couch and he watched them putting on the gel for the ultrasound, it was cold and a little unpleasant. They ran with the ultrasound device over his stomach and they looked at the monitor. All Katsuki could see was mix of black, gray and white. He pursed his lips while he waited. “All looks good. This black dot is the embryo” they told him. “Hmpf, doesn’t look like one …” “Give it time. It needs to grow a little more, before you can clearly make out some features.” The doctor said. They cleaned up Katsuki’s stomach and after that, it was Eijiro’s turn. It looked about the same. Katsuki was somewhat relieved that it had no resemblance to a human in this early stage. It was merely four weeks old so no wonder it looked like nothing. They both got printed a picture of the black dot and after some explanations and when they should come back, they were allowed to leave. Aizawa waited for them in the car. “What did the doctor say?” he asked. They relayed the information to him and he nodded. After that, they showed him the pictures. “It’s not much” Katsuki mumbled. “Believe me, it will grow faster than you’ll like.” Aizawa commented. A couple of days later, Eijiro and Katsuki cuddled on the couch in front of the TV, some of the other classmates were with them. Suddenly the program was interrupted for a breaking news report. They saw a city in ruins, the news helicopter was filming from the air and the battlefield was gigantic. In panic they watched the program because the dark figure on the battlefield was awfully familiar. Katsuki felt really sick, when he saw the green energy waves that were emitted by each blow. The news reported that the hero-student Deku was fighting against the villains known as All for One and Shigaraki. Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist, Mount Lady, Kamui Woods, Gang Orca, Mirko, Fat Gum and a few more heroes were all at Deku’s side. Shoto, Hitoshi, Fumikage and Tenya were also present It was a surprise attack on Deku, he was on his usual patrol, when AFO attacked. The other heroes were in the vicinity and got dragged into it. Katsuki and Eijiro were both tense, why on earth did they have to be pregnant right now? Especially Katsuki wanted to help, he wanted to get revenge on Shigaraki and AFO for keeping Deku out on the streets for so long. All the others cheered for their classmates. But they also looked in horror as more and more of the city got destroyed. The battle went on and on and on, neither side could subdue the other for a long time, but eventually, Deku was able to do something to Shigaraki. The view was obscured by a smokescreen and they all were on the edges of their seats. A last blow occurred blasting the smoke away and revealing the outcome of the battle. AFO was on the ground, Shigaraki too. They looked absolutely destroyed. But Deku looked terrible too, he was battered and bruised and he looked even more terrifying than he had looked when Katsuki and Eijiro had found him the first time. It was over … Shigaraki was defeated and so was All for One. The heroes however looked absolutely beaten too. So much had been destroyed. Tears of relief ran over Katsuki’s cheeks. The villains had lost and Deku was still alive … Kapitel 5: ----------- Izuku and the rest of the heroes were in the hospital. He had suffered severe injuries, more so than usual. He had lost his right arm during the fight. He had to cut it off after Shigaraki had touched him, but the most important thing was that he was alive. Eijiro and Katsuki visited him as much as possible during his stay. Inko had a complete breakdown when she learned that her son had lost an arm, but she was so glad that he was alive. It took him about a week to come back to school, he stayed in his room for the first couple of days. He didn’t want to see anyone. Only his mother was allowed to bring him food, not even Katsuki and Eijiro were allowed to visit. Because of that, they couldn’t really concentrate in school, they just wanted to see their mate. Katsuki’s morning sickness got even worse because of his worries. He had a bucket next to his seat in the classroom because he wouldn’t make it to the toilet in time. It wasn’t a pretty sight at all and after vomiting three times, Aizawa had sent him to the infirmary. Deku came back eventually. He had big, dark circles under his eyes, he looked worn out and so broken. His right sleeve was hanging loosely from this body and it stung in Katsuki’s heart, to see his mate like that. He rushed over to Izuku and hugged him tightly, Eijiro following him suit. They brought him over to the couch and they cuddled him until he relaxed a bit. The other students that had fought against AFO and Shigaraki had rejoined the class earlier, they weren’t as severely injured as Deku. Shoto and Tenya had burn scars. Tokoyami had a huge scar over his left side of his head and Hitoshi had also a scar running over his face and eye and one scar over his throat. He had still trouble speaking. It hurt quite a lot. Both omegas were constantly around Izuku, he didn’t want to talk about what went down in the smoke, but one could see, that it messed with him quite badly. He didn’t smile, no matter what Eijiro or Katsuki, or any of the other classmates did, most of the time he was completely spaced out. It was hard for them to see him depressed like that. It hurt that he couldn’t open up to them, about what bothered him. They felt his pain over their bond and they wished nothing more to make him feel better. So they stayed with him as much as they could. Izuku sat with the therapist, he sat in the chair spaced out while they tried to talk with him, but everything they said went completely over Izuku’s head. It was concerning, that he didn’t registered anything. Session after session went by with no progress. Whatever had happened in the smoke, it had traumatized Izuku really badly to a point where now everyone was concerned. Yuga heard him scream during the night and he would call for Aizawa and Inko and then Inko would stay the whole night with her son. She would lie in his bed and she held him, she stroked through his hair until he calmed down, she hummed and sang to him and he would hug her tightly. His body was shaking and he cried violently, but he didn’t speak to even her about what troubled him. The weeks passed and Izuku was in an almost catatonic state, he was mostly in his room and only his mother was able to bring him down into the common room. He walked like a mindless zombie and he never responded to Katsuki’s or Eijiro’s advances. They tried to talk to him but he never registered it. He would eat on his own when they put a plate in front of him, but everything tasted like nothing for him. Showering and dressing up was more of a problem though, the missing arm made things complicated. So Katsuki and Eijiro mostly helped him shower, he let them do it, without response. March was near and so was the end of the school year. The last exams for Katsuki were not a problem at all, he aced the written exams. Eijiro struggled more but he managed to pass the exams too. Izuku however had immense trouble, the written test was awful when suddenly the words on the paper started to move, he couldn’t concentrate at all. He ended up wiping the sheets from his desk and Aizawa had to pull him out because he had a massive breakdown. His classmates were even more concerned now, how would this affect the results. Would they consider him unfit to be a hero? Even though he had defeated two of the most dangerous villains in Japan? What the public didn’t know – and therefore his classmates didn’t know either – was that All for One and Shigaraki weren’t just ‘defeated’. Izuku had convinced Shigaraki, that this was not it, not the life he should have had in the first place. It was hard but he managed. Together they had managed to defeat All for One, but Izuku had to do something, he never ever wanted to do … He had ended the man’s life, in order to save Japan from him. He really had no other choice but to do so. This however triggered something in Shigaraki. The remnants of All for One took over and he grabbed Deku’s arm, disintegrating it. Shigaraki begged him to end it, to rid the world of the evil that was All for One. And so he had to kill Shigaraki too. But not without All for One’s last attack on him. Something that shocked him so much, that he fell into this state. The smoke screen had obscured the dead bodies and the government was thankful for that. They took the bodies away before the news cameras could pick up on them more closely. The public was informed that the two were defeated – not killed. And they made Izuku and the other pro heroes swear to keep it a secret. The other students that were involved didn’t know it either, they were too far away to see the bodies. And so it was on Izuku to carry this burden on his own. He couldn’t tell someone, he had made a promise … But it was eating him up from the inside. He had killed two people … he had taken their lives, he had no choice and the vessels of One for All said it too. Sometimes killing was a salvation, too. But what shocked him even more than the actual act of killing, was what All for One had said and done to him. He couldn’t deal with it, no matter how much he tried to push it out of his head. Izuku screamed for his mother again, it happened during so many nights now, she stayed in the student dorms across the hall on the girls side. She wrapped her arms around him and she cradled him like a child. She hushed him and she tried to sooth his raging thoughts. She whispered that he could tell her anything but Izuku couldn’t, he had promised to not tell anyone. They sat in the cafeteria it was the last week of school. Aizawa had convinced the other teachers to go easy on Izuku, too. He was clearly traumatized and it wouldn’t be fair to him, to let him fail because of it. He had done the most in defeating All for One, so he should get a chance. Everyone was on his side in this. Katsuki and Eijiro sat left and right of Izuku they tried to animate him to eat but today was especially bad. Their pregnancy started to show now, almost four months in, and even the special collars couldn’t stop the scent from leaking out. So some students started to notice. Katsuki and Eijiro heard them whispering and speculating. It pissed the blonde off, could they not let them alone and in peace? This day in the cafeteria, they were approached by a group of second year general education students; a bunch of girls and a few alpha guys. They looked like the antagonists in every high school drama film. The girls were all relatively pretty but they looked like those mean girls. “Hi there” the main mean girl said. The hero students on the table looked up to them, in confusion. Everyone, except Izuku, he stared on his plate. “What do you want?” Katsuki hissed rather hostile. She gave him bad vibes, this girl wasn’t a good person. “I was just wondering, there are a few rumors here in the school about your … condition” she had a nasty grin on her face. “Our condition is nothing of your business” Katsuki snarled. Eijiro tried to calm Katsuki down, he leaned over and hushed him. One of the guys chimed in, he seemed to be the boyfriend of this chick. “Hey, is it true that you were raped by this retarded guy over there?” He pointed at Izuku. “People say he raped and forcefully mated you.” He let out an evil chuckle. “Oh, and got you knocked up.” The table completely froze when they heard that. The group started to laugh at that. “Well, is it true or not? The green one – Deku – is so quiet since a few weeks, can’t live with the guilt, huh?” Another girl stated. “Why is he even in the hero course any longer huh? He’s a fucking beast, according to the rumors. He should have been expelled as soon as they found out what he did to you. And someone like this is allowed to be a hero.” Katsuki saw red, how dare they call Izuku a rapist again? How dare they accuse him of being so terrible? How dare they calling him a retard? “I will give you one chance, exactly one fucking chance to get on your hands and knees and apologize to Izuku. One chance to take everything back, before I fucking blast you into the orbit. He didn’t rape us!” Katsuki stood up, explosions crackled in his hands. More and more people in the cafeteria looked over to them. “Katsuki, stop!” Tenya stood up and tried to hold him back. But Katsuki ignored him. He got right into this one girl’s face. “You have no fucking idea what you talk about anyways. And for your information, he is not a retard. You take that back too” he looked around the group of students. “Oh, so you’re defending this rapist? Did he brainwash you? Is that what a mate bond does? And don’t come so close! You stink!” Eijiro had gotten up too and he tried to pull Katsuki back, but the blonde was so fucking pissed at this girl. He could feel a wave of sickness bubbling up in his stomach. Every time he got emotional, he felt like he had to vomit. “Aren’t you this explosive dude? All those years you blabbed about becoming such a great hero and you would beat everyone and shit like that. You have this pathetic hero name, what was it? Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight? This is so laughable, but now you can’t be a hero anymore” the guy started to laugh. “Now that you’re knocked up you’re a burden to everyone.” The group laughed again. “Hey, you guys, this is really mean, leave them alone!” Mina and Ochako jumped up too. The whole table was now surrounding the group. Katsuki was so fucking pissed at those guys. “God, just imagine him as a mother, I feel almost bad for those pups, I’m sure he will be an absolutely terrible mother, if he treats them how he treats others” she gave him a snarky laugh. “And with his fucking rapist dad, god, really terrible!” the alpha dude added. They all laughed. His classmates were mortified by that. How dare they talk like that? Katsuki focused on the girl, his red eyes pierced into hers, he wanted to say something but he could feel the bile rising up his throat. He pressed a hand in front of his mouth. “Oh, what’s wrong? I expected at least a little resistance, some mean comments? But nothing?” She laughed again. “I am almost disappointed.” Katsuki had looked around for a trash can or something, he knew that he wouldn’t make it to the toilets, but now his focus shifted towards her. He knew it was gross, but he couldn’t care less. They were mean to him, Eijiro and Izuku so why should he be nice? He leaned forward and he threw up, right on her shoes. The girls screamed as he did that. His classmates were surprised, shocked and baffled. Did he just throw up on someone else’s shoes? “Whoops” Mina said. “Well, he still suffers from morning sickness” she had a huge grin on her face, she walked over to Katsuki who still wasn’t done and she patted his back. “You threw up on my shoes!” The girl screeched. “You are a disgusting piece of garbage!” She was about to smack him, but her hand was caught mid air before it could hit him. To everyone’s shock, it was Izuku who had caught the hand. He stared right at her, his green eyes glowing. “Don’t you dare lay a hand on my mate” he let out a deep, bloodcurdling growl and everyone of the group, except the girl who couldn’t move, backed away from him. “If you dare to hurt my mate one more time, I’ll rip your fucking arm off. You upset him enough. You better apologize” he ripped her forward and she landed on her hands and knees, back again in Katsuki’s vomit. “And you too!” he bellowed, the whole cafeteria had now turned their attention over to them. Shaking, they all got onto their knees. “W-we apologize!” they muttered. “And now you better make sure that I don’t have to see you ever again.” He still growled, when they hastily made their way out of the cafeteria. Izuku turned towards Katsuki and Eijiro. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” his tone changed immediately when talking to them. His voice got soft and he slightly crooned. He cupped Katsuki’s cheek with his hand and inspected him, before he moved over to Eijiro. “Don’t listen to them, you will be great mothers. I know that! Your pups will be strong and healthy and you will take good care of them.” Katsuki smiled at Izuku, he was so happy, that Izuku seemed to have snapped out of his catatonic state – at least for now. “Dang, Katsuki, never would have guessed you would throw up on her shoes” Ochako mumbled. She gave him a glass of water. He took it and smiled at her. “Well, uh, I was feeling sick and there was no bucket near … so I couldn’t help it.” He grinned sheepishly. Tenya was next to them too. “Are you alright, Katsuki?” he asked. “Yeah, I’m fine now, but I was so angry when they wouldn’t shut up …” Izuku pulled him into a hug he looked at Eijiro and the redhead hugged him too. He could feel the stump of Deku’s arm caressing the back of his head. Aizawa was called and he sighed in exhaustion. Well, Katsuki couldn’t help his morning sickness … so it wasn’t his fault, technically. Besides, Aizawa would have a talk with the group of students, he wouldn’t let this type of bullying slide. They wouldn’t get off the hook so easily. It was an absolute no go to just call someone a retard and rapist. They would have to face the consequences. They were expelled immediately from the school. After the cafeteria incident, Katsuki was lying on the couch. Eijiro held him from behind, and he hummed in Katsuki’s ear. Izuku on the other hand was laying half on top of Katsuki. His head was on Katsuki’s belly and even though it was still too early to make out any movement or sounds, he could feel the presence of the child inside of Katsuki and this calmed him down. He of course made sure to not put too much weight onto him, his eyes were closed and he let out chuffing sounds when Katsuki’s hands were stroking through his green curls. Izuku had managed to push the afterimage of All for One to the back of his head, at least for the moment. His mates needed him now, he couldn’t let them down more than he had already. The others watched all of this and they thought it was adorable. They didn’t mind the cuddling at all, they were relieved that Izuku was more active again. Izuku made it his mission to protect his mates these past few days of school. He could think straight as long as he had this objective. He would growl at anyone who wasn’t a classmate that would come too close to them. Katsuki and Eijiro were just relieved that Izuku came slowly out of his shell and was more active again. Kapitel 6: ----------- Graduation came eventually and Izuku got his hero license, he got a special permit because he had defeated AFO and Shigaraki. Katsuki and Eijiro graduated too, but their licenses were held back until they could get their practical exams done. Now they had to decide what to do. Where would they live? They didn’t want to be separated but Izuku’s apartment was too small, and while Eijiro and Katsuki had bigger houses they could potentially live in, it would not be a long time solution. Well, this was until All Might offered a place to stay for the three of them. It was a graduation gift for the three. They were all super grateful for that. Izuku couldn’t believe it. The first thing Eijiro and Katsuki did, when they saw the oversized bed, was to decorate it. They made it into a super comfortable nest, they wanted only the best for Izuku. They knew that he had still trouble sleeping. That’s why Inko moved into the guest room. She wanted to be close to her son. At least until he finally felt better. Katsuki and Eijiro were okay with that. They understood that Izuku was going through something difficult. If he needed his mother, then they wouldn’t separate the two. Izuku got, with the help of Mei Hatsume, a new arm and after a while he started to work as a hero. All Might was helping him with opening an agency et cetera. Katsuki and Eijiro started to help out in the agency. They did the paperwork that soon came in. Even though it annoyed Katsuki greatly that he was bound to the desk, he did it anyway to support his mate. April came and Katsuki and Eijiro did a few courses of yoga and Pilates to keep themselves fit, they wanted to try both, but they figured Pilates was more their thing, Katsuki wasn’t calm enough to hold yoga positions. Momo, Ochako and Mina accompanied them to the courses whenever they had time, they were hyped to do stuff with them. Katsuki was at first a bit irritated why they suddenly wanted to do stuff together, but Eijiro explained to him, that they were just being good friends, and they wanted to spend time with them. Many evenings on which Izuku were gone, other classmates joined them, to keep them company, if they had time to spare, they all were working hard to establish their presence in the hero world. Denki and Hanta came over frequently. They played sometimes video games together, or watched movies, helped with the cooking et cetera. It was by the way super helpful to have Inko around. She took care of the pregnant omegas and she made them super delicious food most of the time. Momo came over too – more to Katsuki’s irritation since she wasn’t really part of his friend group before – she convinced them to some wellness days, which was totally confusing Katsuki. He didn’t want at first. Why would he do that? Especially with Momo all of a sudden. They made him sometimes feel like he was terminally ill or something, and not just pregnant. But Momo insisted that they take a few days off to just relax and Eijiro had Katsuki convinced to do that, eventually. Now Katsuki and Eijiro were sitting in loungers with facemasks on and in fluffy bathrobes and relaxed, some guys were massaging their feet at the moment and it was damn weird for Katsuki at first, but it was indeed relaxing. He had grabbed Eijiro’s hand and squeezed it, the redhead grinned widely and returned the squeezing. On nights were Izuku was home, sometimes Ochako, Tenya, Shoto and Tsuyu would come over. Tenya kept Katsuki and Eijiro updated on everything happening in the hero world. Sometimes he and Izuku would go on parades about the newest events. It was at times like this where Izuku was the old, cheery Izuku he was at the beginning of their high school time. He seemed to forget about the fight with AFO and Shigaraki and he was focused on hero news and politics. Ochako asked, if she could touch their bellies one night and Katsuki was again irritated by that, but he eventually allowed it and Ochako squealed in happiness. Tsuyu asked too and she was also really happy, when they allowed it. They had also a birthday party for Katsuki, now he was nineteen … After living together for two months now – almost six month into their pregnancy – Izuku finally relaxed and he slept easier when they were with him. Inko had showed them some tricks to calm Izuku down and with that, they managed to help him greatly. Izuku loved it to be close to his two mates. He loved to snuggle against their growing bellies. Slowly but surely he could sense the pups more clearly and he always let out a delighted chuffing when the little ones moved. Katsuki and Eijiro went to the doctor regularly and they got a lot of ultrasound pictures. The pups were alright and this made them really happy. Mitsuki eventually came around too. Masaru brought her with him one time and Katsuki was really surprised. Mitsuki was still not a fan of all of this, but she was impressed, how well Katsuki, Izuku and Eijiro managed the situation. Inko and All Might, as well as the Kirishimas and Masaru pitched now and then in when it came to money. Izuku’s agency was still too small to make a living for his family, but they got more and more jobs and it got easier. But it wasn’t all easy-peasy lemon-squeezy, even though Izuku was doing much better, now that he had constant distractions, on the nights he didn’t work, it all came back. Sometimes he would scream and wake up the other two. He would enter a crying fit and they didn’t know how to handle that. They would call Inko and even she couldn’t do much. Katsuki and Eijiro begged the alpha to tell them what was tormenting him all the time, but he wouldn’t tell, no matter what. It was hard to watch for the two omegas and when they had their therapy sessions they would talk about it. Izuku apologized profusely for causing them so much trouble. He felt absolutely terrible, but he still refused to talk about it. Izuku was home for the week because hit rut came up. He was lying in the nest and Katsuki and Eijiro were with him. He felt terrible, he wanted to have sex with his mates, but since they were pregnant, they wouldn’t enter their normal heats. Instead Eijiro and Katsuki entered a warm heat – warm heats occurred for different reasons, for example when the body was preparing for reproduction, but wasn’t quite ready yet, or when the omega was already pregnant, and their partner was in a rut, most of the time the first couple of heats after a pregnancy were also warm heats. Omegas in warm heats were not really sexual, but they were very cuddly and snuggly and they needed a lot of love. They would nest even more than usual or in a sexual heat. They entered their warm heats because of Izuku’s rut, they released a sweet, but not very seductive scent and they helped Izuku to turn his rut into a non-sexual rut. Most of the time they would just cuddle up to him and they would calm him down. Izuku was lying in this absolutely heavenly nest that his mates had build for him. Lots of plushies, pillows and blankets were in it and everything was so soft, it helped Izuku greatly to stay calm. Katsuki snuggled next to him, while Eijiro was up and prepared with Inko’s help a meal. Izuku had pushed Katsuki’s shirt up and he pressed his ear on Katsuki’s stomach, he hummed while doing that and Katsuki purred. He felt so damn good at the moment. He felt the pup kicking a little and he smiled. He rubbed over Izuku’s back, while Izuku rubbed over the belly. “You know I love you, yeah?” Katsuki mumbled to him. Izuku smiled and chuffed. “And I love you” he answered. Eijiro entered the room with the food and three bottles of water. He sat on Izuku’s other side. “Here, Izuku, you need to eat and drink.” He told him. Izuku nodded and he ate what Eijiro gave him. But suddenly, he felt tears rising up in him, they ran over his cheeks and dripped onto his pants. “Hey, babe, what’s wrong?” Katsuki asked while he snuggled closer to Izuku. “I …” he started but he was shaken by another wave of sadness. “I killed them” it finally broke out of him. The omegas gasped. “What do you mean?” Eijiro asked. “All for One … a-and Shigaraki. D-during the battle … I-I had to kill them.” Katsuki’s eyes widened. “What? B-but they said they were still in prison?” “They lied. The government don’t want anyone to know that I killed them, I’m not supposed to talk about it … but I can’t keep that any longer!” Eijiro took the food away from him and Izuku sunk down into the pillows again. He cried more and more and both of them snuggled close to him. His body was shaking heavily and he just couldn’t stop it. “They made you keep that a secret all this time?” Katsuki was shocked and furious that the government would burden a teenager with this, and made him promise to not tell anyone. This was madness! “Do you want to tell us what happened?” Eijiro asked. Still shaking Izuku nodded. “I managed to convince Shigaraki to leave AFO, to help me defeat him, and together it was possible to bring him down.” He started. More tears flowing out of his eyes. “But even though AFO died, he just took over Shigaraki’s body via the remnants of himself inside of him. He took over and that’s when he touched my arm. I had to cut it off …” They were absolutely shocked to hear that. “Shigaraki begged me, to end him, to end AFO and when I was about to deliver the last blow, AFO appeared again. He …” Izuku pressed his hand on his mouth, even more tears ran down his face. “He smiled at me a-and he told me, he’s my father.” Katsuki and Eijiro gasped. What was Izuku talking? All for One was supposed to be his father? But his father was Hisashi Midoriya! “He told me, that he used this alias a long time ago. I should check up on Hisashi Midoriya … with that, he put a hand on my face and pain shot through my head. I punched him blindly with everything I got and … I killed him too.” “I-I don’t understand, Izuku, why would he say he is your father?” Katsuki sat up and looked at Deku. Eijiro was lying on his side and he supported his body with his elbow. “But it’s true … during my time in the hospital I let Hawks do a check up on Hisashi Midoriya.” He gulped heavily. “He wasn’t at his work place for over eight years. This would line up with the first fight of All Might and All For One. And then I had a talk with the vessels and Yoichi – the first user and AFO’s younger brother – confirmed that the picture of ‘Hisashi Midoriya’ was indeed that of his brother. AFO had randomly chosen a woman to give birth to an heir … This woman happened to be my mother and I … I am indeed All for One’s son” he broke down crying again. Katsuki and Eijiro stared at him in absolute shock, they couldn’t believe that Izuku had to carry all of that alone. Of course he was going to space out. Katsuki could remember, how he had felt when the League had kidnapped him. It had messed with his head quite bad, he couldn’t even begin imagine how it was for Izuku now. To know that his own father was Japan’s super villain number one. “But that’s not all” Izuku sat up in bed. He lifted his left hand and suddenly, energy gathered in his hands. But it wasn’t OFA’s normal bright energy, no, this energy was dark and cold and terrifying. “What the fuck is that?” Katsuki asked. “All for One” Izuku mumbled. “WHAT?” they both exclaimed. Izuku nodded simply. “Yes … during his last ‘attack’ on me, he transferred the quirk to me. That means, his vestige and Shigaraki’s vestige too, are inside of my head. He’s tormenting me … That’s why I am sometimes … not there. I need to try to focus on keeping him back.” Izuku sounded absolutely defeated. “He wants me to do bad things, to use his power, but I don’t want to … I don’t want to use this terrible quirk ever in my life. But I-I can’t just give it away either. Who would want a quirk like that? Who could handle it in the first place, when AFO is in your head all the time?” “This is absolutely terrible!” Katsuki mumbled. “I am so fucking pissed that you had to keep something like that a secret.” “Yeah, that’s insane. But thank you for telling us. We will try our best to support you” Eijiro hugged him. “Thank you guys” Izuku pulled them both closer and they snuggled up again. Kapitel 7: ----------- After opening up to Katsuki and Eijiro, it felt easier for Izuku to concentrate and stay focused. He still had a lot of trouble, but he knew now, that they were still behind him. He had been so afraid to loose the two when he told them, he had killed two people. Izuku slowly talked with the therapist about all of this. He just couldn’t keep it a secret, screw the government. He needed to talk about it, otherwise he would go crazy. But life continued to be troublesome. The more time passed, the more impatient Katsuki got, he really loved the child inside of him, but he really hated being pregnant. Unlike Eijiro who only had morning sickness the first few months, Katsuki still got up in the middle of the night to puke, by now they were seven months in. His mood swings made him sometimes really insufferable. He had a freak out because Izuku had accidentally moved a pillow in the nest and he couldn’t find it at first. Or when they decorated the nursery, they couldn’t pick between colors, and Katsuki had another break down. Izuku had to cuddle him for an hour before he got his composure back. Eijiro tried to compromise with him a little but they eventually dropped the topic. The Pilates courses weren’t that much fun for Katsuki anymore, but he knew that he needed to do something, just walking alone and some lifting, wasn’t going to keep him fit, especially since he had a lot of binge attacks lately. It was really terrible for him. Ochako tried to keep him motivated, but it was really hard at the moment. He was so fucking emotional, he didn’t know why! Damn hormones he guessed. Eijiro tried to calm him, every time Katsuki had a freak out. Like right now, one of the other future-dads had said that his shirt didn’t look good and was too tight, he would show too much skin around his belly, this was ‘disgusting’. Katsuki got all emotional and instead of being aggressive he ran to the toilets, where he had another crying fit, Eijiro tried to calm his upset mate. Katsuki was holding on to him, like his life depended on it. Eijiro felt a wave of sadness rolling over him, when he saw his devastated mate. He wanted to go out there and punch this asshole, but he knew he couldn’t, that’s why he tried his best to comfort Katsuki. Ochako, Momo and Mina in the mean time absolutely put the ignorant dad in his place. They pointed to his female omega wife, and she didn’t even wear something to cover her whole belly, so why was it a problem when Katsuki showed a little skin? The dad said that male omegas were disgusting and that men shouldn’t be pregnant. That the Pilates studio wasn’t a murder scene after that sentence was nothing short off a miracle. Ochako went on to completely destroy the dad and even though he was double her size and an alpha, he shivered in fear in front of her. Now it were Momo and Mina who had to hold her back. The instructor kicked the guy out, his wife followed him, she was mad at him, for saying such stupid stuff. Ochako and the other two stormed in the men’s bathroom and they told Katsuki, that this guy wasn’t going to come back, the Pilates instructor had kicked him out for being a disgusting human being. Katsuki still sniffed a little but he finally calmed down. Eijiro cleaned his face and smiled at him. He gave Katsuki a kiss and together they made their was out of the studio, they had enough training for one day. They cuddled up in the nest this evening, Izuku was on a business trip and therefore, it was just the two of them. Eijiro held Katsuki and he stroked through the soft, blonde hair. “Eijiro …” Katsuki started. “Hm? What is it?” Eijiro wondered. “I was wondering … d-do you hate me for bringing you into this? I know that I am sometimes not a good mate …” he mumbled. Eijiro’s eyes widened. “Why would you think that?” Katsuki shrugged. “I thought about it a lot, I … I apologized to Izuku, but I never really asked you, if you hated me for dragging you into this. I know that you don’t love Izuku, or didn’t do in the beginning, look, I am so terrible, I don’t even know how you feel towards him at the moment” he started to cry all of a sudden. They had sat up by now and Eijiro made Katsuki look at him. “I could never hate you, Katsuki! Yes, I never really was in love with Izuku, but I love you, and I love it to watch you being happy!” Katsuki furrowed his brows. “What do you mean by that?” Eijiro scratched the back of his head. “Katsuki, I love you and my love for you is so strong, that your happiness is more important to me, than my own feelings.” Katsuki stared at him in shock. “B-but that’s … I … how can you not be frustrated with the whole situation?” “Look, I sometimes wish, that you would give me more attention but I know that your feelings for me aren’t the same as the ones I have for you, and it’s okay! I can live with that!” He looked him deep into the eyes. “The thing I couldn’t live with is when you would fake your feelings for me, you never said ‘I love you’ to me, and that is fine, I don’t want you to say it, if you don’t honestly mean it.” Katsuki stared at Eijiro, he couldn’t really believe what he was saying. “But … what if I would never fall in love with you? I don’t want you to suffer, because of a decision I made when I was high on my sex hormones!” “You see … No one can say, where this is going. Even the deepest relationships sometimes don’t last. And if you are really unable to fall in love with me, we can still have a scrubbing. But the thing I would really wish for, is that you give me a chance. A chance to win your heart over.” Katsuki tilted his head. “I don’t want that you lose your love for Izuku, this is the last thing I want, I just wish, that you would fall in love with me too. Someone can love more than just one person!” Eijiro grabbed Katsuki’s hand. He sighed a little. “Ever, since I am mated to you and him, I try to see Izuku with your eyes. And it takes longer, but slowly I am falling for him. So my hope is, that you can see me in a different light too. Not just as your ‘bro’ or something.” He caressed Katsuki’s cheek. “I mean, even before all the mating stuff happened, we had pettings on multiple occasions, we gave each other blow jobs and other stuff, that wasn’t something just friends would do, or am I wrong? You must have felt something for me, you were the one who started it!” Katsuki still stared at Eijiro, he nodded slowly. “Yes … I … I really liked you and I wanted to do it … I was so surprised when you actually said yes to this, I mean, why would you? It made me happy … but … I don’t know if that is love …” Eijiro robbed closer to him, he leaned his forehead against Katsuki’s. “But see, there were feelings involved. That’s why I have still hope that you can, one day, fall in love with me, I won’t give up on that.” He leaned closer towards Katsuki. “I’ll promise I will think more about it, I don’t want to lose you! You mean so much to me. You were the first one from the class to reach out to me, who knows what I would have become, if it weren’t for you.” “We will find a way to make it work. I really want it to work” Eijiro leaned in and their lips met, they shared a few deep kisses. Eijiro moaned into them, he felt so happy that Katsuki was kissing him, he loved the attention, he really wanted to be loved by Katsuki, no matter how long it would take. They made love this night, Katsuki made sure that Eijiro felt really good, they hadn’t had sex since that week they had heat shared. And it was a little bit strange with their huge bellies but they managed somehow. And luckily Katsuki’s mouth could still work wonders. Katsuki and Eijiro were walking around in the baby boutique, with their mothers and Inko. Both of them didn’t knew what gender the babies would have, so they were shopping for gender neutral stuff, Katsuki got a bit frustrated that quite a lot of clothing had stereotypical boys stuff or girls stuff on it. Mitsuki slowly but surely thawed up to the thought of becoming a grandmother. She saw how much Katsuki invested in the pregnancy and she felt a little proud that he handled it so well. She slowly accepted the fact. It was what it was now. They looked through the store until they finally found acceptable baby clothing and after that they sat down at a café. Of course they got some looks from strangers, they of course saw, that they were pretty young and very far in their pregnancy. Katsuki pissed those looks off, they were silently judging them and he hated it. Eijiro on the other hand just kept quiet. He tried to calm Katsuki down, but he didn’t like the stares either. He could definitely understand why Katsuki was so upset. The waitress took their orders and they waited, while they did that, Katsuki rubbed over his belly and he looked around. There was a group of women with at least two babies, five toddlers and three bigger children next to them. They threw some strange glances in Katsuki’s and Eijiro’s direction. “Why are they looking in our direction? They are annoying” Katsuki whisper growled. “Probably need something to chit-chat …” Mitsuki answered, she growled too. “Let’s just ignore them” Yukari suggested. “Yeah, probably never saw someone pregnant” Katsuki murmured sarcastically. “Probably not a male omega?” Eijiro proposed. Mitsuki scoffed, but had to excuse herself. She went inside to go to the bathroom. As if they had waited for her to leave, one of the mothers came over with the three bigger children and two toddlers and they stopped in front of Katsuki. “Hey” she said in a snarky voice. “Hey …?” Katsuki replied. “My little babies wanted to ask something” she said in a annoying voice. “And what?” Katsuki answered, he slightly bared his teeth. “Is there a baby inside?” one of the girls, probably around seven, asked, while she pointed to his belly. “Yes, it obviously is.” He was already annoyed. Now more of them marched over. “A boy or a girl?” The second kid asked. “I don’t know” he shrugged. “Why don’t you know?” “Because I don’t want to know their gender. It’s supposed to be a surprise.” “Oooh” the kids made. “And you? Do you have a baby too?” The kid asked Eijiro. “Yep, I have” he smiled at them. “And no, I don’t know their gender either.” “But you’re boys, mommy says boys don’t have babies” another kid said. Oh no … Katsuki and Eijiro looked at each other, they knew where this was probably going. Eijiro cleared his throat. “Well, some boys can have babies. We are both omegas.” “Like my mommy?” The kid asked. “Yes, like your mommy, that’s why we can have babies too.” Katsuki answered, his voice was a bit harsher as Eijiro’s. The kids stared at them for a while. “So … are there girls that can give babies then?” the oldest kid asked, she was probably like ten years old. Katsuki and Eijiro looked at each other and then to the mothers, who didn’t pay much attention, they had returned to their conversations. “Uhm … yes, there are alpha females who can make babies” Katsuki answered. “So you have a wife then? That is so weird, mommy says only a boy can give a girl a baby” one said. “We don’t have a wife, kiddo, we are not interested in girls” Katsuki answered “We have a husband.” “But mommy says that is bad! Boys can’t be with other boys!” “Then she’s stupid, my mate and I have another boy mate and it works wonderful.” He said. The kids looked at them with big eyes when they lifted their intertwined hands up. “I want to touch your belly!” one of the boys all of a sudden said and reached out for Katsuki’s baby bump. He immediately covered it with his arm. “No, absolutely not!” He leaned away from the child. This action triggered the next crazy events. “Mama! I want to touch the belly!” The kid banshee screamed and stomped with his foot. This made the toddlers cry too because they got scared. The mothers seemed not happy about that, they turned their attention back to Katsuki and Eijiro. “Oh, you dumb brat! Let my child touch your belly, it’s nothing to it!” The mother hisses at him. “Hell, no, I don’t want to be touched!” Katsuki growled. “If he doesn’t want to get touched you have to respect that” Yukari said. “Yes, stay the hell away from him!” Eijiro hissed too. “It’s just a belly! It won’t hurt the baby” The woman scoffed. “Still no! I won’t let strangers touch my belly!” he bared his teeth. “I want to touch it!” the kid from before threw a tantrum now, his arms flailed through the air, and he stomped again on the ground. “You’re making my kids cry! You’re a little bitch! He has never seen a male omega before!” the woman whined now. “I fail to see why this is my fucking problem?!” Katsuki’s voice got louder. “It’s not nice to just touch other people’s belly without their permission” Inko chimed in. “How dare you talk to me like that?” The woman screeched. “Now don’t be a damn brat and let my baby touch your belly! He deserves it!” she grabbed Katsuki by the arm and tried to pull it away. “Stop that!” Katsuki snarled. Suddenly he felt a pain going through his belly, this god damn brat had seriously punched him in the belly, full force. “Ahhh! What the hell?! Your demon spawn punched me!” Katsuki yelled. Other people turned around to them now, Inko and Yukari jumped up and Inko was immediately next to Katsuki. “How can you let your kid do this?!” Inko was shocked. “Are you alright, Katsuki?” “I don’t know, Auntie” he grumbled. The spot stung really badly, the kid had used full force. Eijiro grabbed onto Katsuki too. He carefully rubbed over Katsuki’s belly. He tried to soothe him. “He can touch it but not me?! So unfair!” The kid cried. “That’s because he is my mate! Of course he can touch me!” Katsuki yelled. “Wait, your mate? But you two are omega. That doesn’t work!” The woman says. “Why wouldn’t it work?” Yukari asked. “A relationship should be between a male alpha and a female omega. Not two male omegas, that’s not right!” The woman put her hands on her hips. “Why the fuck would you even care? You guys came to us and harassed us! Don’t you fucking say anything about my relationship and what’s right and what not!” Katsuki grabbed Eijiro’s hand. He leaned over and kissed him. “Oh my god, this is disgusting! This is absolutely horrendous! Have you two no shame?! And besides, omegas can’t make babies, so you had someone else who put them in you, this thought is even more disgusting!” “This is still nothing of your business!” Both Katsuki and Eijiro said. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that” she raised her hand, but before she could hit him, Mitsuki came back. She showed her fangs and her eyes were glowing, she grabbed the woman’s hand. “Don’t you dare lay a hand on my son and grandchild” She towered over the omegan woman and she was livid. The woman shivered and the children started to cry. “If I see you next to my son one more time, I’m gonna rip you apart mid air while getting a manicure. You and your crotch goblins should go back where you come from!” she got closer to the woman’s face and pushed her slowly back. “Help! I’m being attacked!” the woman suddenly screamed. “Attacked by an alpha! Help!” Finally a waitress showed up. “Ma’am, please, you disturb the other customers! You need to leave!” “B-but I am being attacked! I want to speak to your manager!” “I’m sorry, but the manager is not in the house today. But everyone saw, that you attacked the boy first, you need to leave now, or else I will have to call the police.” She turned around to Katsuki. “Or do you want to call the police to press charges? Is everything okay with you?” she asked concerned. “I’d love to press charges, her little hell spawn punched me in the belly and she was about to hit me!” Katsuki glared at the woman. “Alright, I will call the police.” The waitress left to do that. “Pah, police won’t do anything! If you had just let my baby touch your belly everything would be fine!” she whined. Mitsuki growled deeply at her and bared her teeth. Yukari was behind her son to protect him if needed and Inko was still hugging Katsuki, she carefully caressed his arm. The police arrived relatively quickly at the café and they asked Katsuki and the others about what happened. They all told them what went down. Only the woman and her ‘gang’ said that Katsuki was rude first and she had just defended herself. The police informed Katsuki, that they couldn’t do much about the punch he received from the kid, since he was only seven, but he could press charges for anything else. And Katsuki did exactly that. He wouldn’t let this slide, this woman and her kid endangered his child. The whole procedure took some time and the police advised to let a doctor check out the child. Just so make sure everything was okay. He nodded, he would definitely do that. The woman was after the talk with the police very small and she didn’t dare to say anything. Some of the children were crying. They were escorted out of the café and they were banned from coming back. The waitress came and asked them, if they needed anything else and if they wanted their ordered food – for free. Mitsuki thanked her, but they would pay for the food. It was not a problem. The waitress didn’t bill the drinks however. The waitress gave them a bag with the food and after that they went to the doctor, just in case. Luckily the baby was fine. When Katsuki, Eijiro and Inko returned home, Izuku was already there. He had just finished work. “Hey, how was your day?” Izuku didn’t know what had happened yet. Katsuki and Eijiro told him what had happened and he growled. He was not happy about that! “I am sorry that I weren’t there to protect you!” He leaned down and he lifted Katsuki’s shirt to reveal the baby bump. He chuffed in front of it a little bit and then he pressed his ear against it. He could feel the pup moving, he smiled happily, he was relieved that everything was okay. He stood up again and placed a kiss on Katsuki’s lips. “I will protect you and the little one, no matter what. I won’t leave you alone!” He then turned to Eijiro and kissed him a few times too, his hands wandering over the baby bump. “And you two, too.” Both omegas chirped and they hugged Izuku. They knew that he would do anything to protect them. Inko watched her son and his mates, she was so damn proud of her son, and she was very happy that all three of them had found each other. Kapitel 8: ----------- Katsuki and Eijiro were honestly really surprised when they got invited to a baby shower, they hadn’t planned anything like that. The girls had organized it, they had invited their whole class. They were invited to Momo’s house and Katsuki, Eijiro and Izuku were baffled when they arrived. “She sure is rich, huh?” Katsuki mumbled. “Hell yes!” Eijiro stared at the giant mansion. “Ohh, you are finally here! Come in, come in!” Momo greeted them enthusiastically. She brought the three inside where the others were gathered. They all cheered when they entered. “Damn, you guys are crazy!” Katsuki mumbled overwhelmed. “Thank you so much!” Eijiro was just baffled. Izuku grinned, his arms around his mates. He pressed a kiss on their cheeks and carefully pushed them forward. They had like everything here, cake, biscuits, brownies, cupcakes and many more sweets. The decorations and balloons were in green, orange and red, representing Izuku’s, Katsuki’s and Eijiro’s color schemes. The time was really fun, they had little party games, Eijiro was super into that, Katsuki tried his best, but he was never the biggest fan of such things. But he knew that they organized it for him too, so he wouldn’t be a party crasher. They got a lot of presents too, some had bought them baby clothing, some bought them care products for Eijiro and Katsuki, some gifted just money, which was enough too. “What happened with the crazy lady?” Hanta asked them. “Oh, she actually had to pay a compensation for harassing and threatening me” Katsuki grinned. “Wow, never thought you would take her to court” Denki tilted his head. “Why not? I can’t punch her in the face or something, even though I really wanted to. But if I want to be a hero later I can’t possibly assault civilians” he grimaced. “Luckily your mother was there, she almost ripped that woman apart” Eijiro laughed. “Oh yeah, the old hag really scared her!” He had a big grin on his face. Katsuki could feel his stares, while he was talking with Eijiro about something. The omegas looked up just to see Denki turn his head away. They raised their eyebrows. “Hey, is something wrong?” Eijiro asked, his head tilted. Denki blushed deeply. “Uh, no, not really. I just … ahem,” he cleared his throat, “I meant to ask you a while ago but now the incident with this crazy lady happened and I don’t know … I feel weird to ask you if I can touch your belly, I mean I don’t want you to press charges or anything …” he stammered. Katsuki scoffed. “Damn, you are really dunce” he sighed and winked him over. “Come here. You are no stranger crazy lady, are you?” He grabbed Denki’s hand and pressed it against his belly. The omega squealed delighted, as his hand wandered over it and he could feel some kicks. Eijiro chuckled when he saw Denki’s overjoyed expression. Now others came forward too and asked, if they could touch them too. Eijiro nodded immediately and Mina pressed her hands on his belly. The girls were happy that they got the chance again, now that they were further into the pregnancy. Izuku stood to the side with the other alphas and he watched his two mates. “Are you happy and excited?” Tenya asked. “Absolutely! You have no idea, how happy I am.” Izuku flashed him a very bright smile. The rest of the day went absolutely fantastic, when they went home this evening, both omegas were absolutely overjoyed. Even Katsuki had enjoyed it massively. They cuddled up in the nest and Katsuki and Eijiro purred nonstop. Izuku felt like he was in heaven. About a week later It was Izuku’s birthday, they had a party again. Izuku wasn’t expecting anything, if he was honest because they had gotten already so much for them. His mental state had massively improved the past couple of weeks, he could sleep better, now that his therapist helped him, dealing with the guilt and the vestige of AFO inside of him. Besides, the vestiges of OFA helped as good as they could to keep the evil man away from Izuku. The eighth month was even harder for Katsuki. He was honestly so jealous that Eijiro seemingly had no damn problems at all! Eijiro’s pup was like an angel, it was generally very calm and only kicked a little, while Katsuki’s pup seemingly practiced kick boxing inside of him. Also, Katsuki still had to get up and puke because of that, it was hell. Eijiro tried his best to calm Katsuki down, every time he was upset about the little things. He lay on his side, and his hand carefully rubbed over Katsuki’s belly to soothe the pup inside of it. At the moment Katsuki was in a pretty bad mood, he felt nauseas, because the pup practiced break dancing in side of him again. Eijiro faced him, his belly pressing against Katsuki’s, while he rubbed over it in circling motions. Their foreheads touched too and Eijiro purred to soothe him. “It’s almost over, Kats, it won’t take long anymore, you’re doing so great!” he hummed. Katsuki purred in reciprocation too. He felt so comfortable when Eijiro did that. They were in their preparation courses this time, Katsuki got increasingly more nervous, the closer they got to the end, and it was still one month left. He hoped that everything would go smooth, after all the little thing inside of him was pretty lively, so he wished it would come out relatively quickly, too. The courses went well, but they got extremely strange looks from some of the people, they were strange after all, they were the youngest with nineteen and eighteen. They were the only two male omegas within a bunch of snobby female omegas and a few female betas. They were also the only male gay throuple. The other couples almost all consisted of a male alpha and a female omega or beta. There was only one lesbian alpha-omega couple, they were the friendliest of the bunch and they chatted from time to time. They told them, that they got the same looks too when they first walked in, they should just ignore that. Katsuki and Eijiro tried their best, but some of them still gossiped about their relationship, Eijiro overheard some mean accusations again, and since he didn’t want to upset Katsuki again, he kept them for himself. He couldn’t believe that normal, sane people would immediately think such horrendous things. One afternoon, the girls, Denki, Hanta, Tenya, Hitoshi and Shoto visited them, they asked the throuple if they wanted to go to the swimming pool. They agreed and followed them, they had a lovely time there. They ignored the stares they got this time. It didn’t matter what other people thought of them! They stayed in a more separated part of the pool and they just floated in the water. It felt really good to reduce the weight of the children inside of them for a little while. Otherwise they watched the others play in the water. After that Momo sponsored a massage for them again, Katsuki and Eijiro thanked her. It was honestly heaven, as irritated as Katsuki was a couple of months back, he realized that he really needed something like that right now. Eijiro too, the past couple of weeks were quite challenging. He couldn’t see his feet anymore, that made walking quite difficult. The day was pretty relaxing over all, they fell into their nest and both slept really quickly. Izuku watched his two mates with a loving gaze, he was so happy that they were happy. Endeavor of all people had invited them to a party in mid August, it was a late birthday party, his daughter had convinced him to give one. His family and some of the pros were also there. Izuku and Katsuki were invited because they were former interns of his agency, and therefore Eijiro was invited too. Fuyumi was so happy to see them again, she was so delighted, she trilled a little. Eijiro and Katsuki chuckled at that. Shoto and Momo greeted them and brought them over to their seats. Even Rei and Natsuo were there. Even though Natsuo still looked like he wanted to be somewhere else. But he stayed for his siblings and his mother. Rei made a good expression, she was doing so much better now. She greeted Katsuki, Eijiro and Izuku, she too, was thrilled to have pregnant omegas in front of her. She was even happier, when they allowed her, to touch their bellies. Best Jeanist came over to Bakugo and asked him, how he was doing. He answered that he wished it was already over. Being pregnant was not fun! Jeanist chuckled a little and wished him the best. Fat Gum was excited to see Kirishima too. They hadn’t seen each other in a while. He wished him also positive things for the future. All in all the party was fun, Hawks teased them a bit, that they had to be even faster now, they had to close the gap when they finally got their license. Katsuki snarled a little bit and declared, that he would be number one in no time! Endeavor should better be prepared. Enji scoffed amused and wished him good luck with that. When they came home, they were exhausted, Izuku let them some hot water into the bath tub. The tub was gigantic, all three of them fitted in without problem. He helped them in and followed them after that, while they had waited for the tub to fill up, they had showered. They snuggled up to Izuku, they were surrounded by bubbles. Eijiro put some on his hand and blew it in Katsuki’s direction. The blonde chuckled, before he leaned over and kissed him. He pulled Eijiro towards him, deepening the kiss. It felt so damn good! Izuku watched them having fun, he let out some comfortable crooning sounds. Still chuckling, they cuddled back again on Izuku. Izuku got out of the bath first, after that he thoroughly dried off Eijiro and then Katsuki, he grinned while doing so, he carefully caressed their bumps and he grinned even wider when he felt the kicks. Naked as they were they walked back to their nest and they lay down. The softness caressed their skin and it was just brilliant. Izuku had a comb with him and he started to comb through Katsuki’s still wet hair, the omega purred the whole time. Eijiro joined him, while he waited his turn. He was in front of Katsuki, his hand massaging his belly, he used some body lotion too. “God damn, this feels so good!” Katsuki sighed happily. Izuku kissed his neck a little. “I’m glad that you like it” he crooned. Eventually it was Eijiro’s turn and the redhead purred happily too. He loved the attention. “You know I love both of you” Izuku murmured, “you mean, so much to me, and the little one’s too!” Eijiro gasped a little, it was the first time, Izuku said those words to him. A stupidly bright smile showed up on his face. And his eyes filled with tears. “I love you too” he said. “Oh, why are you crying?” Izuku sounded a little panicked. “Oh, it’s nothing, I am just so happy!” Katsuki stared in awe at Eijiro. He looked so damn perfect. “I love you too, Eijiro” he rubbed his in lotion covered hands, over Eijiro’s belly. He drew a little heard on it. The redhead whined in happiness, he pulled Katsuki into a hug, he kissed him a few times. “I love you!” Eijiro needed a few moments to regain his composure. He could feel it through their bond mark, that they both spoke the truth. Katsuki smiled even more and he placed some more kisses on Eijiro’s face. A little sting went through his heart, he felt dumb for not realizing it sooner, how stupid was he? It should have happened a lot earlier! He would definitely make it up to him, somehow! The throuple was walking along Takoba Municipal Beach Park, they were barefoot and Katsuki enjoyed the sand between his toes, the sand was pleasantly warm. The sun was shining down on them, but the weather was luckily not too hot. They found a good spot where a few empty beach chairs were. They sat down in one and they snuggled up to Izuku they were enjoying the sun. It was a very pleasant time, they got strange looks again, but by now they were used to it. But then two people gathered around them, Izuku opened his eyes because they blocked the sun. They were whispering something. “Can I help you?” Izuku asked. The pair flinched. “Uh … well” one of the guys started, “we were wondering, you’re Deku right?” “Yeah, that’s me” Izuku answered. He smiled at him. “That’s so cool! Y’know, you saved my friend here!” the guy, an alpha, said. He pointed to the little omegan guy. “Oh, really? When was that?” Deku tried to remember, but it was impossible, he saved so many people daily that it was hard to remember. “Do you remember the fire in the apartment complex in June? You pulled me out of there” the guy said. “Yeah, I remember!” Izuku nodded. “Well, thank you again!” The omega said. “No problem at all” Izuku smiled. The omega returned the smile. “A-are that your mates?” he asked. “Yes, they are my mates, Katsuki and Eijiro” he confirmed. The other two greeted them. “Oh, I see how it is …” The omega looked to the ground, a strange emotion was on his face. “Is something the matter?” Katsuki asked, his voice was a bit harsh, he expected the worst. “Ah, well … Did you ever learn, what the reason for the fire was?” the omega asked. “No, I have not” Izuku answered. “It was my dad” the guy confessed. Izuku’s eyes widened. The alpha put an arm around his shoulder. “Why did he do that, if I may ask?” Izuku tilted his head. “Because he was mad at me – us. He hated it that is son turned out omega and that he’s one of ‘those’ people, you see, he,” he pointed at the alpha, “is my boyfriend, and in the night of the fire, I came out to him. He screamed and yelled at me, for being … you know gay, he just used more colorful language.” Katsuki grimaced. Yeah, ‘those’ people. “He got so mad and he said he didn’t have a son anymore. He pushed me in my room and he kicked him,” he pointed again to the alpha, “out of the house. He lit the whole thing on fire. He’d rather have a dead son than a gay one.” “Absolutely terrible!” Eijiro was shocked, he covered his mouth with his hand. The omega nodded. “Thankfully, Deku saved me! Now my father is in jail and I don’t have to endure this anymore. I can be with him!” he had a huge smile on his face, while he looked up to his boyfriend. “I am so happy for you!” Deku smiled. “You see, I saw you a couple of weeks before, you came out of a shop with your two mates, I knew you were a hero from somewhere and I couldn’t believe it, that you three were so open about your sexuality, all my life I had to suppress it, because I knew how my father was. He always said that gay people are sick and they will never be successful, and I would have it even harder, because I’m a ‘useless’ male omega” he clenched his teeth by that. His boyfriend put his arms around him. “Hey, everything is good now” he murmured. “I know …” he exhaled. “So, thank you again. I got the courage to come out because I saw the three of you. You’re heroes too, right? I think Red Riot and Dynamight, right?” “Yes, we are” Eijiro answered. “But we are not quite yet heroes” he rubbed over his belly. “Understandable” the omega chuckled. “My friends are great, they accepted the fact that we are together, the only ones who hate it, are my father and his family.” “Ah, don’t worry about them. They don’t deserve you, when they think like that. And you don’t need homophobic assholes in your life anyway” Katsuki said. The omega smiled. “You’re right! Anyway, I just wanted to thank you all again.” “No problem, you’re welcome!” Izuku grinned. “Have a nice day, and we wish you luck for the future, and much health!” he said. “Yeah, and please continue your great work. I know that being a hero is bad, after what those villains did, but we believe in you!” The alpha told them. “Thanks, I will try my best!” They waved goodbye and the couple left them. “That was nice, finally something different and not those judgey looks.” Katsuki said. “That’s true” Izuku still looked after them, he was in thoughts. “I wish them luck in the future too” Eijiro mumbled. After that, they snuggled up again. Izuku was in the kitchen with his mother. They cooked together, while Eijiro and Katsuki were cuddled up on the couch and watched TV. “Thanks mom” Izuku said. Inko turned around, quite confused. “Oh? What is that for?” “For everything you’ve done for me. I really appreciate it, that you are always behind me, even though it isn’t easy, especially the last months.” “Oh, my baby, I will always be there for you! No matter what!” she hugged him, tears in her eyes. It made her so happy to hear Izuku’s words. She had a huge smile on her face. When Izuku had told her, what had happened with her husband ‘Hisashi Midoriya’, that this man never really existed in the first place and that All for One had used her, she had cried terribly. She broke down and she couldn’t stop her tears. All Might was with them in the room and he was also really shocked. To think that he had unknowingly chosen the biological son of his arch nemesis as a successor … it was kinda ironic when he thought about it. Inko retreated into her room and she didn’t came out for a few hours, she needed time to processes this. But when she returned she smiled at Izuku. “No matter what your father was for a person, it doesn’t define you. You have proven multiple times, that you are not like Hisashi … or whatever his real name was. You are so much different from him, it’s a difference like day and night. And I know that you will get the full control over his quirk. Don’t you ever let this man wear you down. You are better than him, better and stronger!” She gave him a kiss on the cheek. Izuku was happy to hear that, tears were streaming down his face. “Thank you mom, thank you so much!” He felt so much better now. It was as if a heavy weight was lifted off of his shoulders. Kapitel 9: ----------- The last month was really something, Katsuki was so nervous all the time. Even the preparation courses didn’t help much. Izuku and Eijiro tried to calm him down, but sometimes it was a Devil’s spiral. He had a freak out because he thought of more and more bad things that could happen to him or the baby. Eijiro purred at him to soothe him, but it didn’t really help. They tried some easy activities, like a last minute photo shooting to document the end of their pregnancy, but it only held for the moment. As soon as they were done it started again. He was in a constant state of dread, when one or even worse, both of his mates weren’t with him. Even if one of them only went to the toilet or something trivial. Katsuki was especially panicky when Izuku went to work. He was so scared that something bad would happen to him. Eijiro cuddled him all the time and tried to reassure him, that everything was going to be okay. Every time Eijiro had to go to the toilet, Inko had to come and stay with Katsuki. The omega himself was incredibly irritated by his own anxiety. Why was he so stressed out? The Bakugo’s and Kirishima’s visited one day, Izuku was at work – unfortunately – and his mother asked, why Katsuki was so stressed out. He said that he didn’t know, he was like that for some weeks now. “Huh, reminds me of myself when I was pregnant with you” Mitsuki said. “W-what do you mean?” the omega asked. “Well, alpha females aren’t as fertile and we tried quite some time to conceive a child. And when I finally got pregnant I was in constant fear that I would lose you.” She said. “Oh …” Katsuki looked at his mother with wide eyes, he hadn’t known that. “But I assure you, everything will be okay.” She smiled at him. “Yes, your mother is right, everything will be okay” Yukari encouraged him. Masaru and Arashi agreed to that. Mitsuki stroked through Katsuki’s hair. Katsuki felt a little bit better after that, the fear was still there, but it became a little less. Izuku, Katsuki and Eijiro were grocery shopping at the moment, they were about two weeks away from their due date. That meant they were unmistakably heavily pregnant by now. They waddled through the shop, and Katsuki was pushing a shopping cart. He was looking at some products on the shelf, when a woman grabbed his arm. “Excuse me, where can I find –“ but Katsuki cut her off. “Hey, don’t touch me!” he ripped his arm out of her grip and stepped back hastily. “Excuse me? That is so rude! You need to tell me where I can find this tea brand here!” she pulled out an empty package. “I don’t fucking know where to get that, ask an employee!” Katsuki hissed. “That’s what I am doing! How can you be so rude?” The omega women answered in a snarky voice. “I am not a damn employee here!” “Don’t you dare lie to me!” The woman snapped at him. “I don’t work here, lady! And if you haven’t noticed, I am nine months pregnant! What makes you think I work here?” He growled. He felt anxiety rising up in him. He didn’t know where Eijiro or Izuku were. “This is so fucking rude! Where’s your manager! I will get you fired!” She marched towards him. “I fucking told you, I don’t work here! Now leave me alone, you’re scaring me!” he covered his belly with his hands. “I can’t believe, how rude you are!” she came closer. Suddenly there was a bloodcurdling growl to be heard. The woman immediately stepped back. She looked in shock at someone behind Katsuki. The omega turned around and looked at Izuku. He looked absolutely mad. Behind him was Eijiro, he immediately went towards him and hugged him. Eijiro rubbed over Katsuki’s back. “Leave my mate alone. Do you not see that he is clearly not an employee here? Are you that dumb, not to recognize that he doesn’t work here?” Izuku growled. “Oh my god, you don’t have to be so rude about it!” She hissed. “I am rude? I am only trying to protect my mate. You scared him!” he growled, he bared his teeth. “How dare you threaten me? I want to speak to a manager! This is unbelievable!” She hissed. “What is going on here?” Another voice echoed through the aisle. It was the manager of the store. “Finally you show up.” The woman turned to the manager, another alpha. “Your employee is useless and this person is rude! Fire him and kick them out of the store!” She demanded. The manager looked at Izuku, Eijiro and Katsuki and he furrowed his eyebrows. “Employee?” he asked. “Yes, the blonde one” She gestured. “I don’t work here!” Katsuki said again. “Don’t you lie to me!” she hissed. “But he’s not lying. He doesn’t work here! Besides, he is highly pregnant, even if he would work here, he would be on maternity leave by now.” The manager explained. “What? But I saw him stocking shelves!” She insisted. “You need glasses, lady, I was just looking at something.” Katsuki growled. “I’d appreciate it, if you don’t upset my mate any longer” Izuku said. He wasn’t happy at all. “Don’t speak in that tone to me!” She replied with a snarky voice. “Ma’am, please stop bothering other customers.” The manager tried to calm her down. “I will not! He threatened me!” She pointed at Izuku. “I just wanted to protect my mate” Izuku growled. “Sir, I’ll take care of her, you can continue your shopping, I’ll make sure to tell the cashiers to give you a coupon for the inconvenience” the manager said, while he tried to direct the woman in a different direction, before they could answer he had turned around and his attention was on this woman. “We should go, before she rips his head of” Eijiro mumbled. “Definitely!” Izuku hugged Katsuki tight and they continued. They were out of the store, the moment the police arrived. They stayed to watch how the woman was dragged out. Katsuki watched in joy when this happened. They were home again and Katsuki lay down in the nest, he felt exhausted. Eijiro stayed with him, Izuku had to prepare for work. Eijiro was lying on his back, but his legs were over the edge of the nest. Katsuki was in between them he was working Eijiro off, the redhead purred, it felt so damn good. “You’re so damn good at this, Katsuki” Eijiro praised him, his hands grabbed the sheets. He had to hold onto himself to not moan out loud, he knew Inko was somewhere in the house. When Katsuki was done, he climbed back into the nest, he trailed over the belly and he leaned over to kiss Eijiro. But suddenly, Eijiro shot up and he groaned in pain. He clutched his stomach and started to breathe fast. “Fuck” he mouthed. “What’s wrong?” Katsuki was concerned. “I don’t know … it just hurts …” Eijiro furrowed his brows. “Huh, maybe the baby is coming earlier? Maybe contractions?” he murmured. “But my water did not break yet … weird.” “Better if we contact the hospital?” Katsuki questioned. “Hm, I don’t know. It’s better now. We should be looking out for more, if it happens again, but now it feels okay again.” He answered. Katsuki was still worried. “But you tell me immediately when it starts to hurt, yes?” He looked him deep in the eyes. “I promise” Eijiro said. He smiled because he didn’t want Katsuki to worry. They went to bed after that. Eijiro got up in the middle of the night, because he had to pee, he grimaced when the pain was suddenly back, this had nothing to do with his pregnancy. He limped to the bathroom, he put a hand on the side where it hurt and he almost screamed, when he touched it, the pain almost exploded. “Damn” he mouthed. After he was done in the bathroom, he went to the sink to wash his hands, but suddenly he heard a yelp out of the bedroom. He looked to the half closed door and he saw, how Katsuki sat up quickly in bed. “Eijiro? Where are you?!” he sounded panicked. “Bathroom!” he called out. The door opened fully, absolute horror was in Katsuki’s face. “How are you feeling?” he immediately asked. Eijiro raised his eyebrows. “I’m fine” he said. “No, no you’re not! I thought about the pain, or dreamt, I don’t know, but something is not right! You need to go to the hospital!” “What?” “Eijiro! You’re as pale as a ghost and you’re sweating like hell. I have a really bad feeling about this! Please let’s go to the hospital!” “But it’s too early, it has nothing to do with the pregnancy” he said. “Are you stupid? If it has nothing to do with the pregnancy, then there is something else that’s broken! We need to go and check this out!” he grabbed Eijiro’s hand and he had the feeling that he was about to burn any minute, it was hot! “I don’t know …” “No! We’re going to the hospital, right now! If it is nothing that’s wonderful, but if there’s something they might can do stuff about it” he pulled him out and he grabbed his pre-packed bag. “Can I put some clothes on before? We’re still naked” Eijiro mumbled. “Oh … yeah” Katsuki let go and they dressed up. “I’ll go, wake up auntie” with that he walked over to Inko’s room. Eijiro waited on the bed, Katsuki was probably right, but he didn’t want to cause so much trouble … Suddenly a massive pain – not labor pains though – shot through is body, tears shot in his eyes and he leaned over. Bile rose up in his throat and he vomited. More pain shot through him, it was absolutely agonizing. He slid from the bed and on his knees, still vomiting. “Katsuki!” he tried to call out, but his voice wasn’t loud enough, it felt like his ears were full of cotton too. Suddenly Inko and Katsuki were by his side and they tried to talk to him, but he couldn’t really hear them over the pain in his body. It was so much, that he couldn’t handle it and everything went black. Katsuki was in absolute panic when Eijiro passed out. They had called an ambulance, but it took so fucking long. They needed about two minutes to finally arrive. They acted quickly and put Eijiro on a stretcher, they brought him out and Katsuki was allowed to drive in the ambulance, Inko would come after them in her car. She also tried to contact Izuku. They made their way back to the hospital, Katsuki was like on hot coals, he was so scared, he had an awful nightmare before in which Eijiro had lost the baby because something was wrong with him. He had those dreams before, he had constantly felt this dread, but this time it was even stronger. It was even heavier now. They finally arrived and Katsuki followed them inside, they did some check ups, but Katsuki didn’t understand what they where talking for the most part. But then they quickly decided Eijiro needed to be operated. Katsuki’s heart dropped at this. They rolled him away and this time he couldn’t follow. Inko came now, she was frantic, because she couldn’t get a hold of Izuku. He was out on a mission and he had his phone turned off. Katsuki sat on the chair and he pressed himself against Inko, he really wished, Izuku was here! A few minutes later, the Kirishima’s arrived, they looked equally panicked, a nurse tried to calm them down, but it was not very effective. Katsuki was restless, and the child inside of him, didn’t help, it kicked around like crazy, making him even more agitated. He called some of his friends and informed them, that something was wrong with Eijiro and he asked, if they could get a hold of Izuku. They promised to look for him. The next few hours, felt so fucking long, Katsuki felt so awful and alone, Eijiro was in danger and Izuku was God knows where. Yukari tried to calm him too, everything would be fine, but the sense of dread lingered still in Katsuki’s mind. About two hours later, finally Izuku arrived, together with Shoto and Momo. Katsuki got up and flew into his arms. “Idiot! Where have you been?!” he cried. “I’m so, so sorry, I was on a mission. How is he?” Izuku asked. “We don’t know yet, he’s in there for a couple of hours now. God, this is my fault, he had pain before! But he chugged it off and I should have been more persistent. We should have gone to the hospital right then an there!” “Hey, Kacchan, calm down, it’s not your fault!” Izuku tried to calm him, he guided Katsuki back to the chairs and they sat down. “Thank you, Shoto and Momo” Inko said in their direction. “No problem, Mrs. Midoriya” Shoto said. They all waited now. About another hour later, finally the doctor came out. Izuku and Katsuki stood up again. “What’s with Eijiro, is he okay?” Katsuki asked. “Yes, he is okay now. He had an appendicitis, a few minutes later, and it would have been much worse.” He explained. “What about the baby?” Izuku asked. Yukari was now next to him. “We had to make a Caesarean Section to get it out. We tried to just treat the appendicitis but there were complications. But you don’t need to worry about the baby, she is perfectly fine and healthy. Mr. Kirishima is still sleeping but feel free to visit him and your daughter.” They all sighed in relief. Katsuki broke out in tears again. Izuku held him. “I’m so relieved” he cried. They went to Eijiro’s room, with him was a nurse who took care of the newborn baby, the little one screamed. Izuku walked over to the nurse and he carefully took the baby from her. He let out some calming pheromones, it weren’t the same as omega pheromones, but the child calmed down quickly. “There you go” Izuku smiled at her and rocked her in his arms. He carefully turned around and presented her to the others. “Oh my god, she’s so cute” Yukari squealed. Izuku gave the girl to her. “She is” he said proudly. Katsuki was now sitting next to Eijiro. Finally his baby had stopped it’s violent kicking, as if they sensed, that everything was okay now. Eijiro woke up a couple of hours later. He gasped and his hands immediately wandered to his now flatter stomach. “What? No, no, my baby” he stammered. “Hey, hey, Eijiro!” Katsuki tried to get his attention. “Your daughter is fine.” Eijiro stared at him, not understanding what he said. “Did I lost it?” he asked. “No! She’s fine! You had an appendicitis and to make sure the baby is save they got her out. She was luckily far enough so she is healthy and all” he winked Izuku closer. “Here she is.” Izuku gave Eijiro the baby, after he sat up a little. Tears shot into Eijiro’s eyes. “I didn’t lose her” he cried. He cradled his child and he felt finally better. He was out even before the operation started, but he had felt that something ripped his baby out, he was so terrified, that it was gone … Izuku was next to Eijiro he put an arm around him. “I’m so sorry that I wasn’t with you during that time, you must have been terrified.” “I was, it felt so strange. I thought I lost the pup” he started to cry again, he leaned against Izuku. Carefully he moved a little to the side, so Izuku could lay down next to him. Eijiro cuddled up next to him, the newborn pup on his chest. Izuku let out some soft crooning sounds. Eijiro ran his hand carefully over his daughters head. “She’s so small, but so cute!” “That she is” Izuku observed them and he was super happy that both of them were fine. Eijiro made a full recovery a few days later. And they could leave the hospital with their newborn baby, Akemi. She was a very angelic baby, she cried sometimes, but she also calmed down easily, she slept relatively quickly, and didn’t make much trouble. Eijiro took turns with Izuku in getting up at night, to feed her or when she started to scream. Katsuki was still spared for the moment, until his child was born. He got a little bit impatient now, he wanted it to be over too. Eijiro felt so much better again, it would take a while to be back at form, but he wasn’t in a hurry. He wanted to enjoy his time with the baby first. Kapitel 10: ------------ About one and a half weeks later, it was finally Katsuki’s time. His luck was that both, Izuku and Eijiro, were at home. Inko took care of Akemi, and the other two brought him to the hospital. The procedure didn’t take too long and he eventually held his daughter in his arms too. Unlike Akemi, Megumi was a very active child. Katsuki begrudgingly agreed that she definitely had his temper. Mitsuki laughed about that, she reminded her very much of Katsuki. To his surprise, Best Jeanist sent him baby clothing … in the style of Jeanist’s costume … charming, Katsuki thought. When he got back from the hospital the rather quiet life was definitely over. Megumi cried a lot in the beginning and Katsuki had to hold her constantly, if he went away for a minute, she would start to cry again. Even when she slept and he moved too far away she would instantly wake up and cry. Eijiro felt a little pity, after about a week, Katsuki looked very sleep deprived. Izuku tried to hold his daughter to give Katsuki a rest, but she would only start to cry. Luckily Akemi wasn’t fazed by Megumi’s crying, Eijiro might imagine it, but he thought that she sometimes gave her sister weird looks. She would stare at the other girl with a look that could be read as ‘are you still not done?’ Katsuki had build a nest next to Megumi’s crib in which he slept for the moment, he was near his daughter and when she made a fuzz he was immediately there to calm her, before she could wake Akemi up. So he usually got up too, when Akemi made a fuzz, Katsuki blessed her, for being such a quiet and angelic baby. “Oh my, why did you inherit my temper?” he asked his daughter one morning after maybe two hours of sleep. She looked at him with big eyes. “Yeah, you don’t need to look at me like that! I know what you’re doing. You’re a little devil” he caressed her cheek playfully. He fed her and then took care of Akemi. Eijiro came in eventually. “Hey, how are you holding up?” he asked and gave Katsuki a kiss. Katsuki rested his head on Eijiro’s shoulder and groaned. “Aww, poor Katsuki” Eijiro wrapped his arms around him and moved a little back and forth with him, he pushed him on the nest, and gave him some kisses. “You’re doing so great, Katsuki.” “Hmm, I wanna sleep” he groaned. “You will, she will eventually sleep without you, give her some time” Eijiro placed more little kisses on Katsuki’s face. A couple of weeks passed and Megumi indeed got quieter and she allowed others to hold her, this came in handy, because their next heats came up. Izuku and Inko would take care of the babies, while Eijiro and Katsuki would go through their first warm heat, after the pregnancy. Eijiro and Katsuki cuddled up in the nest, and Katsuki was so happy that he finally could get more sleep. He enjoyed the arms around him and he was so thankful that Eijiro was with him. “I love you” he mumbled, he turned around and kissed the redhead a few times. “I love you too” Eijiro replied happily. After the week they had to chuckle at the darkness of the bags under Izuku’s eyes. “AFO was nothing compared to them” he mumbled. “If one was finally asleep the other woke up! And it repeated so much!” he murmured. “Well, yeah, they did that with me too” Katsuki laughed. “How was your heat?” Izuku asked. “Good, very comfy and we cuddled a lot” Eijiro said. He moved over to Izuku and gave him a kiss. “You should sleep now.” He had a big smile on his face. Izuku just gave a thumbs up and then crashed into the nest. Eijiro and Katsuki took their children for a walk. Inko, Yukari and Mitsuki accompanied them. They met up with the girls today, not everyone had seen their children, yet. The girls fawned over them, they were so damn cute. Ochako was holding Megumi and to their surprise, the girl let her. Usually both were very careful with unfamiliar people. “Traitor!” Katsuki mumbled. “Why is she so tame with you, Ochako? What have you done with her? Teach me your ways” Katsuki joked. “Maybe she feels that I am a nice person” Ochako laughed. Momo was holding Akemi. “They are both adorable, she is such a lovely child” she rocked the pup a few times. “Yeah, she’s an angel.” Eijiro answered. “And mine is a devil” Katsuki mentioned but it was obviously a joke. About six months had passed and they had managed fairly well, life was going great so far. They all got good amounts of sleep by now. It was about seven o’clock in the morning and Inko had made them breakfast. The girls were in their high chairs. Katsuki and Eijiro had reduced the breast feeding and switched to formula and slowly started solid food. Izuku sat on the table too he had to work again. He chuckled when they fed the girls. Akemi was such a good eater. Her sister on the other hand … Eijiro laughed again at the look that Akemi was giving her sister. Megumi looked just confused. Izuku kissed all four of them goodbye and left for work. Inko had started to work at his office now. He needed someone to help him with the paper work and since the office was close to their home, she could come over if needed. It was about nine-fifteen when both babies finally were asleep again. Katsuki looked over to Eijiro. He wrapped his arms around him. “So, what do we want to do now?” he purred a little. The redhead grinned and let out a comfortable chuckle. “I think I know something” he kissed Katsuki. They went over to their bedroom, they had a baby phone with them so if anything was happening, they would hear it. He kissed Katsuki more and more until his calves hit the bed. His fingers worked on the button on Katsuki’s pants, he pulled them down and turned him around. Katsuki leaned on the mattress and lifted his ass, while Eijiro leaned over to the little night table and recovered a tube with lube. “C’mon, we don’t have much time until the little devil is awake again” Katsuki laughed. “So impatient” Eijiro chuckled, while he smeared the lube on his dick and around Katsuki’s entrance. He pushed quickly into him. It was their little morning routine they didn’t have much time the rest of the day. Katsuki’s fingers grabbed the blankets and he quietly moaned, if they were too loud, they would wake the babies. “I love you so much” Eijiro murmured, he leaned over Katsuki. One of his hands held Katsuki’s hip while he moved inside of him, the other wandered to Katsuki’s hand, intertwining them. They shared a few sloppy kisses. They would usually switch now and then, Katsuki would give Eijiro blow jobs some of the days, sometimes, when Megumi was especially gracious, they both had time to work each other off. “You’re the best, Eijiro” Katsuki murmured, after he calmed down from his orgasm. He breathed a little heavy. They shared more kisses, Katsuki rolled over on his back and Eijiro was on him. “Much appreciated.” He pinned Katsuki’s arms above his head. He bit carefully in the blondes bottom lip and sucked on it. Some more happy chuckles escaped Katsuki. They were definitely riding on a high these past few weeks. They cleaned themselves up quickly, just in time to the awakening babies. Eijiro was on his way to the office, Katsuki was with the babies and Inko at home. They would sometimes bring Izuku food when they managed and the pups let them. Eijiro entered the office and he saw Izuku on his chair. “Hey, I’m here to feed you” Eijiro said. Izuku looked up. “Oh, you’re heaven sent, Eiji, I am starving!” he groaned. “I just came back from a job, and didn’t have a chance to eat.” “Well, then good thing I’m here” Eijiro laughed and placed the food on the desk. He pushed the boss chair of Izuku around and he sat astride on Izuku’s lap. “I got you some sandwiches.” He murmured between a few kisses. “Oh, seems like you got me something more” Izuku rumbled a little. Eijiro grinded a little into Izuku while kissing him. His hands opened Izuku’s pants and revealed his growing erection. Eijiro quickly pulled down his own pants and put some lube on Izuku’s dick before he sat on it and Izuku entered him. They moved quickly since their time was very scarce. They both moaned louder and louder. Izuku bit a little bit on Eijiro’s neck. Both finished quickly and dressed up again. They kissed a little more before Izuku’s stomach growled. “Oh, sorry, babe, but I gotta eat some other snack now” Both started to laugh. “Okay, I will forgive you this time because you treated me so good before.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “That is too gracious of you!” Izuku opened the sandwiches and ate them quickly. “Hmpf, they’re so good!” Eijiro chuckled, he gave Izuku one last kiss, before he left the office. “Come, before they come back!” Katsuki pulled Izuku close. Eijiro and Inko were taking the girls for a walk, but who knew how long they were gone? “You’re really insatiable, Kacchan” Izuku rumbled. He pressed Katsuki against the wall, the omegas pants were already down. Izuku entered him quickly and pounded him into the wall. “Fuck, yeah, Izuku! C’mon, be my hero!” Katsuki moaned. “Then call me Deku” He chuckled. “Deku, please save me!” He laughed. “Okay, babe, on it!” Izuku accelerated. “Kiss me more!” They French kissed, before Izuku bit down on Katsuki’s neck. They unfortunately didn’t have time for knotting, but it was a great pleasure anyway. He let Katsuki down, and he could barely stand. “Damn, Deku, you are really a super hero!” Katsuki moaned. Of course not everything was perfect, they had sometimes fights over trivial things. Especially when Katsuki asked when they should go back to hero work. He wanted to start relatively soon when the girls were about eight months old. But Eijiro wanted to wait a little longer. He argued that Megumi wouldn’t stay with someone else for so long at the moment. She needed her mom. Katsuki argued that he could work half time, he really wanted to get into the game. It wasn’t a pretty fight and Izuku even had to take the kids out because they realized something bad was happening. He gave them Inko, and she went over to the Bakugo house and they invited the Kirishima’s too, they made a grandparent evening. When the kids were secure, Izuku came back and separated the two, he gave them a time out so they could calm down to maybe sort their thoughts. After about an hour, they both met again, Izuku was sitting in a chair and watched them. Katsuki actually apologized first, he said that Eijiro was right, he shouldn’t go this early, but he was just so impatient. Eijiro apologized too, he shouldn’t have reacted like that, it was an unnecessary fight. They reconciled and Izuku was proud of them. “So … now that we got this out of the way …” Eijiro looked to Izuku before he moved over to Katsuki. Izuku nodded. “Go on” he sat in the chair directly in front of their nest. He had one leg crossed over the other and his elbows rested on the arm rests, his fingertips met in the middle. “Damn, you both are so dirty” Katsuki chuckled. “What? Says the one who started all of that?” Eijiro lifted Katsuki up and threw him on the nest. He crawled on it and started to undress them. “You gonna watch?” “Absolutely, this will be a lovely movie” Izuku laughed. A year was over fast and they really couldn’t believe it. The girls grew like weeds. They sometimes met up with the lesbian couple they met during their preparation courses, they were nice people and the kids were around the same age. They had a girl too and they soon became friends. They made their hero license about one year and six months later than the rest. But now Dynamight and Red Riot were finally in the game. They worked with Deku and together they made an absolute strong team. They gained quickly popularity. Hero work was very stressful, especially the reporters bugged them with questions about their long absence from the scene. They had, for the most of it, kept their private life out of the public. They never answered questions about it either. Life continued to be exciting, the girls grew so fast. Since Deku was originally quirkless, they inherited Katsuki’s and Eijiro’s quirks respectively. Their relationship was stronger than ever before and Eijiro was happy that it had turned out the way it did. He was proud of what they had created and he wished that their relationship would stay this way for many, many years to come. Katsuki was overjoyed too, he was so proud of his daughter, even though she had huge parts of his wild temper. He loved his mates and he would do anything for them. And Izuku was probably the happiest alpha on this planet. He had two absolutely amazing and stunning mates, he was very proud of both of them. And two wonderful daughters, he loved them to pieces! He had finally gained control over All for One and the vestiges of One for All kept him busy, so that he wouldn’t disturb him any longer. He hoped that their relationship would last forever, he could really see himself growing old with those two. Of course their family plans weren’t done yet, Katsuki and Eijiro wanted more children in the future, but this time, they would wait like ten more years or something along the lines. Eijiro agreed on that as well did Izuku. None of them knew what the future would bring them exactly, but they would take all the challenges head on and they would make the most out of it. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (