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Masterball (en)

„That’s so cool!“

„You said that before.“

Naruto ignored the old man trapped in a young body that was his best friend. His eyes were fixed on the ball between his fingers. He raised his arm so the colors would shine in the light of the sunset. The deep purple was contrasted by the bright pink bulbs on the top. The 'M' in the middle was white as snow, just like the lower part of the Pokéball. The Masterball the chairman of the Radio Tower had given him.

“So cool,” he repeated under his breath.

“You were pretty cool down there, too.”

Naruto looked over to Sasuke, a slight red warming his cheeks. “Uh… I know. Hehehe.”

A bright smile lit his face, despite Sasuke rolling his eyes now. In fact, his blush wasn’t’ only the result of the unexpected compliment. Seeing Sasuke on that bench beside him, his face shimmering slightly golden in the early autumn sun, tingled inside him. After everything that had happened today, he felt calm next to the person he was closest to.

“Look,” said Sasuke and snapped Naruto out of his daze.

The blonde blinked a few times before following the pointed finger. And there they were. A couple of Sunflora, dancing in the last sun of the day.

“I didn’t know they live in the National Park,” he said, still watching their floating movements.


There was a moment of silence between the two young men. They were almost alone in the national park. A few old people or couples passed by, but nobody came close enough to disturb them. Only the noise of the wind in the trees around them and the quiet singing of the Sunflora filled the minutes.

“You know what? Imma catch one of them!,” Naruto exclaimed after a while, getting up of the bench. “After all, they look like my favorite flowers.”

“Who actually has something like that,” Sasuke rolled his eyes.

Naruto ignored him to approach the Pokémon. “Let’s do this, Kurama!,” he beamed at his partner. Ninetales had slept beside him and reluctantly opened one eye. He yawned, got up and stretched unnecessarily long. Then he followed the still exited Naruto to their newest quest.

“You’ll kill it”, warned Sasuke, who stayed behind to watch.

Naruto sticked out his tongue, though he was kind of happy about the momentary distraction his friend provided. It was ridiculous after he and Sasuke had freed everyone in the Radio Tower today. But his heart sped up as he stepped into the tall grass. After all, he would probably add a new member to his family any moment now.

And Sasuke was watching.

The Sunflora still enjoyed their bath in the sun. One especially big Pokémon immediately caught Narutos eye. That was his new team member, he could feel it. Confidently he placed one foot before the other – and felt something hard blocking his part. He screamed loudly as he fell. He landed hard on the ground and for a moment he saw stars flying above his head.

Something wet and warm poked against his forehead and he laughed. “Uwah, cut it out, Kurama!,” he giggled. He closed his arms around his friends soft, warm neck and hugged him tight. Ninetales growled und backs off, allowing Naruto to sit up. “Ok, ok, I get it, you grumpy old fox.”

He rubbed his head as he looked around. They were in the middle of the field, surrounded by the chirps of bug Pokémon and the smell of warm grass. He could see the Sunflora waddle away into the next bush beside the field.

“Ah, dang it,” he murmured.

“You alright?”

Naruto almost didn’t dare to look at Sasuke who was standing beside the field. He could see his stupid smirk on his stupid pretty face all too clearly in his mind.

“Yeah, I just fell over a stone or something.”


“I’m not!,” he yelled, finally looking at his friend.

There he was, stupid smirk and all – and yet he looked so different. Calm in the fading daylight. Naruto wasn’t sure he had seen him like that before. He coughed, his hands wandering around to find something to hold onto – and they found something.

“What…,” he said, lifting up the tiny, yellow and brown body. A small seed came out of the upper end. Kurama brought his snout closer to sniff it. That caused the creature to flinch and reluctantly open its eyes.

“Hi there,” Naruto greeted it with a beaming smile. “You’re a Sunkern, right? You’re pretty cute, hehe.”

“What are you doing,” demanded Sasuke who had fought his way through the grass more graciously than Naruto had.

“Catching a Pokémon, as I said,” explained Naruto, scratching the rest of his honor together. Sunkern seemed quite content sitting in his hand, so he didn’t have a bad feeling about reaching for a Pokéball.


“Stop complaining. He’ll be happy with us. He doesn’t need to be super strong,” he lectured his friend who would never catch a Pokémon he thought was weak.

“I’m not talking about your ‘everyone deserves a chance’-obsession. You’re… Now you’ve done it,” Sasuke rolled his eyes.

To prove how serious he was, Naruto had touched the Sunkern with his Pokéball. Only now he looked down at it – and the contentment melted of his face when he saw the purple top of the ball he had used. The Masterball that painfully slowly blinked three times before a slight ‘Pling’ made clear that the Pokémon inside was now officially Naruto’s.

“NOOOOO!,”, he yelled in frustration, followed by a flood of pretty creative curses.

“You’re an idiot,” Sasuke concluded. When he saw Naruto pout he sighed. “Let it out and say hello.”

“Oh… You’re right!”

Naruto pushed the button and released his Sunkern. When he saw the little one looking up at him, he wasn’t as angry with himself as before. It really was pretty cute, after all. The men released their teams to greet the new member. At first, it seemed a bit overwhelmed but he adapted quickly. Soon, he played with Naruto’s Togetic and Sasuke’s Cubone. Lunatone and Solrock calmly floated beside the little group. Slowly, the night settled in and the lamps beside the roads lit up. They decided to head home. It had been quite a long day for everyone.

Naruto picked up his new friend that yawned and snuggled into his arms. A fond smile warmed his face as he watched Sunkern fall asleep. “I’ll call him Sunny,” he told Sasuke who huffed agreeing. All the frustration from before was long but forgotten.


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