Chaosteam von Red_Devil (A night under the stairs) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: A night under the stairs ----------------------------------- The Chaosteam - A night under the stars "What are we going today?" I asked Ash. "Camping! Forgotten already?" "Oh yeah, that's right. I'd completely forgotten!" I didn't feel like going camping. I missed BakuChan and the others. Ever since we didn't see each other anymore I was in a bad mood. I lay on the bed and didn't feel like doing anything. Ash tried to cheer me up, without much success. "Come on, I'll help you pack!" and with that she pulled me off my bed. With little motivation I packed my stuff together, fastened it to my bike and got on. We rode to the woods in the vicinity. After a small amount of time Ash had already found a good place in a clearing. "Don't pull such a face! Come on, SMILE!", Ash said. I did as I was told and smiled. "What the heck was that? Looked like you painfully pulled a muscle in your face! This is how it's done!" And with that she began to pull smiley faces at me. She looked completely stupid. Suddenly I had to laugh. "See! It does work after all! But now we should start building up our tent". And she began to build up our tent, I helped her. Once we were finished we studied it critically. "It does look a bit strange", I said. "Rubbish! It's right like that, exactly as it says in the instructions!", said Ash and pointed at the instructions which she'd placed in front of herself. I took a closer look. "Oh, stupid! You read it the wrong way round!". Ash look puzzled. The only thing she could say to that was: "Honestly?". I snatched the instructions and turned them the right way up. "That's what it's got to look like! The pointy bit at the top and not the other way round so that it rains into the tent!" Grumbling, Ash went back to the tent and started to reconstruct it. I directed her and after 20 minutes it looked like proper tent. "Finished!" said Ash and stretched. My stomach grumbled. "Dinnertime!" I called and ran to our rucksacks to pack out the grub. I scraped through our bags looking for the food, but I couldn't find any. " Didn't you want to take the food, Ash? Where is it?" I asked her. "Erm, you wouldn't really believe me if I said a bear had eaten it, would you?" "No. There aren't any bears here!" "Oh, then it was a deer" said Ash. "Are you trying to annoy me?!". God, she thought she could do everything with me! *GRRR* I stood stockstill and didn't breathe. Ash was shaking all over. Carefully and in slow-motion I turned around. All I could see was a massive mouth which contained giant and very sharp teeth... a grizzly! "Ash, RUN!" I screamed and started sprinting. Ash was close behind me, followed by the grizzly. That beast was damn fast. "Why is that deer so aggressive?" Ash asked. "Ash, that's not a deer it's a grizzly bear so shut up and take your legs into your hands!" I cried over my shoulder. "but then I can't run anymore? I don't get that!". "Just run as fast as you can!", I shouted. That girl just misunderstood everything. Well, just the same as me sometimes ^.^ We ran straight through the woods until we came to an edge. Ten metres beneath us was a lake and the bear was not quite four metres behind us. I pushed Ash over the edge and jumped after her. "AAAHHHHHH!" we screamed, before we landed *SPLASH* in the water. I quickly swam to the surface and gasped for breath. "Ash! Ash!" I shrieked, but she didn't appear. I looked around, close to panicking. Suddenly, the water started bubbling on one spot. Ash's head shot out of the water. Irritated I looked at her and then I started to laugh. There was a fish in Ash's mouth. "Have you caught our dinner?" I laughed. She took the wriggling fish out of her mouth and said: "HA HA, very funny, I'm dying of laughter!" Dripping wet we got out of the water. Ash clung to our dinner. "Where are we?" I asked Ash after we'd walker through the woods pointlessly for one hour. "No idea. We've got lost." "No, you don't say! I hadn't noticed that!" I squeaked. "You don't notice anything, do you?" said Ash and started walking again. "Where are you going?" I asked Ash and started running after her. " We've got to go up there!" she said and pointed at a hill. I didn't bother to ask, I just followed her. After 1 ½ hours we were back in front of our tent. "You're saved us!" I happily grinned at Ash and hugged her. "It's alright. Come on, lets eat!" she said. We began to make a fire; it took a while until it was properly warm. Ash took care of the fish and I collected some wood for our fire. "Let's sing!" suggested Ash. "What song?" "I just wanna live! I just wanna live!" Ash began. I joined in and together we sang "I just wanna live" from Good Charlotte off tune. "Fish is ready!" Ash interrupted my singing. We shared the fish and ate it laughing. "Time for bed!" cried Ash. "What? Now already?" I asked, astounded. *YAWN* Suddenly, I had to yawn as well. I crawled into the tent and went to sleep straight away. "HOO-HOO" I was woken up through the hoots of an owl. "Ash! Ash!" I shook her gently to wake her up. "What's the matter?" she asked sleepily. "Do you notice anything?" I wanted to know. "Is that why you woke me?" Ash asked grumpily. "Answer me please!" "A clear cloudless night, golden stars in the sky, a full moon and a light breeze. There's a bat. In other words: A wonderful night!" Ash said. "Oh man, Ash! Our tent's gone!" I said grumpily. "What?!" Ash was suddenly sitting up very straight "Where's it gone?". "What do I know, Ash?" I said. "We've got to find it!" Ash said. "In the middle of the night?". "Oh yeah it's too dark. Then we'll search tomorrow. Good night!" and with that she lay back down, turned over and went back to sleep. "Ash! Ash! But what about the bear?" I asked her but I didn't get an answer. I shrugged, lay back down and went to sleep again. It seemed like I'd only slept for ½ h as I was woken by being shaken softly. The sun was already shing and it was nice and warm. Sleepily I rubbed my eyes before I looked around. Ash was kneeling next to me and had a very wide grin on her face. "What's up?" I asked and tried to stifle a yawn. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she exclaimed and hugged me. "Thanks!" I'd completely forgotten my birthday, but apparently Ash hadn't. "Come on! Come" Ash pulled me up by my hand and dragged my through the woods. Suddenly she stopped and I walked into her. "Sorry" I apologized. "It's ok. Close your eyes!" she commanded. I did as I was told and Ash tied a cloth over my eyes. Then she carefully carried on leading me through the woods. The she stopped walking and let go of me. "Ash! Ash! Don't leave me alone!" I requested. But I didn't get an answer. Then all of a sudden somebody took hold of my shoulders and kissed me. Well it wasn't Ash! Or was it? The person took off my blindfold and I found myself looking into Bakura's eyes. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my darling!" he said an gave me another kiss. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR GWEN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Yugi, Tea, Tristan, Joey, Seto, Mokuba, Marik, Odion, Ishizu, Ramun and Mr. Muto were there and were singing for me. Everything around me was decorated with red roses. There was cake and drinks and a large rug. "But how?" I wanted to know. "We couldn't live without you anymore!" said MaChan. I threw my arms around BakuChan and kissed him. "Present time!" cried Joey and everybody brought me their presents. "Thanks. You're the best friends one could wish for!" I said with tears in my eyes. We had a good time. Our tent had been stolen by the bear. Oh well, he should keep it. BakuChan and MaChan have decided to live with us for a while. Our parents were a bit astounded but didn't mind. On the contrary, they really liked them. I'm soooooo happy BakuChan and hope it will always stay like that. ___________________________________________________________________________ Wenn es euch gefallen hat, dann würde ich mich freuen wenn ihr mir ein Kommi hinterlassen würdet. BYE winke winke Hosted by Animexx e.V. (