Déja Vues des Lebens von RitterThanyael (Kleine Anekdoten und Geschichten) ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: Frozen Images ------------------------ An old man returns to a small village outside London. He has only one destination: to see once more where everything once upon a time had begun... "The park´s face has changed. It´s not the same anymore: the grass is cut meticulously even like the crownes of the trees. They stand in one row, each row on one side. Everywhere are standing chairs, but nobody sits on them. Even the colours have changed: the sky is grey, the grass´colour is subdued, the trees aren´t anymore as bright as they once were. The chairs all have the same colour as the paths. But nobody walks on them. Children aren´t playing on the meadows, mothers aren´t calling for them. I don´t hear like the voices of playing children, don´t hear like the mothers call. I can´t hear the birds or the winds whispering in the tree´s leaves. I only hear the silence... I don´t see children with their mothers, don´t see birds or squirrels in the trees or on the paths. I only see the park itself.. with its lonelyness, its emptyness. I don´t feel the winds blowing, don´t feel the grass under my feet. Everything seems lonely, seems forsaken. It´s like everything and everbody had died. It´s like a frozen image... Oh, how I wish to turn back time. I won´t do the same mistakes I´ve done before. And maybe, yeah, maybe she would have stayed by me. But if I won´t do the same mistakes, would she still have left me? Was it destiny that she had to die? I remember first seeing her - here in this park. The sky was blue, the birds in the trees singing, children laughing, squirrels trying to catch each other... But now everything´s changed. Nothing´s like before. I got nobody to talk to. Nobody I could share my love with. Love...she´d been so lovely and so beautiful on that day. Even when she layed in the coffin it seemed like if a quiet smile surrounded her mouth... Now I´m alone. Only this old woman beside me is here. In her eyes I see a sad expression. If I talk to her, would she answer? Maybe she´s as lonely as I am... Who knows?" Meine hochgeschätzten Leser und Leserinnen! Ich hoffe, dies kurze, aber doch recht beschauliche Stück hat Sie zum Nachdenken angeregt. Ich muss zugeben, dies Werk ist schon recht alt, jedoch fand meinereiner es für genügend an Tragik und einer gewissen Dramatik, die meinereiner schon zu Anfangszeiten zu eigen war. Meinereiner liebte solch Anekdote, wie ich sie auch betiteln möchte, so darob ich es für angebracht hielt, sie Ihnen hier vor Augen zu führen. Natürlich erfreut sich meinereiner darüber dessen Kritiken und Anregungen, da meinereiner schon immer das Talent aufzeigte, aus allem seine Inspirationen zu ziehen. So denn gehaben Sie sich wohl... Hochachtungsvoll: Ihr Thanyael Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)