The long way home von Michiaki (PangSang) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Liu Sang doesn´t like Mango -------------------------------------- Excerpt: Liu Sang doesn’t like the smell of Mango[e]s. But he likes someone who smells like a Mango. *********************************** „Sang Bei~er, Bro (Xiongdi). Pspspsps. Eh! SangSang! “ Liu Sang sighed and rolled over in his small bed. They’ve been on this night train for hours now and it seemed like Pangzi wanted entertainment. Wu Xie and Xiao Ge wanted to make up for the time they lost in the last weeks and were on a stroll. The small cabin was empty, except for a snoring Kan Jian and a very tired, but jittering Wang Pangzi. „I’m sleeping. “, he hissed at Pangzi. The young man tried to stare Pangzi down, but his myopic eyes must have looked very odd, he figured. With a big frown, he searched for his glasses. „No, you’re not! “, Pangzi exclaimed. He was beaming from one ear to another. Finally, someone reacted to his bickering (in a very cute Tsundere way, he figured). Liu Sang sighed, deeper this time. „Pangye, it is way past 2 a.m., what are you so lively for? “ His hands were still patting the blanket, unable to find his glasses. He didn’t need them per se, considering the proximity to Wang Pangzi, but it was better to be alert when Wang Pangzi was around. Kan Jian was no help, as he was still snoring soundly. Pangzi put a hand under the blanket and turned it over, which made Liu Sang alerted. He couldn’t deal with this guy. The big, fat man was nothing he could handle alone if he got him on the wrong track. So he just froze, waiting what he had in store this time. „Looking for something? “, Pangzi asked, using the opportunity to brush the young man’s shoulder with the unfinished Qilin Tattoo. He always wondered why Liu Sang left it that way. It was nicely done, but only half as cool as Kylin’s, if he had to be completely honest. Still, he liked it anyway. When he was finished marvelling over the tattoo, he reached deeper into the bed, nearly crushing Liu Sang under his weight in the process. „What are you doing? “, asked a now panic-fuelled Liu Sang. He had been in situations like these before, they always resulted in him fleeing from weird, aroused men. Liu Sang thought Pangzi was different and scolded himself for being so stupid. In the corner of his mind, Liu Sang noticed that Pangzi smelled of the Mango milktea he just drank. Meh. He hated this smell, hated being crushed under a man who he considered to be a sincere friend just seconds ago. His mind was running on high-speed, he needed a way out. Now. „Got them! “ Pangzi exclaimed in a triumphant manner. He struggled back onto his prior position and beamed more brightly than ever before. Liu Sang couldn’t process what had just happened. The big guy really just wanted to fetch his glasses? Nothing else? Still suspicious, he glanced at the hand in front of his face. „Sang Bei-er~, what’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”, Pangzi mocked. „Er~ “ „The great Wang Pangzi Holmes has found your dearest item, isn’t it time to be thankful? “ Puzzled, Liu Sang fetched his glasses. „Thank you. I guess. “ „Ha! It’s the first time you said `thank you´! I’ll need to mark this glorious day in my calendar!“ Pangzi was dancing with joy. One of his ridiculous self-taught dances, which maybe were acceptable in the 80s, but he was smiling brighter than the sun. Liu Sang couldn’t help but smile a little. It was only in the corner of his mouth, but Pangzi was used to his micro-expressions by now and noticed every little change in the icy facade. „Ah, the pretty princess is giving me a smile, I should mark this day as a national holiday. “ „Shut up. “ (Bizui) Liu Sang rolled his eyes, but he didn’t mean it this time. He was relieved, he really was. He didn’t know how to deal with this guy, but at least he was a decent and honest one. Liu Sang scolded himself for ever thinking of Pangzi as a pervert. „Ah, by the way, you can have my milktea! Careful, it is still hot. “ Pangzi put a XPP Mango milktea into his hands which he seemingly got out of thin air. Mango. Meh. But Liu Sang didn’t want to ruin the cheerful mood, so he took it. It really was still hot. Like very, very hot. He accidentally poured some tea over his hand, dropping the whole cup in the process. He didn’t mean it, his delicate hands just couldn’t bear the temperature. Pangzi was soaked, quirking an eyebrow. „I know I’m a hot guy, but this hurts, Sang Sang. “ Liu Sang wanted to help and raised from his bed immediately, knocking his head hard on the low ceiling in the process. Gravity pushed him back down on the mattress and he saw stars. Ouch. „Sang Bei~Er! Are you ok? “, a now really concerned Pangzi shouted. His face was looming over Liu Sang’s as he tried to figure out how hard the young man had hurt himself. Liu Sang only saw his face blurred now and put a hand on Pangzi’s arm reassuringly. „I’m fine, just … ouch…“ Talking made the pulsating head ache harder. „Just let me lie down a bit…ah…“ Liu Sang closed his eyes. Pangzi wanted to go into full panic mode, when he heard a familiar voice: „He’s just passed out, leave him be. “ Turning around rapidly, he saw his brother standing leisurely in the doorframe, Wu Xie right behind, suppressing a laughter. „Brothers, don’t surprise me like that, my old heart isn’t cut out for this anymore. “ Pangzi sighed and sat down on the mattress nearest to him. „Oh, your heart is stronger than you are. “, Wu Xie winked, one of these wicked smiles on his lips. Xiao Ge stood still like a rock. If he had thoughts about what just happened, he didn’t show it. Pangzi’s brain started to work again. He processed how the situation at hand had to look like to his brothers. He was blushing furiously, his belly still wet from the involuntary tea shower. „NO, no, no~ you’re totally getting this wrong, I was just fetching his glasses! “ „Leaning over him. “, Xiao Ge added. „Crushing him under your body. “, Wu Xie smirked. These two really were partners in crime, it dawned onto Pangzi yet again. He should have known better than to lie to them about his undeniable affection towards Liu Sang. Wu Xie smiled knowingly, and Xiao Ge also showed the faint hint of a smile. These rascals. „Who’s getting crushed? “, a newly awakened Kan Jian asked, raised from his deep sleep. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (