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Not under control

Mein NaNoWriMo-Projekt für 2010 - mit täglichen Updates!


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Day Ten

Frank didn't know what he was doing anymore. It felt like the woman controlled him without wanting to. He couldn't tell anybody what he was doing, either. Thinking about it didn't help at all.

So there he was, standing in front of a closed down grocery shop, wondering about the places these people chose to plot their plans to escape. Then he came to the conclusion that it isn't the right time to use the logic he knew, before knocking on the door.

In the meantime, Gerald, Anthony and Vincent were hiding only a few metres away, trying to catch a glimpse of what Frank was doing.

„Can anybody see what's going on?“, Gerald asked.

„I saw him knocking on the door. I doubt that he's going to meet a client in there“, Anthony replied.

„Shut up!“, Vincent silenced them. „The door opens!“

After the door in front of Frank opened, the detective spotted the all too familiar woman with the hair standing behind the door.

„I'm not surprised that you came, but I'll act like I did“, she greeted him with her personal smile.

„Just let me in. I want to get this over with as fast as possible.“

„Oh, for once, we're thinking the same thing“, Helena said before stepping aside and letting Frank in. After he disappeared in there, the three of them left their hiding spot and got closer to the store.

„So, what do you say? Any chance of getting in there?“, Vincent asked Anthony, who observed the build at the moment.

„Might be hard. Breaking in frontal is out of the question, as we have no idea how many and how good at combat they are.“

„Even with my Gatling?“

„It may have a high fire speed, but I doubt that you can aim with it fast enough. Also, these people might be just misled.“

„They were trying to kidnap me!“

„Find the right words and people jump off a cliff if you told them that.“

„So, have you got any ideas how to get in otherwise?“

„Hm... spontaneously trying to think of a way to sneak into a building from which I haven't even got blue prints and with no idea where in there they are actually meeting will be a challenge.“

„It's a grocery store, isn't it?“, asked Gerald. „How many rooms can there be to meet anybody? And they can't be in the actual store part of it, because otherwise we would hear them, wouldn't we?“

„Good point, Gerald“, Anthony replied. „Doesn't make it much easier to get in there, though.“

„Maybe we could get in from behind. I'm sure this store will have a back entrance“, Vincent proposed.

„It's worth a try. No idea about if the door is locked“, Anthony said.

„What is with these people and their fear of light?“, Frank thought as he followed Helena to the storage room, where the meeting was presumably held. Helena layed her hand on the door and gave it a push, opening it and revealing about one hundred people sitting or standing to the sides, with a desk put at the end of the room. Both of them entered the room, and while Frank looked around trying to sort his thoughts, Helena moved straight up to the desk and took her place on the chair behind it.

„Good night, fellow Freedom Seekers!“, she greeted them. „On this particular meeting, I am finally able to welcome the most prominent character in this story: Frank, the private detective!“

The rest of the people applauded, while Frank tried to not associate himself with them. It just felt utterly wrong to him.

„As you may know“, Helena continued, „we have plotted our escape for so long, long before the writer found the ritual to enter this world, hoping that it may bear fruit when we're done. But before we eventually put our plan into motion, we still need to prepare a few things.“

„And these would be?“, Frank asked her. „And why do I get the feeling that it's going to involve me?“

„Well, the most obvious thing we need to do is getting the ritual sentence Gerald uses to switch between the worlds. You maybe haven't heard him using it, don't you?“

Frank shook his head. „I never was around when he left.“

That caused Helena to sigh. „ It would have made it so much easier... but we have to live with it. And it's not like we haven't planned anything for that occasion, haven't we?“

Frank raised an eyebrow. „Randomly attacking him is your plan? Really?“

„It wasn't random. We planned these attacks carefully. He just happened to be around other people.“

Frank could see very well that this just couldn't end in a good way.

„And it only took us two attacks to realise that this way of approaching him didn't work, so where's your problem?“

“The problem here is that I don’t see the sense in your plan! What would it help you if Gerald knows that you exist? He’s just going to be more cautious about what he’s going to do! At least two other people are supporting him currently!”

“And that’s one of the reasons you’re here, Frank.”


“You heard me. Who would know more about Gerald’s habits than somebody who was not only created by him, but also spent a lot of his time while he spends his time here?”

“As if I tell you anything else, now that I know why you forced me to come here!”

Helena chuckled. “That doesn’t change the situation at all, Frank. You will tell me more, if you feel like it or not.”

“Just… who - or what - are you?”

“As if knowing that would make it any easier.”

“Guys! I found it!” yelled Gerald, pointing at a door in the wall. It wasn’t hard to spot, as the street light was directly shining on it.

Vincent then tried to slam the door open, with no success. “Okay, blunt force won’t work.”

“Why haven’t you just tried opening it normally first? This shop seemed to be closed down for a while now, and I doubt they properly locked the doors when they left it as it was”, Anthony said to him while looking at the door. “Though, when I think about it, it may not be that easy to get in there. If it wasn’t closed down, the door should have opened after Vincent hit it like that. Maybe…” He was thinking for a while, before drawing a picklock out of his pocket.

“I hope you don’t use that thing to break in everywhere you like”, said Gerald in a tone that couldn’t decide if it wanted to sound jokingly or worrying.

“Don’t worry. I use this thing as little as possible…” He slowly pushed the picklock into the lock, moving it around as he hoped to hear a certain kind of click. But as much as he fiddled around, it didn’t seem to work.

“Okay, that’s out of the way”, Vincent said. “Any other ideas?”

“Have you tried looking under that?”, asked Gerald, pointing at the doormat. Anthony and Vincent then stared at him, wishing that it was some sort of joke.

“You really think it could be that easy?”, joked Vincent. “Please. You can’t serious.”

Gerald bowed down and moved the doormat away, revealing a small key that could probably fit into the door.

What followed was Vincent and Anthony hitting their faces with their right hands wide open.

“So, tell me more about what you know that could help us.”

Helena was looking at Frank with her signature combination of cat-like slit eyes, her soft and yet irritating smile and a slightly tilted head, while Frank was about to lose his nerves.

“Forget it. I’d rather get myself killed by you before I let you know anything else.”

“Sorry, but killing you is out of the question. I need you alive, if you understand.”

She pointed at the door through which she and Frank came in.

“Don’t let him get out of here. I need to get a point across before he can leave this room.”

After she finished, three of them placed themselves in front of the door.

“Frank, I won’t let you fight these people, and you’re allowed to go as soon as I told you this. But the thing is - as I have told you so many times already - resistance is futile. I know that you’re going to help me in the end, and you can do as much about it as you like, but it won’t get you out of this. You just try to act like the tough guy you’re representing -”

“I’m not representing Frank, I AM Frank!”

As she ignored him, she continued: “- and completely ignore your own wishes and desires. And I know that, somewhere inside of you, you wish you could leave and leave all of this behind you.”

“Let me go.”

Helena sighed. “I can’t tell it to you often enough, can I? You’re just making it harder for yourself if you deny the truth.

He repeated himself, his time talking in a patronising fashion: “Let. Me. Go.”

Without saying anything, she moved her hand so the three people blocking the door would leave.

“See, what was so hard about it?”, he said, before going away. As he left them behind, he heard a familiar voice speaking to him from his back.

“Frank?”, she whispered. It turned out to be Gerald, who just got in together with Anthony and Vincent.

Frank was really surprised about this, trying to not draw attention to him. “Gerald, what are you doing here?”

“We could ask you the same thing”, replied Anthony.

“You see, I got another clue concerning the Freedom Seekers.”

“Why haven’t you told us then?”, asked Vincent him.

“It’s a long story, and let me assure you that you don’t want to hear it right now.”

“Have you at least gathered information?”, said Gerald.

“Not much, but better than nothing at all. Now let’s leave before they finish their meeting and see us together.”


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