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Mewtwos new life

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Perfect Date

Chapter 6

Perfect Date

The morning broke. Shafts of sunlight lit the quiet home of Mew and Mewtwo as the two slowly and lazily awakened, the sunlight warming their bodies as they peeled back their quilts. Mewtwo yawned sleepily and looked down at his side, watching Mew as she lifted herself up. She looked up at him smiling and he smiled back. "Morning Mewtwo. Sleep well?"

Mewtwo nodded, "I did thank you, did you?"

"Fine thanks. So. . .you hungry?"

Mewtwo produced an apple from the air, "The question is, are you?"

Mew narrowed her eyes, "Quit showing off! I meant real food!" She snapped.

"This is real enough. I just wanted to save you some time. . . I didn't mean to seem like I was showing off, that was not my intention at all. I'm sorry. . ." Mewtwo meekly replied somewhat shocked by Mew snapping at him.

Mew smiled sweetly at him, "Don't be sorry. I'm sorry I snapped. I appreciate the thought, but I won't be gone two seconds." With that she phased out of view. A second passed and she returned with juicy red apples. She handed one to Mewtwo.

"Thanks." He said, taking it from her obligingly.

"Do you remember what you promised me for today. . .?"

"To hand you the universe on a silver platter as a symbol of my eternal. . .?" Mewtwo fell silent, "That wasn't what I promised was it. . .?"

"I don't think so." Mew said with an intrigued smile, "But as a symbol of your eternal what. . .?"

"Nothing. . .I don't know what I was talking about, I must have dreamed it. . ." Mewtwo replied. Indeed he had dreamed up this promise during his peaceful slumber, a dream that was so vivid that it seemed real. He blushed. "I remember what I promised now, I promised we would take a look around this forest together."

"That's right, if you still want to that is."

"I could not break a promise to you."

"No, forget the promise for a second. Do you still want to take a look around with me?" Mew pleaded hopefully.

"What has brought all this on? Of course I still want to, don't worry." He said hugging her gently.

Mew smiled and hugged back, she loved it when Mewtwo was like this, so tender, caring, affectionate. . .then she remembered he was always like that and snuggled up close to him, gently rubbing her head against his chest. Suddenly realising that should she stay like this for much longer she may - in her opinion stupidly - admit something she may later regret, also she could feel a purr trying to force itself from her, a show of incredible affection she had never expressed to anyone and one she did not intend to express for fear of rejection. Taking all this quickly into consideration, she reluctantly took her arms from around Mewtwo who in turn released her from their embrace.

"Do you know any places of interest around here then Mew?"

"I spend all my life here and you ask a dumb question like that?" Mew said with a chuckle, "Sure I know of places of interest, plenty of them! You ever seen caves made entirely of gems? Have you seen the sun set on a mountain range on the horizon with a gentle sea stretching towards you? And how about the most beautiful waterfall in the world, the only one I have ever known to run with perfectly lukewarm water all year round?"

"It does sound like a lovely place around here, and with you as a tour guide I think it should be a day to remember." Mewtwo smiled.

"Well, let's not try and see everything today, let's leave some of it for later."

"So, what will we be checking out today then?"

Mew considered this for a moment. "Good question."

"How about that waterfall you mentioned first, then maybe those caves? And to finish off the day we. . ."

"Watch the sunset together?" Mew inquired, smiling shyly at him.

"Sure." Mewtwo smiled back, "Sounds good, right?"

Mew nodded and stepped towards the mouth of the cave, "C'mon then, let's go!"

Mewtwo smiled and followed her.

Mew darted swiftly into the air, closely followed by Mewtwo. Their movement soon became nothing but a streak of pink and a streak of blue light across the brilliant morning sky.

* * * * *

Shazam yawned sleepily, stretching his free arm. He smiled as he gazed at Princess, who was trapping his other arm by sleeping upon it. They'd been like this for the whole night, sleeping upon the sofa after dozing off, plotting for today. Shazam yawned again and gently levitated Princess under the influence of his psychic powers. He slowly stood up and gently set her down. He picked his spoons up from the floor and slowly made his way to the kitchen.

"By the Seven Seers." Shazam mumbled, "I wish more nights could be like that. . ." He said with a smile, "It wasn't much, but it's the closest I've been to her in a while. She is so wonderful. . ."

"Who's so wonderful then Shazam?" Princess asked, stepping into the kitchen. Shazam snapped around to face her, "Hmmm? I didn't say anything."

"Well I heard you say, something's so wonderful." Princess said with a smile.

"Oh! Yes, I was talking about our idea, it's wonderful!" Shazam lied.

"Awwww. . . I thought you were talking about something else. . ." Princess said dejectedly.

"Oh you did? Anything in particular that you thought I was talking about?"

"I kinda hoped you were talking about me."

"Would it shock you if I said I was?" Shazam enquired.

"No, not really."

"I was." Shazam replied with a smile, a twinkle in his brilliant blue eyes.

Princess blushed, "I guess I should have said no to your proposal tonight. I have never seen you so flirtatious!"

Shazam winked, "You haven't seen a thing yet!" He replied, half jokingly.

"Glad to hear it. . ." Princess said, holding Shazam gently in her arms, her wings fluttering rapidly in excitement.

"Princess?" Shazam said nervously. "Are you okay?" "Perfectly fine." She replied, gently kissing him upon the cheek and releasing him from their embrace.

Shazam reddened then paled, trying desperately to click reality back into place. He pinched himself hard on the arm. "Ouch." He said beneath his breath.

"I kiss you and you say ouch?" Princess questioned, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I was just pinching myself. . . I assumed I was dreaming. . ."

"No dream sweetie!" Princess replied with a chuckle, "So do you often dream about that happening?"

Shazam shrugged, "I guess. . .that now and then. . . sometimes. . .yeah, I guess that I do. . . I dream about it a lot. . ." He said embarrassedly.

Princess smiled to herself, glad to finally hear Shazam say that. "Well, I guess that we'll have to discuss this in more detail tonight won't we?"

Shazam smiled and kissed her upon the cheek, "Yes, indeed we must. Come on, we have a cake to bake."

Princess smiled at her beloved Shazam and the two began their preparation for later in the day.

* * * * *

Mew came to rest first; she touched down gently in a small clearing and looked up into the sky expectantly. Mewtwo blazed after her, landing hard upon the ground beside her. He gasped for breath momentarily and looked over at Mew, arms folded. "You said you wouldn't teleport!"

"I didn't! It's not my fault you're a sore loser."

"I guess that it's just your size then."

"What's wrong with my size?" Mew asked, sounding hurt.

"Nothing at all." Mewtwo replied soothingly. "There are lots of good points actually, heightened speed and agility hence the fact you win so often, easier to hide. Oh yeah and there is one other thing. . ." He said thoughtfully.

"What's that then?" Mew asked with interest as she led Mewtwo out of the clearing.

"Well, small things tend to be very cute."

"Awwwww! Thanks." Mew said blushing.

"Well. . .I did say they tend to be. . ."

Mew smiled, "Oh sure, now you pretend not to be flirting!"

Mewtwo chuckled, "Flirting? Me? Oh, I don't know about that." He said slyly.

Again, Mew smiled, hovering quickly out of the clearing, "Hurry up! You have to see this!" She called.

Mewtwo quickened his pace to meet with Mew. As he walked to the exit of the clearing, his pushed a branch from his way and gazed in awe at the beautiful sight that greeted him. A huge rock face made of sparkling granite covered in brightly coloured flora and fauna dominated the scene, at the very top there was an overhang, and from this there came a seemingly perfect cascade of crystal clear water, gushing from an established hole in the rock. The water tumbled into a small rock pool, which splashed and bubbled like a Jacuzzi. As Mewtwo gazed, the hypnotic, gentle rumble of the water falling into its pool filled his ears and soothed his soul.

Mew smiled at him from beside the waterfall. "By the look on your face, I'd say you're impressed!"

"Very much so. . . It's beautiful. . ."

Mew dived into the pool, tiny droplets of water flying from the pool with a gentle splash. She emerged seconds later, throwing back her head as she lifted it from the water. "Come on in! It's warm as always!"

Mewtwo stepped slowly over, watched constantly by Mew. He dipped the tip of his tail in and sat on the edge, running his fingers through the top of the water.

"Aww c'mon Mewtwo! Don't take forever about it!"

Mewtwo slowly slid into the warm water, resting his arms on the edge and sitting on a small rocky outcrop beneath the surface. He smiled contentedly and sighed, he tipped his head back, resting it upon the edge of the pool, listening to the rush of water. "Ahhhh. . . Most relaxing." He sighed.

Mew swam over to him, resting her head by his.

Mewtwo turned to face her, "It's not bad here. . . A very beautiful place. Quite romantic I should imagine."

"A place is only as romantic as the one you share it with. A plain, dull empty room could seem romantic if you're in it with the one you love. . ."

Mewtwo smiled, "So do you think it's romantic here then?"

Mew smiled back, "Very clever. . . Well if I'm honest, I guess this place seems just a little romantic at the moment but that's only because you will not stop flirting! Anyone would think it was the first day of spring the way you're going on!"

"You say that like it's a bad thing! Do you think it is?"

"Well. . ." Mew shrugged, "I can't say for sure but it's not so bad. . ." She smiled.

"Which of us did you say was flirting again?" Mewtwo smiled back.

Mew shrugged and swam away from Mewtwo. "I think it's one or both of us, that's for sure." She turned back and splashed him lightly.

Mewtwo glanced up at her.

She splashed him a little more, "Oh c'mon Mewtwo! Fight back!"

Mewtwo concentrated his mind and his hand became enwrapped with psychic energy. He casually waved his glowing hand and the entire waterfall began to pour upon Mew's head under his the influence of his telekinetic powers. "How was that?"

Mew spat out a mouthful of water, "Meanie! That was uncalled for. . ."

"Sure was funny though." Mewtwo chuckled

Mew sniffled, "Was not!" She said jokingly.

"Okay. I'm sorry."

"Don't be! I was only kidding y'know!" Mew chuckled.

Mewtwo swam slowly over to her and splashed her lightly.

Mew smiled and splashed him back.

Soon, a small-scale war was under way. The two splashed gallons over each other, laughing happily as they did so, the warm sunlight upon their bodies and the droplets in the air sparkling like diamonds. Mewtwo, in the midst of unleashing another massive wave, looked into Mew's eyes, they were filled with love and affection, he could see it so clearly. He stopped splashing and smiled.

"What? What's up?"

"Nothing. . . Just kinda distracted. . ."

Mew laid down upon the edge of the pool, the waterfall gently running over her body. "Oh? Distracted by what?"

"Nothing really." Mewtwo replied, laying down beside her.

Mew shuffled up next to him, "So do you wanna stay here for a while?" "Sure, I'd love to."

Mew gently rested her head upon his shoulder, sighing contentedly.

Mewtwo smiled and closed his eyes under the influence of the relaxing sound of the waterfall and Mew's gentle breathing. He sighed to himself and drifted into a state of total relaxation, just on the border of sleep.

* * * * *

Shazam collapsed upon the sofa and sighed, "It's more like we're trying to mobilise a small army than prepare a date for those two."

"Not just any date though is it? It's gotta be perfect for them. Like you said with the cake, it's got to be made the old fashioned way, no psychic tricks or it won't seem as special. Besides, I don't want those two to have to wait as long as us." Princess said, sitting beside him.

"I always imagined there'd be some huge great event leading up to it y'know. It turned out more like an accident, it's strange how we never got round to saying anything until now and even then it was just. . ."

"I love you." Princess interrupted.

Shazam fell silent, his eyes widened with shock and his heart began to race.

"I love you Shazam. From the very first moment we met, I loved you with all my heart. You mean everything to me, and I've tried so hard to tell you how I feel. I don't know how I managed now, but I can't keep it to myself any longer." She turned away, her face crimson, "I don't know if you feel how I do. We've said stuff like this before and just been joking around. Maybe earlier you were just being flirty or playing up to me or. . ."

"Princess. . ." Shazam said, now it was his turn to interrupt. "Princess, you have no idea how long I have waited for one of us to have the courage to say that. For I also have loved you since the very beginning and I too have tried to let you know how I feel. Not a day went by when I did not wish to let you know. Simply put, I love you too. . ." Shazam whispered soothingly to her, putting an arm around her shoulders.

Princess smiled, her eyes watered with tears of joy and her wings gently fluttered. She turned back to Shazam, gazing lovingly into his brilliant blue eyes. She moved closer to him, shyly putting her arms around him.

Shazam smiled kindly at her. He too gazed dreamily into her eyes and tenderly returned the embrace. His lips were mere centimetres from hers; he could feel her shallow, gentle breath, running pleasantly over his skin. Slowly, gently, gingerly, he kissed her. It was only a brief thing, but he felt his heart explode with joy the instant their lips touched. Princess passionately returned the kiss, holding the back of Shazam's head to keep the two of them closer for longer, she couldn't bear to let this moment end. Shazam's feelings were mutual. He too would not, could not let this moment end too soon. He gently parted his lips, kissing mouth to mouth with Princess. When at last they parted, short of breath and filled with fiery passion, the faint smell of burning food filled the air.

"Just typical! Smells like the cake's burned. . ." Princess sighed.

"Ice cream will be fine, won't it?" Shazam said, psychically turning the oven off.

"What about the chocolate coating for the cake?"

"We still have a little time before we want Mew and Mewtwo in here. . . I'm sure we can occupy ourselves in some way or another. And, I'm pretty sure that while we're entertaining ourselves, we could find some use or other for that chocolate icing. . ." Shazam smiled mischievously, his eyes seemed to shimmer with excitement.

"You're not talking about baking another cake are you?" Princess asked. Shazam shook his head. That same mischievous smile upon his face.

"Good. Just thought I'd make sure. Sweetie. . ." Princess said as she mirrored Shazam's mischievous smile. . .

* * * * *

Mew slowly sat up, her fur starting to chill slightly. She shivered and dived into the warm pool at her feet. A few tiny droplets of water splashed upon Mewtwo's face. Mewtwo slowly came out of his near subconscious state and yawned. "What's up Mew?" He asked as he gently rubbed his eyes.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. I was just a little cold. And I would have asked you to warm me up but you looked so peaceful. . ." She replied with a smile.

"Thanks. But you should have woken me up. . ." Mewtwo said as he studied his toes.

"Oh? Why's that?"

"I'm beginning to shrivel up like a prune. . ." He mumbled.

Mew chuckled. "Well, it's been a couple of hours." She replied, floating on her back.

"Really? You haven't been bored have you?"

"No, not at all. It's been quite relaxing actually, just laying there beside you, just listening to the sound of your breathing."

Mewtwo smiled. "Mew, you're so sweet." He said, stepping out of the pool and drying himself off with his warm Psychic aura.

"Just speaking the truth." Mew said as she stepped out of the pool.

Mewtwo extended his aura around her, gently drying her sodden fur.

Mew smiled at him, "Ooooooh. . ." She cooed, giggling shortly afterwards.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. . . It's just your aura. . ."

"What about it?"

"It's just so warm and cosy. . . Plus it's not often that you let me see into your mind. Even if it was only for a split second." She said with a semi-embarrassed smile.

"You could see into my mind?" Mewtwo asked shakily.

"Well, you'd expect that if you're sharing your psychic energy with another psychic wouldn't you? You share energy and you share minds. Didn't you expect that?"

"No. Not really. . ." Mewtwo said suspiciously. "Are you sure you aren't having me on? Are you sure you weren't just 'ooooooh'ing because my aura was warm, and giggling because you 'ooooooh'ed?"

Mew shook her head, "If I was having you on, how would I know that you've got me on your mind?"

"How did you know I have you on my mind?" Mewtwo said without thinking.

"I didn't 'til you told me! I was just 'ooooooh'ing because your aura was warm! For a smart guy, you sure can be dumb! But now you've told me that I was on your mind, so what were you thinking about me? Hmmm? C'mon, tell me tell me tell me!"

"I was just thinking you looked cold and wet, and I thought seeing as I was already drying myself I'd dry you off as well."

"Liar." Mew chuckled, "I bet you were thinking how devastatingly gorgeous I am! So am I right? Hmmm? Am I?" Mew asked excitedly, darting around Mewtwo like a bolt of hyperactive, pink, furry lightning.

"Okay I confess." Mewtwo said jokingly.

"I knew you couldn't resist me!" Mew replied also jokingly.

"How could I? It's the same with you, for you can't resist me either, am I right?"

Mew smiled, "Well. . . Maybe. . ." She said with a chuckle.

The two burst into laughter, and recovered as quickly as they started.

"So, you couldn't see into my mind then?"

"No, I was only messing with you. I wish you'd let me now and then though. . ." Mew said, coyly turning away from Mewtwo's gaze.

"But Mew, you know what's on my mind anyway, so why should I need to show you?" Mewtwo replied with a smile.

Mew smiled back at him, "True."

"So, how about these caves you were going to show me?"

"They're not far from here actually, but first I think we should find some. . ."

Mewtwo produced a pair of apples from mid air, "Lunch?"

Mew smiled, "You read my mind!"

"I wish." Mewtwo replied as he handed her one of the apples.

"Oh you do, do you?" Mew replied as she took the fruit.

Mewtwo nodded, "Well yeah. You know what's on my mind almost all the time, why shouldn't I know what's on yours?"

"Why, you of course. . ."

"What specifically about me?" Mewtwo inquired with a smile.

Mew sighed, "Men!" She scalded, "One track minded the lot of you!"

"What!? Oh you thought I meant. . ."

"Oh come on, it's obvious that's what you meant!"

"Well, it's not like those exact thoughts don't run through your mind now and again."

"Yeah, but not every six seconds like they do with a guy."

"So you don't deny it then?" Mewtwo asked slyly.

Mew smiled. Blushing, she said, "I was just kidding around. . ."

Mewtwo nodded, "Well yeah. . .so was I. . ." He replied embarrassedly.

There followed an awkward silence for several minutes. Or at least it felt like that to Mew and Mewtwo. In fact a mere second passed by, perhaps less.

"So are these caves close by then?"

"Sure, couple of miles at most." She replied, "Come on, don't get left behind!" Mew said as she leaped into the air.

Mewtwo hovered beside her, "I won't. However, you shall!" With that, his aura flared up and he raced into the distance.

Mew sighed and giggled to herself. She folded her arms and waited above the canopy of the trees. Within moments, Mewtwo raced back towards her, "Well hey there handsome, you come here often?" She said with a wink.

"Very funny. Which way is it?" Mewtwo asked embarrassedly.

Mew smiled, "Sometimes it's funny how dumb you can be! Racing me to a place when you don't even know where it is!"

Mewtwo rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Just lead me on."

Mew gazed up at him, "Follow closely. Wouldn't want you getting lost now would we?" Mew said with a giggle.

"Okay, fine, you smart me dumb, dumb Mewtwo. . . Happy?"

"For now." Mew trailed off, "How about, me cute, you. . ."

"Me handsome?" "You said it, not me."

"Well, actually yeah you did, just a second ago."

Mew shrugged, "True, true. Come on, let's not waste too much more time." She raced away, her aura flaring up as she sped over the horizon.

Mewtwo followed her dejectedly, cursing himself for making such a stupid error, "Guess that's just the effect you have on me my beloved, I concentrate on you rather than anything else." He said, cheering himself up and smiling.

* * * * *

They settled down just outside a cave, a huge, gaping mouth made of fairly non descript granite surrounded by slowly creeping moss, the canopy of the forest here choked out the sunlight. Were it not for the two shafts of light from the holes in the leaves that Mew and Mewtwo made as they descended and a dull ruddy glow coming from the cave then the entire area would be pitch black. A Murkrow squawked in the distance, scaring a nearby flock of Pidgey from their nests. Mewtwo scanned the area, or at least what little he could see of the area. "Rather unpleasant place."

"Not so, look at the way the sunlight is passing through the trees, don't you think it looks pretty?" Mew replied.

Mewtwo shrugged, "I suppose it does. . ."

"Don't you think I look angelic stood here in this beam of light, like I just fell from heaven?" Mew said dreamily, gazing up at Mewtwo and smiling sweetly.

Mewtwo smiled, "You don't need the beam of light." He replied.

Slowly the shafts of light began to diminish as the canopy of the forest began to or at least seemed to re-knit itself. Mewtwo glanced up and watched as a small group of Murkrow began to weave a new canopy from leaves and branches.

"What are those Murkrow doing?"

"Hmmm?" Mew followed Mewtwo's gaze, "They like dark places, so they find a place full of lush trees and vegetation for food, then they make it dark like they're doing now. But eventually the lack of sunlight kills the plants and the Murkrow move on, the trees that they leave have a chance to grow stronger after this and most forests that Murkrow have lived in thrive and grow much more lush and much more beautiful than other forests."

"Said the Pokédex." Mewtwo said jokingly.

Mew scowled at him and folded her arms, "Meanie. . ."

"Hey I was just kidding. It's quite interesting really, I didn't know Murkrow did that."

"Don't care. You're mean."

Mewtwo sighed, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you a Pokédex."

"That's a start." Mew said, forcing back a smile.

"Mew. . . I am really, really sorry, I was only kidding, I didn't know you'd take such offence. . . What else can I say?"

"How about telling me how beautiful I am?" Mew replied smiling.

Mewtwo chuckled, "Will you stop this? You can't even go a few seconds without flirting with me can you?"

Mew thought about this for a short while, "Nope. But nor can you!"

Mewtwo shrugged, "I wouldn't say that. . ."

Mew raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I would say that!" Mewtwo replied with a chuckle.

Mew smiled, "C'mon into the cave, we can't stand around out here and flirt all day."

Mewtwo sighed, "I don't see why not." The shafts of light finally faded, "Perhaps we can continue within the cave? After all, I can't even see you out here."

Mew smiled at him, even though she knew he would not see it. Mew swiftly flew into the cave with Mewtwo following close behind guided by her faint aura. As the two went deeper and deeper into the cave, the nondescript granite was slowly becoming finer and finer, the crystals in it smaller, smaller, and slowly they began to sparkle. From simple rocks they slowly became ever twinkling stars in the darkness of the cave, the ever fading darkness somehow illuminated by the crystals. Mewtwo smiled to himself, "How did you find this beautiful cave?"

"I didn't, Shazam and Princess stumbled upon it long before I got here."

"It's tremendous."

"You're easily impressed aren't you?" Mew laughed.

"Probably. After all I've spent less than a year in existence. . .wouldn't you be easily impressed if almost all of the world was new to you?"

Mew nodded, "You're right. . . I should have thought. . ."

"Think nothing of it."

Mew nodded and silently continued.

Now the granite had all but gone, replaced instead by crystals, hazy yet glowing pink crystals. At last the true nature of the sparkling gems was revealed to Mewtwo - rose quartz. The entire cave ahead of them, a huge gaping cavern full of stalactites and stalagmites, some mere centimetres some stretching from the floor to the ceiling and vice versa, all the sixty feet of it. The entire cavern was filled with a dull pink ambience and the perfectly formed, semi-transparent pink gems shimmered against their own magnificence.

"It is gorgeous though isn't it?"

Mewtwo nodded, "I never thought such a thing was possible. These stalactites and stalagmites are only supposed to be formed by sediment deposits when water soaks through the bedrock. . ."

"Said the geologist!" Mew laughed.

"Meanie. . ." Mewtwo said, folding his arms in a joking parody of Mew.

Mew smiled, "I'm sorry, didn't know you'd take so much offence. . ." She hovered over to him, resting upon his shoulder. She smiled, her cheeks reddening slightly, "You're really handsome y'know."

"Okay, I forgive you." Mewtwo said with a smile.

"You are y'know. . . Handsome I mean. . ."

Mewtwo smiled, "Thank you Mew. You're pretty cute yourself."

Mew flew slowly away from him, "Come on though, we still have a long way to go through this cave until we get to the last place I promised to show you."

"You mean that great view of the sunset?"

Mew nodded, "Come on, we don't want to miss it!"

Mewtwo nodded, his aura flaring up.

"I wouldn't recommend that."


"Ask me when you crack your skull on a boulder."

"You make a good point." Mewtwo replied, his aura fading. He walked slowly through the cave. "Which way?"

Mew hovered along beside him, "Just straight ahead, it all leads one way." Mewtwo nodded and made his way along the warm, rough floor, avoiding the tiny stalagmites about his feet.

Mew watched him thoughtfully. She considered the day's events so far; hers and Mewtwo's near constant flirting was the thing that kept her mind occupied for the longest, "Does he mean it? Does he think I mean it? Does he feel the way I feel? Does he love me? Does he know I love him? Dare I say it? Dare he say it? Would I admit if he confronted me? Would he admit? What should I do?" She thought to herself, "What if he wasn't even being serious? We both laughed about it, what if it's just a joke to him? What if it's not a joke to him but he sees me as thinking of it as a joke? Oh what should I do? What can I do? I daren't tell him and yet I'm so sick of keeping it from him." She sighed out loud.

"What's wrong Mew?" Mewtwo asked concernedly.

"Wrong? Nothing, nothing at all. . ." Mew replied distractedly.

Mewtwo smiled meekly at her, "Probably worried about how she'll tell me she doesn't feel the same. . ." He thought sadly as he turned away, "I have been so obvious! She knows how I feel, oh of course she knows and if she felt the same she would have said something by now! She's only flirting to make me feel better. She's stalling. She's stalling so she can figure out how to tell me she doesn't feel the same way." Mewtwo sighed out loud now.

Now Mew was the one who concernedly asked, "Is something wrong?"

Just as Mew had replied, Mewtwo replied in much the same way, "Nothing, nothing at all. . ." He said.

Mew smiled meekly. She didn't believe him for a second.

Mewtwo knew there was something wrong with her.

Mew knew something was bugging him.

Each knew somehow that the answer to their problems lay within themselves and within the other, they couldn't see why, they didn't know how but somehow they knew that something had to be said, something had to be done. They had reached a crossroads. Mew had often heard Princess describe this exact thing happen with her. "You'll love someone someday and you'll probably be too shy to tell them, that's how true love is. One day, you'll know something has to be done about it, and if you don't do something on that day, maybe at that moment then you've got no hope of ever saying anything, for months, years, maybe even forever. You have to do something when your instincts say so, don't wait or it'll be too late." Princess' words from so long ago echoed in Mew's mind. Mew knew today was that day, but she was too scared to do anything. She forced back a sigh and prayed she'd find the courage somehow, she had to tell him, he had to know how much she loved him, no matter what the cost.

* * * * *

The two emerged from the cave after many long, silent hours, each one trying desperately to summon the courage to admit their feelings, but always falling short. They stood upon the top of a huge cliff overlooking a gentle ocean. They stepped into the fiery light of the setting sun nestling behind an island of mountains that stretched along most of the horizon. The waves lapped gently at the shoreline below and the air was still and cool. Mew grabbed Mewtwo's hand "Come on! Quickly, we want to be in the best spot!" She said pulling him to the edge of the cliff. She stopped abruptly and sat upon a small boulder at the very edge of the cliff, Mewtwo perched beside the boulder, still gently holding her hand.

"Nice view." A rather awestruck Mewtwo said.


Mewtwo smiled as Mew gently stroked the palm of his hand, "You've been really quiet for. . .the past few hours. . ."

"So have you." Mew replied.

"I'm worried about you Mew. . . What's bugging you?"

"Nothing. I've just been thinking."

"What have you been thinking about?"

Mew turned away, "Could we change the subject?"

Mewtwo sighed, and took his hand from Mew's placing his arm around her.

Mew smiled sweetly at him, resting her head upon his shoulder, a rarity for her, as he wasn't often lower than her when they sat side by side.

"Tell me what's wrong Mew. . . Please?" Mewtwo asked gently, clasping Mew's free hand in his. "What's bugging you?"

"What's bugging you?" Mew replied, "You've been just as quiet as I have."

"I asked you first."

Mew smiled, "So? What difference does it make who asks first? As long as one of us says it. . .?"

"Says what? Are you talking about something else?"

"No, course not. . . Could we just drop it?"

"Sure thing sweetie. . ." Mewtwo replied with a smile.

Mew blushed slightly, "Today's been fun hasn't it?"

"You really have to ask? Mew, it's been great! I love it here so much!" Mewtwo fell silent, "And. . .you make it, that little bit better. . ."

"Oh do I? How so?" Mew asked.

"What good is heaven without at least one angel?" Mewtwo replied with a sly smile.

"Oh Mewtwo. . . This place wasn't heaven until you came along. The only angel here is you. . ." Mew said while hiding her embarrassment.

"Of course. That is what I meant!"

Mew frowned at him, "Meanie. . ." she growled.

"I only meant that cause angel isn't fitting enough for you. . . Goddess perhaps. . ."

"Oh come now, that's a lot for me to live up to. I'm no goddess. . ."

"Maybe not to you, but to me. . ."

Mew chuckled beneath her breath and snuggled up closer to Mewtwo. She sighed contentedly and closed her eyes. "You're so adorable. . ."

Mewtwo smiled. He sighed and purred gently, a deep and powerful, soft and gentle purr from the depths of his throat.

Mew gasped loudly, her face turned crimson, "Mewtwo!" She cried shocked.

"What? What's wrong?"

"It's just. . .I have never let myself purr with anyone. . .it's such a powerful way to show your. . .affection. . ." She fell silent.

"Don't you want me to purr then? It's kinda hard not to when I'm with you. . ."

"Oh no, no it's not that at all. I was just surprised that you purred for me. . .I mean. . .I didn't know you cared so much. . ."

Mewtwo blushed, "Well. . .I didn't know how powerful a thing it is, I couldn't really help it. . .it just felt right. . ."

Mew smiled, closed her eyes and rested her head back upon Mewtwo's shoulder. She purred gently, so gentle and so melodic. Right now, she'd never been happier and for the moment this was as close as she had ever come to saying 'I love you Mewtwo' perhaps as close as she would ever come. The words wouldn't come.

"Mew, the sun has almost set." Mewtwo whispered briefly before resuming his purr. Mew opened her eyes, still purring gently. She stared over the ocean just in time to see the last rays of sunlight eclipsed by the horizon. Already the sky began to blacken and the moon started to shine. A single star appeared to the north.

"I know how cheesy this is going to sound but. . ."

"Should we wish upon that star?" Mew asked, chuckling slightly.

"I told you it was cheesy."

Mew giggled, "I appreciate the warning!"

"No problem." Mewtwo replied, "But say it wasn't so cheesy. . .say we were the first two people to ever sit together as the sun set, to ever see a star appear as the heavens grew darker and we wished upon that star. . .what would you wish for?"

"Well that's an easy one." Mew replied.

"Oh really? Do you plan on telling me what you'd wish?"

"Can't, or it won't come true." Mew replied with a smile.

"Maybe, maybe not. . . Well, Mew, I'd wish for just one thing. . .one wonderful thing." Mewtwo whispered gently as he turned her head to face his.

"What would that be?"

"Can't say, or it won't come true." Mewtwo replied with a smile. "All I could ever wish for is your love, your love is all I would ever need, please, please love me. . .love me as I love you. . ." He thought to himself, with a faltering and pleading voice in his mind.

"Mewtwo. . .I. . ." Mew stammered and instantly fell silent.

"What is it?" Mewtwo asked concernedly.

"Nothing. . ." Mew replied, staring deeply into Mewtwo's passion filled eyes, and she smiled, "Perhaps I don't need words. . ."

Mewtwo smiled back, "Yeah. Sometimes, there is no need for words. . ."

They closed their eyes, slowly moving closer and closer together. Mew's heart raced, Mewtwo's pounded, both skipping several beats at a time. Their muscles tensed with anticipation as they moved within centimetres. For the briefest instant, for less than a millisecond their lips touched, so briefly they kissed, it was so gentle it could have been confused for their own breath. They would have kissed for longer, would have drawn closer together were it not for the sudden and unfortunate intervention of their friends.

"There you two are!" Shazam called, just as Mew and Mewtwo moved rapidly apart from each other, "I'm not interrupting anything am I. . .?"

"No, not at all. . .we were just watching the sunset. . ." Mewtwo replied.

"Yeah, we were just about to look for you two. . ." Mew lied, shooting a look of fierce contempt at Princess.

Princess smiled apologetically, it was obvious enough they'd just timed their entrance very badly, even without Mew's evil look. "I'll be saying sorry 'til doomsday. . ." Princess thought to herself. "Are you two busy?" She asked the would be lovers.

"No, we're not busy, why?" Mewtwo replied.

"Come on, you'll see." Shazam answered as he and Princess led them into the jungle.

"Hey Shazam!" Mew called, "You got a bit of. . .chocolate icing on your face. . ."

Princess smiled and wiped the chocolate off, "Oops. . . Sorry Shazam. . ." Princess said as she licked the icing from her fingers. They chuckled to themselves and silenced fairly quickly.

Mew and Mewtwo looked at each other and shrugged, following their friends into the forest, their minds dwelling upon that."Kiss? Did we kiss? No it didn't get that far." they thought to themselves, "That feeling or sensation or whatever it was, I must have imagined it. . ." And with that saddening thought in mind, fearful of never finding the passion they shared in that moment again, they solemnly followed their friends, the star they had wished for each other's love upon twinkling in the sky above them.


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