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Einzelposting: Symphonic Fantasies

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_223112/-1/12545599493400/

Von:    Shiyoism 03.10.2009 10:53
Betreff: Symphonic Fantasies [Antworten]
“We will continue!”, Winfried Fechner, manager of the WDR Radio Orchestra, announces. ”We were overwhelmed with letters and e-mails. The excitement of the fans is phenomenal. The positive feedback is beyond our wildest expectations!”

“Now I am extremely glad to say: Yes, we will continue to produce video game music concerts. The next one will take place exactly one year from today, on September 24, 2010 at the beautiful Philharmonic Hall in Cologne. The WDR Radio Orchestra and I are already much looking forward to it!”, he adds.

Details including information about ticket sales will be published within the next months at VGMConcerts.com.


Juhuuuu Nächstes Jahr gehts weiter *freu*

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