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Disclaimer: Not mine.


Senseless 12


/You're what?!/

Dark stroked over Krad's back and immediately the demon snuggled closer to him. //I'm the man who betrayed him.//

/Does he know?/

//Yes, he knows.// The thief looked for one more time at the still sleeping demon in his arms and a sad smile crossed his face. //He knows what I've done and that's the reason he hates me so much.//

/But I thought he loves you?/

//You really have a gift to ask people the most unpleasant questions.// Dark sighed and played thoughtfully with a loose strand of Krad's hair. //I've been a thief all my life and I have done many things I'm not proud of but betraying Krad was the most despicable thing I've ever done in my whole life. You know, the moment he saw me it was love on first sight.//

/And you loved him back?/ Daisuke asked quietly, completely captured by the thought of hearing something about Dark's past.

//I thought I loved him but my love wasn't strong enough. For some time we were happy together but when it came to the crunch I behaved like the coward I always had been. I sacrificed Krad and our love to save my life. Krad never asked where I came from. He trusted me and all I did was to throw his love back in his face. I broke his heart, Daisuke and one day I'll get my punishment for this betrayal.//



"I've heard you're the best thief in this town."

"Maybe." Dark watched his visitor through half closed eyes and disliked him immediately. The man was middle-aged, his hair almost grey and his clothes...Dark shook his head. He never had seen such tasteless clothes before. The man clearly had no taste but obviously he didn't know it.

"I've heard you're doing everything when someone makes you a good offer."

"It depends on what you want from me."

"Do you know me? Of course. Everyone knows me." Hikari sat down on the chair behind his desk and placed his arms on the tabletop.

It was late in the night when the older man had invited the thief into his house. Dark followed his invitation curiously. This meeting might turn out to be his chance to become rich by himself.

"You're here because I need your help."

"I figured that much." Dark murmured in a low voice. He disliked the man more and more with every passing second but he was too rich and too powerful and there was no need to anger him unnecessarily. The old Hikari could make his life a living hell if he turned him down.

"They say you're not only a simple thief. They say you're well up in rather dark and forbidden arts." Hikari leaned in and tried to capture the thief's eyes. "When I want to tie someone to me...forever...are there possibilities..?"

"There are many ways to bind someone." Dark told the man and made his way to the window. He watched the stars for several moments and when he turned around his eyes widened in shock.

On the threshold stood a young man, his blond hair long and a little bit tousled and... All Dark could think of was how beautiful this unexpected visitor was.

Apparently the young man was as surprised as Dark to see him there and his eyes flickered insecurely from Dark to Hikari.

"What you're doing here, Krad? Haven't I told you to stay in your room?" The older man stated in such a cold voice that Dark felt a shiver run down his spine.

"I'm sorry, father. I only wanted to tell you that I've finished the painting."

"Fine. Call one of your brothers and give it to him. I'm busy."

The young man looked once again to the thief and now Dark could see something he hadn't expected to find. Obviously the young man was interested in him. Dark smiled inwardly and watched the boy's father. He never thought someone that ugly could have such a beautiful son.

"I said I'm busy, Krad. When you're not leaving us alone within the next two seconds I'll make sure you're not able to leave your room for the next month." Hikari hissed viciously and gritted his teeth. His face slowly took on the colour of a tomato.

"I'm sorry." Krad repeated and backed away slowly. Again his eyes searched for Dark's and this time the thief answered his gaze openly and behind the back of Hikari senior he blew him a kiss.

A furious blush crept up Krad's pale cheeks and then he turned as quickly as possible and fled.

"Your son's very nice." Dark stated and did his best to keep his voice indifferent. It seemed to work because his host continued on his speech as if nothing had happened.

"He's a very gifted painter." Hikari turned around and fixed his cold gaze on Dark's face. "He's the one I want to tie to me. I need his skills to keep my family rich and wealthy."

Dark swallowed hard. His mind was reeling. Hikari wanted to do this to his own son? Only because he feared to lose his money?

It seemed the older man had read his thoughts because he suddenly said, as if it would explain everything: "Krad's not my natural son."

Dark kept his mouth shut and waited for the man to continue.

"I want to be sure that there's no escape for him. He should never be able to live without me again. And when I die the binding have to be transferred automatically on my firstborn son and so on. I don't want him to him to be free again. Ever."

Dark shrugged and made his way to the window. "I don't know if there's a binding spell like that but I'll do some research. We'll meet again when I found what you're looking for."

~End Flashback~


//The next day I waited until Hikari and his two elder sons left the house. Then I broke in and...// Dark laughed silently as the memories of long forgotten days came back to his mind. //Krad was at home. He looked so...cute...and in his eyes I saw this hunger for love and this desperate need for a little kindness... I couldn't resist him. I did my best to seduce him and it didn't take long until he gave in. He was so inexperienced. No-one loved him before and I wasn't surprised when he told me he loved me. Our affair went on for several weeks but nothing lasts forever. One day Hikari found out about us. He arrested me and told me to fulfil his wish in binding Krad to his family or he would kill him this very instant. I'm no hero, Daisuke. I didn't wanted Krad to die and I thought the ritual would only bind Krad's life to the Hikaris. I was so wrong...//

A single tear rolled down the thief's face and in his mind was so much grief and sorrow, Daisuke decided to say nothing and let Dark finish his story.



"Do it. I'm sure you know you the right words to tie us together." Hikari held a knife in his hand and pressed the blade against the soft flesh of Krad's throat. A thin trail of blood dripped out of the wound and ran down the young man's chest. "Do it or I'll kill him."

His two elder sons stood behind him and watched the thief closely. Dark's gaze flickered over them but he knew he had no chance to fight them if should they decide to attack him. When he turned his eyes to Krad he felt his heart ache by the desperate look on his face.

"Please, Dark...don't do it...I rather die than..." Twisting the knife a little bit to the right and drawing even more blood, his father slowly worked the knife deeper into the skin, causing the bound young man in his arms struggle weakly against his grip.

"Stop it!" Dark lunged forward but stopped immediately when the other man sliced the knife deliberately over Krad's neck and collarbone leaving a thin white line which quickly filled with blood.

"When I cannot have him..." Hikari buried one of his hands in Krad's hair and dipped one of his finger into the blood. He watched it for several moments and then he licked the blood of his finger. "Do it now or I'll slit him from his pretty head to his toes and then I'm going to feed his guts to my dogs."

'I'm so sorry, Krad...I can't let you die...' Dark closed his eyes and spoke the words that changed his life completely. "I'm binding you to him, forever, until the end of time..."

"No!" Krad heard the words and although he didn't know them he sensed their meaning and they frightened him to death. "Don't! Don't do this to me!"

Icy cold light surrounded Krad, burning its way through skin and bones, making them break and shatter and Dark had to close his eyes for those terrible sounds and the screaming... Krad's tortured voice cut through the air and the thief covered his ears with his hands while his heart fell in pieces.

When it was over there only was Hikari laying on the floor. Dark couldn't stand it any longer and with a desperate cry he leapt out of the window and vanished in the night.

~End Flashback ~


Daisuke opened his mouth but decided to remain silent. He was completely at a loss for words.

//Now you know what I really am. A selfish and egoistic coward without a backbone. I couldn't let Krad die but instead I condemned him to live forever...//

"Dark...what you're doing...?" Krad woke up when he felt Dark's grip tightening around his waist. "Stop it! I can't breathe!"

"I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you!" Dark's mouth captured the lips of the surprised demon in a hungry kiss, leaving them panting and breathless. "Can you forgive me?"

"What you're talking about, you silly thief?" Krad wriggled himself out of Dark's arms and sat up. "What's gotten into your mind now, Dark?"

Dark placed a hand beneath Krad's chin and forced him to look up. He waited until Krad recognised the solemn look in his eyes then he caressed Krad's face with gentle movements. "When I said I cared for you I told you the truth. But you also know that I love Satoshi... no, don't turned your head away... Please change back into Satoshi. I have to tell him something important."

Krad's face showed nothing of his internal turmoil but in his eyes Dark could read how deeply hurt he was. Nonetheless he obeyed. Reluctantly he loosened the grip he had on Satoshi's mind and let the boy free.



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Von: abgemeldet
2005-10-11T15:46:43+00:00 11.10.2005 17:46
Also, jetzt wo ich so ne Ahnung hatte, dass doch Krad und Dark zusammenkommen oder aehnliches, wechselst du wieder von KRad zu Satoshi.
Normalerweise steh ich nicht so auf shonen ai aber in diesem FAll waer ich mehr fuer dark und krad,
aber ich glaube da werde ich wohl vergeblichst weiterlesen oder?

Egal, ich blieb trotzdem treu und lese weiter
