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Harry Potter and the Mission of the Tiger

A tale of love and despair...


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Hangovers and other Confusions

Chapter Five: Hangovers and other Confusions!

Dinner was nothing special, but his nervousness killed Harry's appetite and he left quickly, leaving Draco behind. The blonde boy was slightly confused by his rash actions, but didn't follow the upset one. /His moods are surely not my concern!/ But he was concerned! Everything had been fine this afternoon. They had been friendly towards each other and Draco had hoped the former differences between them were kind of solved, but now he wasn't sure about it. Why had Harry ignored him since they left their room? Was Draco an intruder in Harry's privacy by stepping behind him earlier? But he didn't think the black haired boy was so sensitive - maybe Harry was just in a bad mood out of the blue? He didn't really know him well, after all! /Must be his way!/ He told himself, but deep inside he knew that something was amiss. /Why should I care?/ Deep in his subconscious thoughts he cared.

When Draco entered their room Harry lay on his bed, asleep, a towel around his waist. Draco stared at the muscular, lithe form on the mattress, before he pulled the covers over the slightly shivering boy. /I didn't know he is so beautiful - at least when he sleeps!/, he had to admit to himself, before he got to bed, /Beautiful, indeed.../


Snape yawned deeply. When he tried to move his stiff neck, he grew aware of his uncomfortable position. He lay on a couch, head on a pillow against one elbow-rest (stiff neck - ouuch!), something heavy and warm on top of his lap, one leg against the back of the couch, one on the table nearby. He moved his gaze to the 'something' on his lap: Gabriel - slightly snorting and deeply asleep. Snape growled and rubbed his forehead. He had a damn headache.

On the table stood a nearly empty bottle, labelled as 'baileys'. /Damn Muggle-alcohol! What happened? I cannot remember.../ The man on his lap shifted and muffled ("Fucking light...") something, as he tucked a part of Severus robes over his head. Snape glared at him for a moment and tipped gently at his shoulder: "Gabriel?" The fair-haired man jumped up in a swift movement.

"What the... Severus? What happened, I mean, I can't remember, what the hell did we...?" He blushed. "Oh my god! We didn't, did we?"

Snape shook his head in utter disbelief. "I don't think so, we're both dressed and..." He looked at his colleague. "Why are your robe-buttons open?"

Mc'Caughn shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, you should know that!"

"I can't remember."


Gabriel buttoned his robes and looked at the mirror (next to the door). "Bloody hell! My hair is a disaster! Can you give me the brush on the shelf next to you? Thanks!"

He began to brush his hair while Severus straightened his robes and walked towards the door. He stopped and looked at Gabriel. He smirked. "Well - whatever happened, we should do it soon again." Then he left without waiting for an answer. Gabriel shook his head and made his way to the bathroom. /God! I really need a cold shower! /


Dumbledore smiled slightly, as a grinning Potions master entered the hall five minutes too late to breakfast. When ten minutes from then a blushing DADA-teacher entered and muffled something about having been distracted; he couldn't suppress a giggle. Mc'Caughn smiled innocently and Snape eyed the longhaired man meaningfully, before he returned his attention back to the scrambled eggs and bacon on his plate.

The headmaster let his view glide from person to person: Minerva was reading a magazine while chewing on a piece of toast, Fillius and Poppy were talking about healing charms and the new flavoured chocolate at honeydukes. While Professor Sprout was eagerly explaining the functions of honeysuckle's to Harry, who didn't seem to listen, but instead blinked to Draco Malfoy, who seemed to be buried in his own thoughts.

Severus and Gabriel were arguing about Quidditch (who was the better team: Glasgow Hunters or Brighton Elves, favoured by Gabriel). Dumbledore's gaze returned to Professor Sprout and he listened a while to her explanations. "Honeysuckle's are beautiful flowers, in Latin 'Lonicera Caprifolium', and useful! Muggles used them as medicine in the old Muggle-China, but Wizards use it even more. In Love-Potions it's used, and in Healing-Potions as well...". But soon Albus' thoughts wandered off to Draco. /Poor boy! And brave, I'd never imagined that he would stand up against his father - but Lucius seems to have changed his points and loyalties, too, didn't he?! And gifted was the boy, ambitious!/ Albus thought sadly. He had the feeling, that Draco would play an important part in the upcoming events. /How long will it take until Voldemort attacks the school? If that is, what he wants, then he should hurry, because the Order gets stronger and stronger with every passing day, since the Ministry supports us so well. When does he plan the attack, which he does plan for sure!/ He sighed sadly.


Draco played with the fork. Breakfast was, as usual, boring and he tried not to think too much. But in his head he couldn't forget the picture that had haunted him the whole night long - Harry. Harry nearly naked, Harry asleep, Harry with morning glory, Harry blushing, Harry... /Fucking hell!/, he thought, /Will this never end!/

When had it started? When Draco had first seen Harry at Diagon Alley? No - surely not! At Hogwarts, first year, when Potter had turned away his hand? Ridiculous! When he had seen him falling off his broom in third year? Maybe... but not very likely! During the first task of the tri-magical-competition, when the boy fought against the dragon? More likely... or in the fifth year when Harry he had silently observed the black-haired (who got more beautiful with every passing day)? That must have been it! Even when he had been a prefect he hadn't used it too much against 'future savior of the wizarding world'...

Draco sighed softly. /I'm totally insane! Attracted to Harry-Fucking-Potter!/ But Draco couldn't ignore, that Harry had impressed him. Even though he was the son of a Death-Eater, the 'great' Lucius Malfoy, Harry was nice to him, even friendly. The Slytherin sighed again and stood up from his chair. "Excuse me..." he mumbled and left the hall.


Snape had studied his students' behavior for some moments. When Draco left he was slightly worried and quickly excused himself from the table to follow his 'charge'. Dumbledore had asked him to look after the boy, when the blonde had emerged at the castle in the beginning of the holidays with the explanation, he couldn't go back to the manor. When the boy told him his tale, he was shocked. He had not thought Lucius, who he had known quite well until a year ago, was able to do THIS to his own (and only) son. When Snape had heard, that Lucius was a spy he knew that the father only wanted to protect his son - but it was hard on Draco.

He remembered a night, long years ago, a few weeks after Draco was born, when Lucius had asked him to be there for Draco, if something happened to him and his wife. Nobody was safe with Lord Voldemort around - nobody!

But Snape would stand by his word and so he went after the boy. He found him curled up between the roots of an ancient oak near the lake. Severus knew that it was Draco's favourite place to hide, when he had to think 'things through'. Poppy had often found him there. The Potions master wondered at the thought, since Potter had arrived Draco was in a highly better mood! /The company of one in his age will do him good - even if it is THE Gryffindor-boy, Harry Potter, the Boy-who-lived./

When he emerged from the shadows Draco hastily turned around, but immediately relaxed, when he saw his Potions-teacher. Snape smiled slightly and sat next to the student. They looked at the lake before Snape began to speak. "You're worried, lad, what's the matter? Old worries?"

Draco lazily shook his head. "No."

Snape was a bit confused. "Then new ones?" Draco nodded and looked away. /Was the boy blushing?/ Snape cleared his throat. "Want to talk about it? I'm quiet as a grave!"

Draco shrugged his shoulders and blushed slightly. "You know, Professor, it's kinda private. I'm not sure you want to know."

Snape wondered. This behavior didn't suit the extrovertive Slytherin-leader he had known for years, but when he thought about it...

Since he had left his family Draco had changed dramatically. He was introvertive and silent, at times deeply melancholic. Snape had watched him a while in the outside. The boy had played with his cat. "Aimé" was her name, when he remembered right. Draco had got her for his fifth birthday. When he had went to Hogwarts, his parents had let the pet stay behind, against the boy's wish, but obviously Draco had taken her with him, when he had left the manor. That afternoon the grey pet had laid on Draco's lap and the blonde had absentmindedly crawled her fur for hours, thinking about whatever - Snape didn't know.

He looked at the boy. "If you wanna talk, I will listen."

Draco sighed. "I wanna talk, but it's difficult - I'm so confused! You know... you remember the talk we had last year about my sexuality? It's a bit like that."

Snape was utterly surprised. He had thought the boy was troubled with the situation of his 'family' or maybe Voldemort, but he hadn't even imagined it was about his love life. (AN/ Draco's love-life! Snape hasn't got one - until now...^^) He smiled reassuringly at the boy. "Go on!"

Draco cleared his throat, blushing heavily. "I think I'm attracted to somebody." /He makes a face like the world is breaking apart!/, Snape thought, highly amused by the redheaded boy.

"Well - who is it? I think you always had an exquisite taste before, so why not in lovers?" Draco blushed even more (if that was possible) and turned his head away.

"I don't think you'll agree with me this time, though my taste", he grinned, "is most exquisite and this person fits my requirements in every way."

"So?" Snape grinned, "What's so special about him, then?"

Draco smiled dreamily. "Oh, he is intelligent (Snape grinned slightly), brave..." Snape lifted one eye-brow, "How Gryffindorish!"

Draco laughed. "Oh - I fear he is!"

Snape growled. "Why a Gryffindor? -Tell me more about him."

"He's quite popular and extremely beautiful; tall, nice body, muscular, slightly tanned, dark hair..." he sighed again, "And totally straight!" His voice sounded frustrated.

"How do you know?" Snape asked, more to calm the blonde, instead of giving him hope (A GRYFFINDOR!!!).

"I don't. But why should I be so lucky? Even if he isn't, he could have everyone, why me?"

Snape didn't like what he heard. /Could it be that.../ "Why do you think he could have everyone?" he asked, slightly uncomfortable with his thoughts. /Surely Draco wouldn't, would he?/

"Because he's famous."

Snape howled like a wolf. /It couldn't be!/ "Potter!"


Suddenly Snape heard a sob. He quickly turned to Draco, who had pulled his knees up to his shoulders and wrapped his arms around his knees like a small, frightened child. Snape laid his hand on the boy's shoulder, when Draco hugged him around his waist and heavily sobbed against his shoulder. Taken aback Snape put his arms comforting around the boy, whose sobs turned into little whimpers and eventually faded.

When Draco had stopped crying Snape put a finger under the boy's chin and lifted their eyes to one level. Draco sniffed silently. "I dunno why I react this way, I'm so completely confused! Why does it hurt so much to think about him? He even doesn't know my name!"

"Of course he knows your name!", Snape said confused, before the blonde interrupted him.

"I know - but he doesn't even see me! He just knows the stupid git I used to be!" Snape gently rubbed his back.

"I know he doesn't know your better sides, but if you want him to know, you have to show him!"

Draco sighed. "So you accept my decisions?"

"I don't have to accept anything of this, it's not my business!"

"But your opinion matters to me!"

"I'm okay with it, as long as you don't do anything stupid!"

"I won't!"

"Then let's go back to the castle again. You have to wash your face!"

They got up from the ground and Snape put an arm on Draco's back as they returned to the castle in a comforting silence...


Beta-read by Mary


AN/ I don't need a beta anymore - just for those who read the note earlier... Story is progressing! I have the ending in my head - just need to write everything down! Cya l'Ciel^^


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Von: abgemeldet
2003-09-20T06:59:22+00:00 20.09.2003 08:59

Die Story ist wirklich gut. Das Englisch meiner meinung nach auch, aber ich kann mich irren. ^^"

